

2016-09-06 浙江发布 浙江发布


Shaoxing Opera

Shaoxing Opera is the most popular performance form in Hangzhou, with more than a 70-year history in the Shengzhou area. It has spread over a larger area now. The people of Hangzhou enjoy these plays, and the Yellow Dragon Cave and West Lake both see a large number of fans enjoying performances. On an autumn day after you’ve finished hiking, walking along the lakes and resting in the small pavilions, you can listen to Butterfly Lovers (Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai) or Tale of the Western Chamber, and your spirit will be carried through the twists and turns of the beautiful music and voices – this is one of the great enjoyments in life.


Hangzhou Opera

Hangzhou Opera is one of the forms of traditional opera popular among the Han people. It has enjoyed popularity in Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Huzhou and other similar areas. It has its origins in the local folk art form Xuanjuan, which was popular in Hangzhou, Shanghai and Ningbo, especially more so prior to the invasion of the Japanese. The plays Silver Bottle and Li Huiniang are quite popular, and Tian Han once commented on it as at the same level as northern Kunqu Opera.



Folk Arts Day

A mouth speaks countless stories as two arms greet myriad dancing soldiers. Three sticks of bamboo represent the arts of writing and fighting, and shadow puppets dance about. The art of Shadow Puppetry is one of the best examples of folk performance traditions. The performances in the Zhejiang area aren’t just a show of those with quick fingers, but also the intersection of craftsmanship and art. The Folk Arts Day is a longstanding artistic tradition, and connects us with simpler time.

民间绝技 “翻九楼”
Fanjiulou, a Unique Skill

There is a unique skill among the people of Xiaoshan in Hangzhou, called Fanjiulou (“climbing to the ninth floor”). Legend says that more than 2,000 years ago, Meng Jiang was holding a ceremony for her lost husband, which required performers to climb a tower that had been made of nine stacked square tables to perform all manner of stunts. Performances on this kind of 11-metre high platform were recognised as an intangible cultural heritage in 2008.

Rolling Lamps

The rolling lamps of Yuhang District are a national intangible cultural heritage, and have more than 800 years of history. They originated in Wengmei, on the north bank of the Qiantang River. In ancient times when the salt industry was strong, pirates frequently made incursions, so the local residents held athletic competitions with the rolling lamps as a demonstration of military skills. The impressive display caused pirates to not dare to attack them. People view lamps as a sign of prosperity and strength, as well as objects for entertainment, and decorations for the Lantern Festival and temple fairs. A full performance involves 9 sets and 27 actions to be displayed, combining technique and might into one for a performance that involves athletics, dance and juggling.


杭州萧山楼塔细十番是明朝宫廷御医楼英辞官返乡,和一批善音律乐器的文人雅士,以笛、管、箫、弦、提琴、云锣、汤锣、木鱼、 檀板、大鼓10种乐器共同演奏各种古典套曲产生的。凡逢年过节均免费为百姓演出,曲牌主要为歌颂大禹治水之功德。如果你去楼塔亲耳听一听,那么一定会有“余音绕梁,三日不绝”之感。 


Ten Pieces of Instruments at the Tower

Performances at the tower in Xiaoshan of Hangzhou date from the time a retiring royal doctor of the Ming Dynasty was back to his hometown. He organized a group of musicians and performed with ten instruments, namely three kinds of flutes, two stringed instruments, an array of small gongs, a large gong, a wooden fish, a hardwood clapper, and a large drum. They performed all manner of songs. In later years the tradition continued, with the musicians performing for free at holidays for the common people, usually songs extolling the merits of King Yu taming the flood. If you have the opportunity to go to the tower and listen for yourself, you’ll definitely not be disappointed.

乘公交到杭州桥西古运河边,走过拱宸桥,穿过一条老街,就到了中国扇博物馆。馆内复古味十足,展品丰富,古今中外,不论材质, 各式各样的扇子应有尽有。馆内还有介绍扇子的历史和文人画扇、题扇的故事,以及各种卖扇的小店。倘若你运气好的话,没准还能见着制作扇子的大师,顺便 DIY 一下。
China Fan Museum

If you take transit to the west side of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and walk to the Gongchen Bridge, you’re just one old street away from the China Fan Museum. The architecture gives the place an old feeling inside, where there are many exhibits of fans, both Chinese and foreign, old and modern, in all kinds of styles. There are all kinds of stories introducing historical fans and the things depicted upon them, and all kinds of small fan shops. If you’re lucky, you can meet the fanmaster, and try to make a fan yourself.


China Umbrella Museum

When you come to this heaven of umbrellas, you’ll feel as if you’ve stepped into another world. Fine craftsmanship, moving stories, and umbrellas painted like beautiful paintings are what are on display here. Walking with an umbrella under the virtual rain backdrop of the museum, a girl appears like the one in Dai Wangshu’s poem Rainy Lane. At a special interactive area, as a docent talks about the traditions and history of these umbrellas, young girls busy themselves with taking pictures on their phones, but parents and children listen intently to the explanation of the craft.



Silk Umbrellas of the West Lake

Hangzhou is famous for silk, and the umbrellas made of silk from Hangzhou are one of the local specialities. The frame of a silk umbrella is made from bamboo, with bamboo and silk both being representative of the Jiangnan area. A small silk umbrella is a decorative item that can be used for fun or collection, as well as used to block out the sun or take pictures. It’s best not to give these umbrellas as a gift, as the word for “umbrella” in Chinese sounds like “scatter” – presenting one of these umbrellas as a gift carries a message of parting.

Xiaofeng Bookstore

Hangzhou has branches of the Xiaofeng Bookstore distributed all over the city. The oldest one is the branch on Tiyuchang Road, which was founded more than 10 years ago. There aren’t just books here, but also coffee, sweets, and old sofas for one to enjoy. There is also a special section for children’s books which also has toys for their entertainment. It’s a great place for people of all ages to visit.

穿过北山路边的民国大宅,登上宝石山,迈过几百级台阶,一家名为“纯真年代”的书吧就跃然眼前。招牌是艺术家韩美林写的, 迎客对联是莫言送的。余华、张抗抗、陈忠实、阿来等著名作家和诗人都在这里留下过足迹。读书,品茶,文化交流,这家受到市政府资助的民营书店,现在已成为杭州的文化地标。
Book Bar

Passing through a Republican-era mansion on Beishan Road, you may climb Gem Mountain and after a few hundred steps you will arrive at a book bar called “Pure Era”. The sign was written by famous artist Han Meilin, and the pair of couplets to welcome customers was a gift from Mo Yan. Yu Hua, Zhang Kangkang, Chen Zhongshi, Ar-lai  and other famous authors and poets have all left their footprints here. Reading books, drinking tea, cultural exchange – this government-supported private bookstore is a major cultural landmark in Hangzhou now.



Cultural Wall

Along both the small lanes and wide streets of Hangzhou there are cultural walls, which are painted with beautiful stories about Hangzhou. There are bright scenes of the West Lake, stories that talk about the old poems and histories of Hangzhou, all kinds of depictions of the most beautiful sights in Hangzhou. These cultural walls have become a part of the culture of the city, and are an integral part of life here. Each wall speaks about a city, and each wall paints with sights of the city beautifies.




