万科时代中心·望京 VANKE TIMES, Wangjing ▼
两年前,当我们完成万科时代中心·望京的一期花园改造后,片区的居民对街区公共空间提升这件事,似乎有了初步的感知:楼下多了块小花园,生活的环境开始改善了。但也许那时的他们难以想象,这个生活了十几年的街区,作为一个整体,以崭新的姿态全面绽放,用艺术,时尚,科技的方式重新拥抱了社区和民众。2020年8月8日的晚间8点零8分,望京小街及万科时代中心·望京正式面向公众开启,这不光树立了北京望京片区城市更新的里程碑,更是一次政府主导,社会资本参与,多方共建的成功实践Wangjing Walk & VANKE TIMES at Wangjing is an urban renovation project that redefined a street block mainly consisting of two mix-use properties and a former vehicular driveway in Wangjing, a vivid contemporary district in the northeast corner of Beijing’s metropolitan area. The project was initiated by the district’s governmental entity and VANKE(private developer) , as they recognized the need to revitalize this densely-populated area comprised of a diverse demographic including both local and international residents.
2017-2020的三年间, 在业主(万科和望京街道)的引领下,我们作为景观设计方和设计协调方,共同见证了望京小街和万科时代中心(原望京国际商业中心)的蜕变历程:从一条杂乱无章无法轻松行走的市政道路,到可遛娃可漫步,交织着商业对话的炫酷步行街;从一个设施陈旧的废弃中庭空间,到磁场般满载着活力与交流的24小时不夜能量中心As the landscape design consultant and the coordinator leading multi-discipline collaboration, Instinct Fabrication has witnessed the process of this renovation through last 3 years with VANKE and the district government. The projects has eventually turned a chaotic vehicular street into a pedestrian-friendly shopping street, and turned a bleak office/retail property into a vibrant hyper-programmed plaza.
项目区位 Site Context ▼
望京小街街区空间分布 Public Realm in the Project ▼
整个望京小街和万科时代中心项目占地约5.3万平米,除去建筑体量,户外空间由三种类型组成,分别是一座花园(2018年已建成),一方中庭和一条步行街。三个空间提升在统一的定位和背景下进行,只是设计时间和条件略有不同,因此,中庭和步行街的公共空间设计将分开介绍,本文先从中庭暨万科时代中心·望京(望京坊)说起The overall project consists of a linear garden(Phase I, built in 2018) , an enclosed plaza and a pedestrian street. Although each of them shares same vision and overall strategy, their design processes are slightly different from each other. In this article, we'll walk you through the plaza - VANKE TIMES Wangjing.
万科时代中心·望京的前身是望京国际商业中心,与现在的方恒购物中心隔街相望,对于十来年前在周边生活和上学的人来说,这里承载了很多记忆:看电影,约会吃饭,逛街购物,去超市,油盐酱醋这些事都与场地有着紧密的联系。随着经济和社会的飞速发展,消费理念和模式已更新换代,而原有笼子状百货大楼般的商铺布局,把商家“困”在了楼里,空旷的方形中庭里,闲置的种植池和破旧结构设施,已无法满足人们进一步的休闲生活体验,场地期待着新的生机和活力。Originally developed in the early 2000s, the 5.3-hectares site has been highly used over the last two decades. Back then, for most residents and college students nearby, it was a go-to place for movie, dating, shopping, grocery etc. However, in recent years, its outdated infrastructure and amenities had been neglected and the vast inner plaza with mere hardscape was not appealing any more to pedestrians, shoppers and residents whose expectation and experience have been updated rapidly.
原望京国际商业中心和华堂商场 ▼
Original Mix-use Complex
原内庭空间 Original Inner Plaza ▼
The first time we visited the site, a sense of enclosure and being embraced by the buildings inspired us of a concept - "STAGE", where activities/programs take places. People become audience who could overlook the stage from the edge/buildings.
中庭固有的围合性造就“舞台”特质 ▼
The 360° Embracement Makes the Plaza a "STAGE"
这种边缘与中心的包围呼应关系,让我们深受启发,希望通过景观在场地中创造不同尺度和形式的舞台,激发各种视线和情感的交互,让望京的民众可以有一个全新的舞台,来诠释,演绎和观赏他们的生活。The design approach is to create multiple platforms like such stage in the plaza for people to exhange views, to contemplate, to perform/observe activities and to celebrate life.西侧“舞台”
STAGE at West Sunken Plaza ▼
STAGE at East Sunken Plaza ▼
STAGES under Tree Canopy ▼
AUDIENCE SEATING at West Sunken Plaza ▼
AUDIENCE SEATING at East Sunken Plaza ▼
Landscape design has cooperated with architectural geometry/edges to offer more dynamics for circulation and aesthetics. With a vibrant and modern design language, the pixel paving belt is weaving among entrances of the site and the buildings.
总平面图 Overall Plan ▼
A Place to Social & Chill“舞台”的概念基于人文活动和商业活力,在万科时代中心的中庭里发生化学反应,形成一个24小时能量中心,为人们带来多种新休闲生活体验The concept has developed into programs, circulations, scale and materiality to work with the physical environment to deliver brand new exprience in an outdoor public realm.
The plaza offers multiple seating options to its diverse users. It also provides a generous amount of shade from trees and the opportunity to interact with the textures of the ornamental grass and other groundcovers at a human scale.
水仿佛是一种生命的存在,同时也是一种最自然的内心情感交互媒介。在东西两侧的下沉庭院中,分别设有两组互动水元素-西侧的音乐喷泉和东侧的光影水幕,我们用独特的视角和方式来观察、诠释这种“生命情感”的内涵和本质In both sunken plazas, water feature are used to create the interaction for people to exchange their emotions, to release their energies and to experiece more about nature.
The west sunken plaza is featured in an interactive music dry fountain. It becomes an energetic stage where water goes up and down in rhythm with melodies in the background, while kids and family are having continuous fun of interacting with the water.
In the east sunken plaza, an outdoor amphitheater is created to offer an event place with a water screen between two pillars. The screen could receive a projection from behind for a movie purpose. It is also a play feature for kids and a display interface for commercials.
水幕(互动模式) Digital Water Curtain ▼
水幕(投影模式) Water Screen ▼
中心舞台的艺术呈现 ▼
Central Stage as a Showcase of Art
The flattened central stage is the most generous and flexible space for all activities - recreation, festival event and retail ceremony. It is not just a paved area but is also integrated with glass panels which provide skylight during the day and illuminates with various vivid colors during the night.
艺术装置-《差翅亚目之目》 艺术家:郑路 ▼
LED Art Installation by Zheng Lu
Done by the artist, an LED light installation on east side of the stage is a masterpiece that absorbs solar energy and illuminates like thousands of blinking eyes at night.
东侧过街连廊 The Arcade at East Entrance▼
The Arcade Before, Concept & After ▼
东侧的过街连廊是进入场地的主要通道,固有的洞穴感和杂乱的柱体空间削弱了进入中庭的友好感,设计先期提出了类似荷兰网红菜市场Markthal的艺术壁画的处理方式,后由艺术家创作的“疗愈森林“彩色墙绘,将消极空间转化为艺术打卡空间There is an arcade as east entrance to the plaza. The original arcade feels quite unfriendly with bold structural columns, unhuman scale and supressed darkness. It's a perfect place to have a museum-like space to paint some artwork on the wall and columns. Following the idea, the artist created a panorama of natural planting grove.墙绘艺术作品 -《疗愈森林》▼
艺术工作室:FAKE Studio 方二,孟瑾
Wall Painting by Fang Er, Meng Jin from FAKE Studio
Space for Retail
万科时代中心·望京的商业定位以时尚,轻奢,小资为基调,提供了多层次的商业消费体验,包括各种潮流餐饮,买手体验店,文创市集和公共展厅。相比于原先“困”在楼里的商业,新的业态布局则是“晾”在外面,室内外无缝衔接,同时景观考虑减少永久性设施,为未来的商业经营留白,预留灵活性VANKE TIMES at Wangjing has established multi-level retail experience, which offers various F&B along with other creative workshops, weekend market and an exhibition gallery. Working with retail spill out, Landscape stays very sutble and minimal to reserve as much space as possible for retails.
考虑到商业的竖向拉通和上下连动,中心舞台广场考虑通过透光玻璃,在其下方进一步增加采光面积,形成一层和负一层几乎同样的光感和舒适度,同时一个围绕着植物主题的活动舞台与相邻的展厅之间形成了联动,为商业和运营提供延伸的展示界面To provide better retail experience at the lower level, two glass panels are created on ground level to allow more skylight. It feels almost same as ground level in a way it activates the retail connection between 2 levels.
空间的灵活转化 -周末市集
Flexible Space - Weekend Market ▼
在中庭四周的建筑边界,设计留出5-8米的开敞空间,为商户的经营提供弹性,尤其是留出充足的餐饮外摆空间和宽敞的行走界面。Two sunken edges inspire us to revisit how to use the space along them. A loop of walkway and stadium seats along the sunken edge are designed to offer an overview to activities below.在下沉庭院的边界,下凹两步坐阶的处理,为观看下方活动提供了独特的视野和界面,结合种植池,木平台,以及艺术茶几等元素,形成相对独立和安静的微空间
The sunken walkway and wooden stadium seating wrap along the sunken edge and the space becomes a nook embraced by several planters which isolate the space from crowds behind.
Although the project successfully reconciled several issues, perhaps the most successful outcome is its ability to inspire users to engage with the urban landscape. The plaza(VANKE TIMES) is a premier example of how forgotten urban landscapes neglected by rapidly growing metropolises can be redesigned into spaces for people with opportunities to connect and interact with the environment and each other.
VANKE TIMES at Wangjing has played key roles for this whole redevelopment of the street block, which makes it possible to activate the pedestrian street between two mix-use projects and to make the whole block as an inviting urban destination.
We'll move on to Wangjing Walk in our next article, please stay tuned.
景观设计与设计协调 Instinct Fabrication 本色营造设计团队 楼颖 李静怡 毛征 吴宪 武军 孙丽娜 刘玉凤 苏子珺 刘升阳Project Name | VANKE TIMES, Wangjing
Client | Wangjing Street Sub-District Office, VANKE
Landscape Design & Coordination | Instinct Fabrication
Project Timeline | Jun 2017 - Aug 2020
Workscope | All Stages
Landscape Contractor | Tangshan Dongfang Haomen Landscape Construction Co. Ltd.
Architecture Design | UV Architecture
Lighting Consultant | BPI
Photo | Holi Landscape Photography
Artwork | Annotated in the article
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