I hiked up slowly and every a few steps I could see the Chinese Fringe Flower. It was white and I thought it more beautiful than the pink one. Its tender leave was cute and I also took photo of its fruit,which looked like a big mouth of a hippo.
In the forest shade ,there were also many kinds of strong ferns. I saw one of them last winter in the south part of Jiangxi province, whose name was chain fern. The bud newly sprout was hairy and lovely.
The flower and leave of Mujiangzi(Litsea pungens) sprout at the same time. Mujiangzi was a typical southern plant and I might see it before but did not remember it. This time I had a concept of its flower shape.
There were many Forked fern in south,so I just took a photo for recording. Horned Holly had little flower buds now and I saw some in bloom afterwards.
It was promised not to going through shrubs,however we went somehow.There was a little stream beside me and I could do nothing but walk slowly. The deciduous tree beside the stream attracted me. It was 1.7m in height. The flower and leave was born from the same bud. It had unique leave:oval, 3cm in diameter, three-veined,thread-like leave tip. The fresh fruit was a mixture of yellow and green and the shape was cylinder,1.5cm in height.The tender stem was rectangle. Beside this tree there was Shanjijiao newly in bloom,which was also in yellow green.
在长沙,300米的山就算是高山了。当然 在北京可能下车爬山的起点就是300米。很快我们就爬上了第一个山头。这里注意到一种蔷薇属的植物。蔷薇属的种类有很多且很相似,本来不抱期望能查到种,不过刚才很轻易地查到是金樱子,因为它革质的三出复叶实在是很有特点。金樱子这个名字是很耳熟的,不过往往只有亲眼见到这种植物才能记住。
In Changsha,three hundred meters could be high. Of course, in Beijing, it could be three hundred metres when got off the bus. Soon we were on the first peak. There was a kind of rose here I noticed.Since rose plants were numerous and similar, I felt hopeless to find its name. However its thick trifoliolate leave was so special that I found it easily.It was called Jinyingzi, English name Cherokee Rose,which was a familiar name but one could remember it only by seeing it.
Afterwards I ran into two kinds of ferns. Since I have no idea what they were , I won't put photos. A few Yingshanhong were in bloom. I prefer the Yinghongdujuan in the north because I was not interested in the too red flower. However since I loved plants I would treat the plants fairly when shooting photo. Though it may not be my favorite, I would also take good photo of them. I also saw a kind of oak tree in bloom and its growing leave and there was no fruit so I could not recognize.
A plant warm a man.