
独家 | Leo爷解读:怎样应对美高申请过程中的重要环节:面试

2016-11-25 美国高中留学指南


美国加州韦伯中学Webb Schools 前招生主任Leo Marshall先生,从事美国中学教育工作40年,担任SSATB招生领导委员会主席,专事寄宿和走读学校的招生官之训导,主持制定招生政策与规则,为招生官导师。Leo服务Webb Schools 15年,招生万许,针对“美高申请过程中的重要环节:面试”这一学生和家长最为关心的热点话题,特发文樱知叶总结几点揭开招生官之心证由来。


撰文:Leo Marshall
翻译:Nancy Li










面试中穿着要整洁,这应该是一个常识,但我却看到很多申请者在面试等待室里面穿着不得体,在介绍自己时从不站起来或者两者兼而有之。不过在中国的申请者当中出现上述两种情况的还是比较少见, 不过无论如何,这也是一条值得考虑的建议。我们通常会说第一印象非常重要,这些面试官,他们是成人,教育家,职业人士,他们会在见申请者的第一时间就在仔细认真地观察评估学生,如果一个申请者穿着得体,主动站起来向校方介绍自己一定会给校方留下深刻印象。





  • 你为什么对我学校感兴趣?

  • 你为什么选择去美国的寄宿中学?

  • 介绍一下你自己?

  • 你最喜欢的兴趣爱好是什么、或者你课外最喜欢的活动是什么?

  • 你最喜欢的科目是什么?


Leo Marshall



The prime months for admission interviews, November through January, are now here which provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about this increasingly important part of the application process.

Interest among Chinese parents in having their child attend a high school ln the U.S continues to grow.  Today, thirty-five percent of all students in U.S. high schools are from China and applications for admission continue to grow. With so many Chinese applicants applying to, in particular, those schools they perceive to be the top schools in America, the competition for what are becoming fewer spaces has become challenging.  Admission test scores, e.g. SSAT and TOEFL have increased to the point that they are becoming less an important factor as it has become difficult to distinguish one student from another.

In this environment, the interview is now becoming of increased importance.  It is the one opportunity where a candidate can tell his or her story and show a personality that might impress a school admission officer.   Test scores and good grades are important, of course, but boarding and day schools want to admit students who will be happy, engaged participants in a school community.  Boarding schools want to be sure a student is ready to live away from home across an ocean, a student who can be independent and can live harmoniously with other students from different countries and experiences.

Can a student be tutored or prepare for an interview? Not really.  There is no substitution for an applicant simply being who they are.  Every school is different and is looking for different qualities in an applicant; thus, there is no one path to a successful interview but there are common sense suggestions that could give an applicant somewhat of an advantage:

1.Schedule interviews well ahead of time, preferably before the U.S. winter holiday.

The prime time to interview either on campus or when an admission officer visits China is between October and December.  Too many parents wait until January when the typical boarding or day school are overwhelmed with admission interview requests.  While schools will do their best to accommodate such requests, the average interviewer is seeing up to six or seven candidates in a day.  They only have a brief amount of time for each candidate making it difficult for the student to make a strong impression on the admission officer.

2.Research each school carefully before attending an interview.

Every school wants to think the candidate is seriously interested in that school and certainly don't want to feel like it is down a candidate's list of preferred schools.  The admission officer will want to know what a candidate knows about his/her school and why is the candidate applying to this particular school.   If there is any evidence a candidate does not really know the school, it is highly likely that candidate will not be offered admission.

3.Dress Neatly; Introduce yourself to the interviewer.

It seems common sense but I have met candidates in our waiting room that were poorly dressed; never stand up and introduce themselves; or both.  It is pretty rare among Chinese candidates but, nevertheless, it is a very important piece of advice to consider. We say in the U.S.  "First impressions are everything."  These interviewers are adults, educators, professionals.  They will be carefully assessing a candidate the moment they first meet them.  A candidate who is well-dressed; stands up and introduces him or herself will make a very strong impression.

4.During the tour of the school show real interest in what you are seeing.

Every campus tour is likely to be included in the interview process. Selected student tour guides will take a family on a planned tour of the school and these tour guides are typically quite enthusiastic about their school and they would like to see that in a candidate.   Often parents will take over the tour conversation while the candidate follows behind with little to say.  It is important the tour guides hear questions from the candidate.  Yes, parents should, of course, ask question but the tour guides want to get to know the candidate.  At many schools, the tour guides will write an evaluation of the candidate they are touring and that information is read by the admission officer.

5.Be prepared for a series of standard questions in the formal interview and use your answers to let the interviewer know more about your personality.

Often interviewers at every school will typically ask the same type of questions, for example:

"Why are you interested in our school?

"Why do you want to go to a boarding school in the U.S?

"Tell us about yourself?

"What is your favorite hobby or activity outside school?

"What is your favorite subject?

They are, of course, many more standard questions but every one of them gives the candidate an opportunity expand on their answer.    For example, when asked about a favorite activity or hobby, don't answer in one or two words but, instead, go into some detail about the nature of that activity and how much time you put into it.

All of any these interviews are designed for one purpose:  To get to know more about a candidate outside his or her application.  Interviews can be the key to a student who is competing with equally talented students to show him/herself to be a bit different and that is often the key to success.

Leo Marshall

Senior Executive Advisor - Kentrexs











