

2017-07-20 全球企业动态





2017 Vault Consulting 50

排名 公司 得分 

1.贝恩咨询公司(Bain & Company) 9.219

2.波士顿咨询公司(The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.) 9.171 

3.麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey & Company) 9.157 

4.德勤管理咨询公司(Deloitte Consulting LLP) 8.226 

5.奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman) 7.706

5.普华永道Advisory Services(PricewaterhouseCoopers Advisory Services LLC) 7.706 

7.科尔尼管理咨询公司(A.T. Kearney) 7.700 

8.艾意凯咨询公司(L.E.K. Consulting) 7.624

9.布利吉斯潘(The Bridgespan Group) 7.553 

10.The Brattle Group 7.507 

11.Putnam Associates 7.487

12.普华永道思略特(Strategy&, part of the PwC network) 7.380 

13.毕马威(AdvisoryKPMG LLP,Advisory) 7.333 

14.埃森哲(Accenture) 7.327 

15.ClearView Healthcare Partners 7.276 

16.剑桥集团(The Cambridge Group) 7.244

17.Insight Sourcing Group 7.236 

18.罗兰贝格管理咨询公司(Roland Berger) 7.194

19.奥迈企业顾问公司(Alvarez & Marsal) 7.174 

20.鹰山咨询(Eagle Hill Consulting) 7.148 

21.帕特侬安永(Parthenon-EY) 7.144

22.Cornerstone Research 7.118 

23.甫瀚咨询(Protiviti Inc.) 7.049 

24.Analysis Group, Inc. 7.029

25.嘉思明咨询公司(Kurt Salmon) 6.984

26.马拉康(Marakon) 6.954

27.ZS咨询(ZS Associates) 6.944 

28.Smartronix, Inc. 6.924 

29.Health Advances, LLC 6.913 

30.Simon-Kucher & Partners 6.874

31.CapTech 6.873

32.ScottMadden Management Consultants  6.870 

33.Trinity Partners, LLC 6.862 

34.理特管理顾问(Arthur D. Little) 6.855 

35.Censeo Consulting Group 6.811 

36.Edgeworth Economics 6.810 

36.The Chartis Group 6.810 

38.Bates White Economic Consulting 6.800 

39.Innosight 6.771 

40.查尔斯·里弗顾问公司(Charles River Associates) 6.749

41.休伦咨询(Huron Consulting Group) 6.706 

42.Novantas, Inc. 6.680 

43.Jabian Consulting 6.677 

44.Everest Group 6.626

45.DayBlink Consulting 6.622 

46.Evidera 6.613

47.FTI Consulting, Inc. 6.605 

48.Keystone Strategy 6.584 

49.Ricardo Strategic Consulting 6.572 

50.Kaiser Associates 6.509 


Vault Consulting 25 Europe

排名 公司 得分 

1.波士顿咨询欧洲(McKinsey & Company Europe) 8.968 

2.贝恩咨询欧洲(Bain & Company Europe) 8.761 

3.奥纬咨询欧洲(Oliver Wyman Europe) 7.990 

4.罗兰贝格管理咨询欧洲(Roland Berger Europe) 7.587 

5.科尔尼管理咨询欧洲(A.T. Kearney Europe) 7.559 

6.欧晰析企业管理咨询欧洲(OC&C Strategy Consultants Europe) 7.209 

7.艾意凯咨询欧洲(L.E.K. Consulting Europe) 7.142

8.思略特欧洲(Strategy&, part of the PwC network, Europe) 7.120 

9.Simon-Kucher & Partners Europe 6.920

10.QVARTZ 6.853

11.理特管理顾问欧洲(Arthur D. Little Europe) 6.799 

12.Frontier Economics Ltd. 6.795

13.The Brattle Group Europe 6.735 

14.马拉康欧洲(Marakon Europe) 6.644 

15.Candesic 6.566

16.奥迈企业顾问欧洲(Alvarez & Marsal Europe) 6.540

17.NERA Economic Consulting Europe 6.402 

18.甫瀚咨询欧洲(Protiviti Europe) 6.281 

19.Evidera Europe 6.185

20.Corporate Value Associates 6.184

21.Sia Partners 6.172 

22.CIL Management Consultants 6.159 

23.Alira Health 6.144 

24.Value Partners Management Consulting 6.066

25.ZS咨询欧洲(ZS Associates Europe) 5.830 


Vault Top Consulting Asia-Pacific

排名 公司 得分 

1.麦肯锡咨询亚太(McKinsey & Company Asia-Pacific) 8.919 

2.贝恩咨询亚洲(Bain & Company Asia) 8.896 

3.思略特亚太(Strategy&, part of the PwC network, Asia-Pacific) 7.458 

4.科尔尼管理咨询亚太(A.T. Kearney Asia-Pacific) 7.357

5.奥纬咨询亚太(Oliver Wyman Asia-Pacific) 7.352 

6.欧晰析企业管理咨询亚洲(OC&C Strategy Consultants Asia) 7.295 

7.罗兰贝格管理咨询亚洲(Roland Berger Asia) 6.956 

8.艾意凯咨询亚洲(L.E.K. Consulting Asia) 6.926 

9.理特管理顾问亚洲(Arthur D. Little Asia) 6.317 

10.Corporate Value Associates Asia-Pacific 6.297


