
Beijing in my Eyes, 2022外国友人摄影大赛等你来!

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号外!号外!“我与北京 iBeijing”2022外国友人眼中的北京摄影大赛已启动,现面向广大外籍朋友发出邀请!希望大家踊跃投稿,加入这场盛大的派对!

Attention please! 2022 “Beijing in my Eyes” Photo Contest has kicked off, and we are now looking for entries from international friends! Let’s get snapping!


For more specifics, please refer to the above posters for this contest.



“外国友人眼中的北京”摄影文化活动启动于2009年,已成功举办12届,是市委宣传部、市政府新闻办举办的“爱北京• 照北京”群众摄影文化活动的重要组成部分,也是市对外友协专门为外国友人走进北京、感受北京、融入北京而量身打造的“我与北京 iBeijing”品牌活动之一。

“Beijing in my Eyes” Photo Contest started in 2009. Having been successfully held for 12 sessions, it plays an important part in “Love Beijing, Focus on Beijing” Public Photography Cultural Activity organized by the Beijing Municipality. It is also one of the signature events of “我与北京 iBeijing” designed by the Beijing People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries for better engagement between international friends and the Chinese capital.


In the past 13 years, the contest has received 30,000 plus photos from international friends, including diplomatic envoys, foreign employees and students working or studying in Beijing, their nationalities covering nearly 80 countries. The entries have displayed the changes and development of Beijing through the lenses of international friends.

2022年摄影活动征稿主题是“新时代 新北京”。“新北京是什么样子的?”这是一道多选题。城市的繁荣、文化的崛起、“双奥之城”的魅力、教育的兴盛、生态环境的日益改善、乡村振兴的累累硕果、人民生活的安定幸福等等都是答案。我们盼望着,在光影艺术构建的影像世界里,在外国友人独有视角的镜头下,有更丰富、更多元的精彩呈现。

The theme of the 2022 event is “New Era, New Beijing”. What features the “New Beijing”? There might be more than one answer: its urban prosperity, rural revitalization, thriving culture and education, its two-time Olympic City status, bettered ecology and people’s welfare, etc. All these miracles can be captured in the world of photography. Don't hesitate to submit your entries and show us a more vivid and diverse Chinese capital. 


/Prize-winning Works in 2021/

一等奖 《三里屯》 鲁道夫(德国)

First prize “Sanlitun” by Tobias Meier (Germany)

二等奖 《工作日结束》 伊戈尔·叶戈罗夫(俄罗斯)

Second prize “End of the working day” by Igor Egorov (Russia)

二等奖 《首钢公园里的自动驾驶汽车》 李白(英国)

Second prize “Self-driving Cars at Shougang” by Steven Ribet (The UK)

三等奖 《钢铁染绿意,喜迎2022北京冬奥会》 阿查亚(尼泊尔)

Third prize “Steel to green, welcoming Beijing Winter Olympics 2022” by Ajaya Shrestha (Nepal)

三等奖 《现代摄影》 阳光(孟加拉国)

Third prize “Modern-day Photography” by Mahedi Hassan Sunny (Bangladesh)

三等奖 《反射》 苏善书(法国)

Third prize “Reflection” by Pierre Alivon (France)


“我与北京” 2021外国友人摄影大赛获奖作品金榜揭晓——2021首都民间友好交流与合作云对话之十八

作者:刘   萌


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