

SNNnews 2020-09-09

The following article is from SVCAF Author SVCA Committee

编者按:最近SVCA基金会关注加州ACA5现在的Prop16也就是16号提案修宪,得到很多志同道合的朋友的支持。转载一封我们收到的感谢信,是出生在美国的 ABC写给我们的。他也捐给我们 2000美元,用于反对 ACA5的宣传。信中有从二代的角度,体验到目前加州宪法的平等保护,还有作者对修宪的深刻理解。强烈推荐仔细读读。

Thank you for fighting on behalf of racial equality!


Just heard about the news on ACA5 and Prop 209. I have sent a donation by Paypal, and another one by check ($2092.09 from "XZY Charitable Fund" to SVCAF at the Fremont address.) I hope it comes in useful for you in media fights and for public awareness. (Please keep my donation anonymous, by the way).

刚刚听说了有关ACA5和Prop 209的新闻。我已经向弗里蒙特地址的SVCAF发送了Paypal捐款和另外一个支票捐款(来自“ XZY Charitable Fund”的捐款2092.09美元。),我希望这能够对你们在提高公众觉悟的媒体斗争中能有用。 (顺便说一句,请匿名保存我的捐款)。

I am ABC, born and raised in the USA, I believe in equal rights for Americans of all races, colors, backgrounds, and identities, and support the fight against racial discrimination. I saw the article in LAIst by Josie Huang[1] and I find that the media overwhelmingly tries to frame people fighting for racial equality and Prop 209 as a small minority of "Asian/Chinese parents" who are out of touch and misguided. Yet there are tons of Americans of all sorts of backgrounds who are mobilized in this fight.

我是ABC(美国出生的华裔),在美国出生和成长,我相信所有种族,肤色,背景和身份的美国人都享有平等的权利,并支持与种族歧视作斗争。我在Josie Huang的LAIst中看到了这篇文章[1],我发现媒体压倒性地试图把为争取种族平等和第209号提案而奋斗的人们定义为只是极少数被误导的的“亚洲/中国父母”,然而真实的情况是:我们仍有许多背景各异的美国人在参与这场斗争。

For someone of my background who applied to college in 2009, having Proposition 209 in California brought me reassurance that I would be treated fairly when I applied to UC Berkeley and UCLA. I hope to keep this preserved for the next generation of college applicants in the 2020s. I find that in my generation (born in 1990s), we are often not educated about what Prop 209 is, or many of my classmates do not have accurate information on what affirmative action means.


I think drawing attention to the original creator of the California Civil Rights Initiative, its original champion Ward Connerly, and to the real meaning of prop 209, is a great idea. I like your PowerPoint and the change.org [2] petition where you explained this. I find that one thing is people often get confused by the wording, since there are so many negatives and double-negatives in the legal language. It's always a stronger argument to rally people for a powerful cause. I find a framing like this may be helpful:

我想请大家关注加利福尼亚民权倡议的原始创建者,其最早的著作者-沃德·康纳利(点这里关注这位老爷子),以及209号提案的真正含义。这才是一个好主意。我喜欢你们的PowerPoint和change.org [2]的请愿书,你们对此做了解释。我发现一件事是,人们经常会因措辞而感到困惑,因为法律语言中有很多否定和双重否定词。对于团结人们争取更强大的力量总是有些争论,我发现这样的构架可能会有所帮助:

Preserve the California Civil Rights Initiative! Support racial equality in education and hiring - oppose ACA5


What is Proposition 209? Proposition 209 is the California Civil Rights Initiative, a 1996 law that disallows discrimination based on race in public college admissions, government contracting, and other areas of California public life. It was championed by Ward Connerly, African-American former regent of University of California. What is ACA5? An attempt to repeal the California Civil Rights Initiative!

209号提案是什么?209号提案是《加州民权倡议》,这是1996年的一项法律,禁止基于公立大学录取,政府合同以及加州其他公共生活领域的种族歧视。它由加州大学非洲裔美国人前董事沃德·康纳利(Ward Connerly)发起和拥护的。什么是ACA5?试图废除加州民权倡议!

Who supports racial neutrality in admissions? In the Pew Research poll [3], 62% of black voters, 65% of Hispanic voters, 58% of Asian voters, and 78% of white voters think race or ethnicity should not be used in college admissions!

谁支持大学录取中的不考虑种族因素?在Pew Research调查中[3],62%的黑人选民,65%的西班牙裔选民,58%的亚洲选民和78%的白人选民认为种族或民族不应该用于大学招生!

I know I am preaching to the choir when I send these messages, but I also hope that it will help improve the messaging and education on Proposition 209 and ACA5, especially in English-language media. Many of my native-English speaking friends have a hard time still understanding what prop 209 is for, against, affirmative action is for, what it means for fairness, etc. And the attempts by state legislators to gaslight us does not help either. For instance, statements like "Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5 will help improve all of our daily lives by repealing Proposition 209 and eliminating discrimination in state contracts, hiring, and education." by legislators like Shirley Weber.


而且,加州立法者在给我们做的介绍真的没有任何帮助作用,有的只有误导。例如:由雪莉·韦伯(Shirley Weber)等立法者提出的“ACA5”的声明是将通过废除209号提案并消除国家合同,雇用和教育方面的歧视来帮助改善我们的日常生活。

Thank you again SVCAF,



[1] LAIst by Josie Huang: https://laist.com/2020/06/12/affirmative_action_california_aca_5_sca_5_asian_americans_chinese_universities_education_black_lives.php

[2] https://www.change.org/p/california-state-assembly-members-vote-no-to-aca-5 

[3] https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/02/25/most-americans-say-colleges-should-not-consider-race-or-ethnicity-in-admissions/

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