
POSSESSED : 被隐藏的疯狂

dyingflames 死酒神 2021-01-20

Dave Reynolds | Metal Forces, Issue 16 (1986)

翻译 | dyingflames

There are many of you who just couldn’t wait for the debut Possessed album, Seven Churches, to appear in the stores. There was a buzz about this band that had filtered its way through the metal underground system, saying that San Francisco’s Possessed were about to take the thrash world by storm. And when the album did make it out, via Combat in the United States and Roadrunner in Europe, then all the reports about this quartet proved to be true. Possessed instantly became the new gods of thrash, and even an old sceptic like myself was bowled over by them.

很多人都已经迫不及待的想在商店看到POSSESSED的首张专辑,《Seven Churches》。在地下金属网络的传播下,他们已经有了非常好的口碑,有传言旧金山的POSSESSED将如暴风般席卷整个敲击世界。当美国的Combat和欧洲的Roadrunner将其发布的时候,所有曾经报道的都已成为现实。POSSESSED成为敲击的新神,即便是像我这样死板的怀疑论者都被他们征服。

It would be pointless to try hoodwinking you into believing that I’ve always been a thrash fan at heart. No, my musical tastes are more in tune with the flash direction than thrash, but I am interested in thrash when it’s played well, so that means I get a kick outta Metallica, Living Death, Iron Angel and a host of others. Well, Possessed are the heroes of this piece and they certainly can play thrash metal well.

我没必要骗你说我是个忠诚的敲击乐迷。是的,我的音乐品味就是觉得有调子的东西比敲击好听,但我对牛逼的敲击非常感兴趣,这就意味着我对METALLICA、LIVING DEATH、IRON ANGEL什么的完全没兴趣,POSSESSED才是这个领域的英雄,他们才是能够玩好敲击金属的人。

“It was Venom and Exodus who first got us into thrash metal,” says Possessed guitarist Larry LaLonde. “They’re the only bands for us. We’re really good friends with Exodus, as you know.”

"一开始是VENOM和EXODUS把我们带入敲击金属中,"POSSESSED的吉他手Larry LaLonde说到。“对我们来说他们就是唯一的乐队,就像你知道的,我们和EXODUS一直是非常好的朋友。”

The quartet, completed by Jeff Becerra (vocals / bass), Mike Torrao (guitar) and Mike Sus (drums), first came to the attention of many people thanks to the band’s contribution to the Metal Massacre VI compilation album, with the infamous ‘Swing The Axe’. They then landed a contract with New York’s Combat Records, and also a spot on theMetal Forces compiled Speed Kills album as a taster for the Seven Churches album. The main thing that struck me about the album is that the band actually achieve something musically, and it’s not just noise like, say, Sodom. The musicianship is a strong point in Possessed’s favour. “Yeah, I think so too,” says Larry. “We just wanted to make a record without just making pure noise and we tried to get the production (by Randy Burns) just how we wanted it.”

乐队的阵容还包括了主唱兼贝斯手Jeff Becerra、吉他手Mike Torrao和鼓手Mike Sus,POSSESSED最早是因为参与在《Metal Massacre VI》合辑中被人们所知晓的,收录了著名歌曲“Swing The Axe”。然后便与纽约的Combat唱片公司签订了合同,《Seven Churches》这张专辑最让我吃惊的就是乐队真正的实现了音乐性,不仅仅是像SODOM那样的噪音。这种音乐才华是POSSESSED让我喜欢重要原因。“是的,我也这样觉得,”Larry说到。“我们只是想做张不是纯粹噪音的专辑,并且在Randy Burns的帮助下得到了我们心中所追求的。”

Possessed (l-r): Mike Torrao, Jeff Becerra (bottom), Mike Sus and 
Larry LaLonde

Can you fulfill the potential shown on the album in a live situation? “Yeah, I think we can, even if we aren’t able to use our own equipment we’ll still be able to get that sound.”


Is there a problem getting gigs? I’ve been hearing stories of thrash bands being banned from playing in clubs. “No, not really. I haven’t really heard that much. Some clubs have banned shows, but those are the small clubs that don’t usually deal with metal bands and can’t take in the number of people that metal bands attract.”


Are there any plans for Possessed to tour in the near future? “Yeah, as soon as we can get some dates set up. We’ll be just doing some small tours here and there.”


What about Europe? You’ve obviously heard how well Exodus were received? “Oh yeah, it looks like we’ll be over in Europe – especially Germany – in the summer. We really wanna come over there but it’s difficult at the moment because me and Jeff are still at school, so we’re gonna have to wait a while.”


I’m sure once Possessed do make it over to Europe everyone is gonna go nuts over ’em, just like they did when Slayer and Exodus came over last year. But does it bother the band that a lot of people who buy the record really take the Satanic imagery seriously? “Not really. I don’t think they take it seriously at all, they see that it’s just part of the show and they all come and have a good time.”


Well I hope so, but I’m still not convinced, especially after reading some of the Penbanger ads in this very magazine. I think 1986 will see a serious backlash against bands who sing about Satan, whether for real or just show. The Americans are a sensitive nation when it comes to messin’ with evil, possibly all to do with their God fearing pilgrim roots. Remember when the comic book capers of Kiss first made a name for themselves? They were branded as being Knights in Satan’s Service and Gene Simmons was accused of actually being the Devil incarnate. Or how about in the 60s, when John Lennon was misquoted in a magazine when talking about religion and ruined a tour of America for The Beatles? And now with the possibility of this P.M.R.C.) bill coming into effect we’ll have to see what happens in 1986.


In the meantime, Satanic imagery or not, Possessed plan on furthering their undoubted potential in 1986. “I’m not exactly sure as to when we’ll be doing another album,” says Larry. “But we should be recording an EP or something in February because we’ve been working on some new songs recently.”


Something that should, hopefully, see the band seriously threaten the big league ’cos they’ve got the youth on their side, and what they may lack in experience they more than compensate for in their ability to play excellent heavy metal with the required dosage of enthusiasm that only deserves to see them do well.


As far as the show itself is concerned it’s just a “straight ahead show, no bombs or anything”, but who knows? Once they develop into an act that merits heavy financial backing then, well, they could have maybe something on the lines of Venom. The only difference being that people tend to laugh at the tongue-in-cheek element of the Cronos charade (don’t get me wrong, I like Venom, being what you might call an original fan of theirs), but it’ll be an entirely different story with Possessed. Wait and see.


Interview taken from Metal Forces, Issue 16 (1986)

采访翻译自Metal Forces第16期


①P.M.R.C.,即Parents Music Resource Center,由1985年组建的美国委员会提出的对于音乐上的家长控制方案,对于涉及暴力、毒品、性的专辑的封面上贴上咨询家长(Parental Advisory)的标签以控制孩子对他们的接触。




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