英诗原创| Menai Elegies-Words
林苑君所选的这首诗题为《文字》与《梅奈哀歌I、II》形成 “三部曲”,重在探讨语言本体论上的意义,语言工具论可靠性与不可靠性,诗歌语言与现实的关系,以及现实世界通过文字对于说话者所产生的影响。一定层度上也呼应了R.S.Thomas的诗歌语言观。本次分别由诗人许景城和他的诗友Robert James Blyth朗诵,以期能较好地展现音与意在字里行间的演绎。以飨读者。 感谢录音师张晖对音频编辑。
By Peter Jingcheng Xu
Be the world as glamorous as it used to be,
how would I get used to the life that's as heavy
as the last straw? Dreams that can be realized aren't dreams
of mind. Words that can be spoken aren't words of heart.
Those that are hidden in the world are hidden still.
Those revealed by us can't be bitten to the core.
The winds blowing from the sea aren't the songs I know.
Watch out for the seagulls that are disconcerting.
I go a long way to you full-handed,
but when coming back, I feel empty-minded.
Treading on the shore that's no longer familiar,
I'm aware what is lost will be lost forever.
Never believe the words I whisper and write down
as they are noises and fears to you and the world.
Written in Doctoral study room, Bangor University