读诗赏译| 艾青《我爱这土地》及四个英译文
《我爱这土地》是中国现代诗人艾青(1910-1996)的一首名诗。该诗写于1938年11月7日,抗日战争已开始,日本侵略军恶魔般地连续攻占了华北、华东、华南的大部分地区,所到之处奸杀掠夺,疯狂肆虐,妄图摧毁中国人民的抵抗意志。然而中国人民奋起抵抗,不屈不挠,与日本鬼子斗争到底。诗人在国家危难,国土沦丧、民族危亡的关头,满怀对祖国的真挚热爱和对日本帝国主义侵略者的仇恨,写下了这首深情慷慨激昂的诗。该诗在中国现代诗歌史上是广为传诵的抒情名篇,诗人以一只鸟对土地的生死眷恋作比,形象地抒发了深沉真挚的爱国情怀。土地对于诗人来说,不仅仅是普通的自然土地,而是关系到国家的生死存亡。面对日本侵略而生活在中国这片土地上的中国人民的命运,诗人用“嘶哑”的鸟儿鸣唱的歌喉,来传达了中国人民面对日本帝国主义侵略时的顽强抵抗精神,同时也表达了诗人像这只鸟一样对祖国这片土地的深爱之情和对生活在土地上的人民的同情。诗人通过诗歌歌唱爱国情怀,抒发了自己对国运危急的诗人责任感。林苑君此次选了四个英译本,译者分别为许景城,王磊,欧阳桢、彭文兰、玛丽莱·金,Annson Yan。以飨读者。河北卫视双语主播李强朗诵许景城英文译本,新闻主播王益豪朗诵汉语原诗,录音师张晖进行音频编辑。特此感谢。
(英文朗诵:李强 中文朗诵:王益豪 音频编辑:张晖)
艾青 作假如我是一只鸟,
I Love the Land
By Ai QingTr. Peter Jingcheng Xu许景城 译If I were a bird,
I would chant with my husky voice:
The Land stricken by the tempest,
The river surging our sorrow and rage,
The wind blowing wrathfully and unceasingly,
And the tender dawn gratefully from the woods…
— Then, I would perish,
With my feathers even rotten in the soil.
Why am I always in my eyes brimming tears?
Because I love the Land so dearly…
November, 17th, 1938
I Love This Land
By Ai QingTr. by William Wang王磊 译If I were a bird
I should sing in my hoarse voice:
Of this land beat by rainstorm
Of this river turbulent forever with our grief
Of these wrathful winds blowing restlessly
And of that so gentle dawn from forest……
——Then I should die
And even my feather rots in the soil
Why are my eyes always wet with tears?
Because I love this land so deeply……
选自: http://www.24en.com/column/wanglei/2012-07-23/147204.html
I Love This Land
By Ai Qing欧阳桢、彭文兰、玛丽莱·金 译If I were a bird,
I would sing with my hoarse voice
Of this land buffeted by storms,
Of this river turbulent with our grief,
Of these angry winds ceaselessly blowing,
And of the dawn, infinitely gentle over the woods…
--Then I would die
And even my feather would rot in the soil.
Why are my eyes always brimming with tears?
Because I love this land so deeply….
November 17, 1938
选自:欧阳桢、彭文兰、玛丽莱·金 译 《艾青诗选―经典的回声》(英汉对照)北京:外文出版社,2001.
Love towards the Land
By Ai QingTr. by Annson YanIf I were a bird,
I would sing aloud despite my hoarse voice:
The land heavily struck by rainstorms;
The river always surged by our wrath;
The frenzied wind howling without stops;
And the dawn in the woods, warmer than ever…
Then I would die,
With my feather rotten into the ground.
Why would my eyes be full of tears?
Because I love this land heart and soul…
选自: http://www.24en.com/column/annson_yan/2011-06-27/134448.html