
线上学术 | 市场营销系讲座(2021-09-22)

北大光华行政中心 北大光华各系学术资讯 2021-10-01


Marketing Webinar


Topic: The Color Gradation Effect: How Dynamic Imagery Shapes Brand Attribute Judgments

Speaker: Iris W. Hung, The  Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

Time: Wednesday, September 22, 1:30 -3:00 p.m. Beijing Time

Location: Microsoft Teams Online Conference Room


Companies often invest enormous resources in logo design in efforts to express brand values and shape product perceptions. The present research examines how logo color gradient affects consumer judgment. Across six studies conducted in two countries (including experiments and real market data), we consistently find that gradient (vs. solid) color logos can boost perceived brand innovativeness and purchase intentions of products with innovativeness-related attributes. This is due to color gradation inducing a sense of boundless and unrestricted movement via color transitions. Using real market data, we demonstrate that successful companies who consider innovativeness as a critical value are more likely to use gradient color logos than those to which innovativeness is less important. We also go beyond company innovativeness into personal branding, demonstrating that individuals with a creative personality were more likely to choose gradient (vs. solid) color logos to express their personal identities on social media. The present research contributes to research on logo, brand identity, innovativeness perception, and use of dynamic imagery in marketing, and offers actionable managerial implications.


Prof. Iris W. Hung is Presidential Fellow and Professor of Marketing at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Iris obtained her PhD from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2008. She got tenure from the National University of Singapore in 2014 and was a professor at Fudan University. Her research focuses on consumer decision making and prosocial behavior. Her research has been featured by media and government organizations such as the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Bloomberg Business Week, the Psychology Today, and the United States Department of Health and Human Services. She serves on the editorial review board as a co-editor at the International Journal of Research in Marketing (2018-2021), associate editor at the Journal of Consumer Psychology and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, and a reviewer at the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Consumer Research (2014-2020).

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