

翁士洪 治理学术 2019-09-13

  哈佛大学社会科学家Gary King是当今计算社会科学领域里最出色的几个领军人物之一,研究方法和手段真是令人不得不服。最近一期Science杂志上有一篇劲爆文章:Reverse-engineering censorship in China: Randomized experimentation and participant observation,对中国社会媒体中的审查制度进行了逆向工程和实验法定量分析。PDF下载:http://www.sciencemag.org/content/345/6199/1251722.full.pdf

  Gary King运用逆向工程和实验法定量分析中国网络审查制度的研究论文(PDF)正式发表在了8月出版的Science《科学》期刊上。研究内容之前已经报道过,也在2013年第5期的APSR(American Political Science Review)上发过文章:How Censorship in China Allows Government Criticism but Silences,为了在中国创建一个假的社交网站观察如何过滤删除内容,Gary King和同事购买了域名,租赁了服务器空间,与一家中国流行的软件平台签合同建站,他们甚至获得了如何审查以符合政府标准的建议。他们发现,中国政府容忍网民对当地政府和领导人的批评言论,但不容忍煽动群体性事件的帖子。可能的原因是对当地领导人的腐败指控或批评是一种有价值的信息,为了维护稳定政府可以替换官员以示听从民意。



INTRODUCTION: Censorship has a long history
in China, extending from the efforts of
Emperor Qin to burn Confucian texts in the
third century B.C.E. to the control of traditional
broadcast media under Communist
Party rule. However, with the rise of the Internet
and new media platforms, more than
1.3 billion people can now broadcast their individual
views, making information far more
diffuse and considerably harder to control. In
response, the government has built a massive
social media censorship organization, the result
of which constitutes the largest selective
suppression of human communication in the
recorded history of any country. We show
that this large system, designed to suppress
information, paradoxically leaves large footprints
and so reveals a great deal about itself
and the intentions of the government.

FROM:Reverse-engineering censorship in China: Randomized experimentation and participant observation

