
还没喝过世界第一的啤酒,你也out了 Westvleteren XII

ChengduBeer 2020-09-04


The Best Beer in the World 

很多啤酒爱好者都知道的著名的ratebeer.com,你可以在里面查找到大部分啤酒相关的包括一些评分、口味、评价之类的信息,当然,你还可以再Top 50里面查看世界啤酒排名。

我们所说的世界第一排名依据,就来自于ratebeer的Top 50排行榜。

Westvleteren is a brewery founded in 1838 at the Trappist Abbey of Saint Sixtus in Vleteren, Belgium.

The brewery's three beers have acquired an international reputation for taste and quality, Westvleteren 12 being considered by some to be the BEST BEER in the world.

The beers are not brewed to normal commercial demands but are sold in small quantities weekly from the doors of the monastery itself to individual buyers on an advance-order basis.

所属风格/ Style:  Quadrupel(四料)

酒精度/ ABV: 10.2%

外观: 酒体呈显红木般的深棕色,朦胧,带有沉淀,一指高的白色泡沫,消散后会有非常漂亮的花边挂杯

The brewery brews three beers:

Westvleteren Blonde (green cap), 5.8% ABV, introduced in 1999.

Westvleteren 8 (blue cap), 8% ABV.

Westvleteren 12 (yellow cap), a 10.2% ABV, introduced in 1940.

The 8 and 12 are bottle conditioned and are considered to have a long shelf life, with some drinkers preferring the taste when the beers have been stored for several years. The ingredients are yeast, hops, malt, sugar, caramel and water.

Westvleteren 是全世界 11 家修道院啤酒品牌中规模最小的一个,但却是在世界范围最受追捧的一个。相较其他的 10 家修道院啤酒品牌而言,Westvleteren 更加稀有,它一年全年大约会酿造生产 50 万箱啤酒(Westvleteren 12 只有 16 万箱),这只相当于大型工业啤酒厂一周的产量

香味: 首先会闻到很浓郁的面包香味,接着是典型的正统修道院的果实香气。同时伴随而来的是很容易辨识的无花果、李子、葡萄干、苹果以及类似饼干的香气。然后是比利时酵母特有的香气以及能够感受到蜜糖的甜味,还有一些橡木般的香气。

味道: 入口之后,首先映入的是果实的香气,几乎熟透的果实香气,接着会缓慢转变成为饼干、面包般的味道。这是我所品尝过的最轻口味的四料啤酒,几乎感觉不到10.2度的酒精度数的存在,比圣伯纳12号和罗斯福10号对于酒精味道的处理好很多。后味稍甜,并且在口中会环绕着木头夹带着的橡木的气味。这是为数不多的当酒体变暖之后口味会变得更好的啤酒,随着温度的上升,所有的味道都能够完全的展现出来。


Character, Tastes & Aromas:

Very full, creamy smooth and round-bodied aroma, average to good carbonation. Tart dark fruit, raisins, caramel sweetness, warming alcohol, tobacco and leather.

Very lush and sincere beer, good malt flavor. Balanced taste, exceptionaly complex with an aftertaste that lasts and ends with a dry finish. A taste and eperience that is as individual as the person drinking it.

This beer is on Special Offer

Usually 400RMB, now 188RMB

[Incl. delivery inside Chengdu's 2nd Ring Road]

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