
MEGA! China's Updated 'Super City' List

National Census HeyExpat 2021-11-01

4 Minutes Read

• Shanghai and another six cities with an urban population of more than 10 million have been ranked as "super cities" in a report by the National Bureau of Statistics.

• According to the 7th National Census, the super cities in ranking order are Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Tianjin. Another 14 cities with an urban population of between 5 and 10 million are listed as "mega cities."

• Compared with 2019 statistics, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Xi'an, Foshan, Shenyang, Qingdao, Changsha and Kunming have moved up in rankings.

Sources: The Seventh National Census, SHINE.

 7 'super cities' and 14 'mega cities' 

According to the data from the Seventh National Census, 7 cities have reached the standard of Mega-cities. Including: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Tianjin.

14 cities are classified as Extra-big cities, including: Wuhan, Dongguan, Xi'an, Hangzhou, Foshan, Nanjing, Shenyang, Qingdao, Jinan, Changsha, Harbin, Zhengzhou, Kunming, and Dalian.

Source: Urban Evolution 城市进化论

 Significant change in population compared to 2019 

The number of mega-cities has expanded from 6 to 7. In addition to the previous 6 cities, Chengdu has been upgraded for the first time; the number of Extra-big cities has increased from 10 to 14, with Foshan, Changsha, Harbin, Kunming and Dalian being the newcomers.

Among the 21 Mega and Extra-big cities, the population of Foshan's urban area has increased most significantly by 6,618,500 people, surpassing Nanjing, Qingdao, Jinan, Changsha, Zhengzhou and other cities, and became a mega-city for the first time; Chengdu followed closely, with an urban population increase by 5,170,300 , Surpassing Tianjin, Dongguan and Wuhan, ranking sixth in the country.

Comparing with the list of 2019, the population of Shanghai urban area has dropped sharply by 4,411,400 people, but it is still the country's largest mega-city; in addition, the population of Tianjin and Zhengzhou has also decreased.

From the perspective of urban economic scale, among the 21 cities, except for Dongguan, Shenyang, Harbin, Kunming, and Dalian, the remaining 16 cities are all cities with GDP over a trillion.

Sources: The Seventh National Census, SHINE, paper.cn.

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