
October 2021: All Flights In & Out of China

HeyExpat 2021-11-01

5 Minutes Read

• Check out the full list of international flights to and from China below!

Do let us know in the comment section if you know of any updates.

• Please note that this does not mean that returning to China got any easier. This list of flights stands separate from the policy in returning to China. Very few foreigners are still able to return at the moment. For more information about this topic, please click here.

• The CAAC website is the latest and quickest way to gain access to information about international flight information in & out of China. Click here to check it out.

Here is the list of the international passengers flights - updated on October 7th, 2021.

The information provided is based on our online research. As things change constantly, please double check the details.

 International Flights Latest Updates: China 

The CAAC website is the latest and quickest way to gain access to information, both in English and Chinese, about departure and arrival cities with specific flight information available.

Click here for a step-by-step guide to find the latest international flights information.

As things change constantly, please double check the details.

Do let us know in the comment section if you know of any updates.


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