
​Hack Chinese: FREE 6 Hour Online Course

HeyExpat 2021-11-01

7 Minutes Read

HeChinese is an innovative Chinese study method, which starts from writing and typing, not from PinYin. HeChinese Quick Course is an easy, practical & effective course for beginners. 

• Now everyone can claim a 6 hour FREE online HeChinese experience course, learn & practice Chinese skills like writing, typing & pronouncing, and get abilities & confidence for rapid Chinese study. 

 6 Hours FREE Online HeChinese Course 

The HeChinese Technology Academy provides, managed, and teaches this 6 hours Free Online HeChinese experience course:

Scan now to book your FREE course:

 Time schedule 

3 lessons of 2 hours + 5 assignments in 1 week.

Lesson 1: 2-hour lesson + 3 assignments, study & practice Chinese writing & typing knowledge and skills;
Lesson 2: 2-hour lesson + 2 assignments, study & practice words & phrases pronouncing patterns, memorizing method for sounds & meanings of words, learn HeBook 1 lesson 1 & 2;
Lesson 3: 2-hour lesson, practice & review, assessment & reporting.

HeChinese text books


This 6 Hours FREE Online Experience Course has following goals:

1. Get Chinese skills of writing, typing & pronouncing;

2. Recite short sentences to remember sounds & meanings of words;

3. Fully understand HeChinese study method, get abilities and confidence for quick Chinese study.


1. Have a computer with internet, better to have a numeric keyboard;
2. Attend each class or watch the playback;
3. At least one hour per day to practice, and submit assignments on time;
4. Do a course survey at end, write your comments & suggestions for the course;
5. Download Ding Talk (钉钉) for course teaching; DingTalk is a popular app for online teaching, and has good functions for recording, playback & homework etc. 

 No Course Fee 

This 6 hours HeChinese experience course is free.

The course also provides free study materials, such as software, PDF writing pages, videos, and more. 
We will be available 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, to give intensive help for students' course study, check assignments, answer questions, and give guidance for improvements. We require and encourage students to participate the course actively, and finish each assignment on time.

 Enrollment procedure 

Learn Chinese speaking & reading directly without PinYin & tones, reciting short sentences to remember sounds & meanings of words, this has been proved to be an easy & effective Chinese study method.

The online group study method they use is convenient, interesting, and effective, classmates can help, discuss, share assignments, and learn from each other.

If you want to join this 6 Hours FREE Online HeChinese Experience Course, please contact us, we will have an online interview and an enrollment procedure.

For more information please visit web page:


Scan to book 6 hours FREE online HeChinese course:


(+86) 13924203557

Mr. Ouyang Guilin

Learn more: 

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