
Microsoft to Shut Down LinkedIn in China

Reuters HeyExpat 2021-11-13

4 Minutes Read

• Facing harsher internet censorship, Microsoft is pulling the plug on LinkedIn in China nearly seven years after its launch and will replace it with a stripped-down version of the platform that would focus only on jobs.

• LinkedIn was the last major U.S. social network still operating in China.

 Complying to a challenging environment 

LinkedIn is the only major U.S.-owned social network operating in the country, where the government requires such platforms to follow strict rules and regulations.

"We're also facing a significantly more challenging operating environment and greater compliance requirements in China," LinkedIn said in a blog post on Thursday, adding it did not find the same level of success in the more social aspects of sharing and staying informed like it has globally.

LinkedIn said it would replace the Chinese service, which restricts posting of certain content due to regulatory requirements, with a new portal called InJobs.

The new service, which will be launched later this year, will not include a social feed or the ability to share posts or articles, it said.

LinkedIn launched in China in 2014 with limited features designed to adhere to stricter internet laws in the country. The new site, called InJobs, will not include a social feed or allow users to share posts or articles.

Announcement by Mokah Shroff

Source: Reuters, CNBC, Linkedin.


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