

E Small Data 国际能源小数据 2023-07-02

亚洲开发银行行长中尾武彦(Takehiko Nakao)将于2020年1月离任,日前他接受了专门报道国际发展机构的媒体Devex记者采访,其中谈到了他对煤电的看法(中英版对照):

Question: Coal remains a major component of your region's energy production. What role is ADB playing in helping to transition countries off of coal, and what else do you think needs to happen?


Takehiko Nakao:The biggest challenge in development is energy access … Still, more than 300 million people are without energy. So the imminent task is to generate more power, and in the past, coal was the most available resource. But today, renewable is becoming cheaper because of innovation, because of technological progress. So as far as ADB lending is concerned, we don't lend to coal projects at this moment. We are not saying that we don't do it at all, but in reality, the last project we did coal

finance was [the Jamshoro Power Generation Project in Pakistan] in 2013. So we are staying away from coal. We cannot stop countries from having a very sophisticated coal project, like a supercritical [coal plant], if they use their own money. But as far as our money is concerned, we are focusing on renewable — solar or wind, and geothermal.




Question:Given that you're not financing coal now, why not put out a policy prohibiting it?


Takehiko Nakao:We will discuss energy policy next year, so this is an opportunity. But at the same time, in many countries — Germany is famous for renewable energy, but at this moment, at least, the [portion] of coal in their electricity generation is about 30%. Same in the U.S. — I wonder whether it is really fair to, in a sense, say that developing countries [must] totally give up the idea of coal. They must carefully do it, and they must use better technologies with less emissions and less pollution... But for those countries, the imminent issue is to provide access to electricity. So we'll consider these issues next year.


Question:So the option is on the table for ADB to consider some sort of new policy on coal?


Takehiko Nakao:Yeah, that's right. But once again, if there is only limited option[s] except coal, and if those are poor countries. [The World Bank’s International Development Association] is the same, I think. They don't totally deny the possibility of coal, although they are staying away from it.







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