
英语新闻|Yantai Summer Consumer Season Event to kick off

烟台发布 2023-06-14

Yantai Summer Consumer Season Event to kick off


The forthcoming Yantai Summer Consumer Season Event is set to run from June through October, with locations spanning Bin Hai Square in Zhi Fu district and Yantai Sports Park.烟台夏季消费季活动即将来袭,活动从6月份一直持续到10月份,地点设在芝罘区滨海广场和烟台市体育公园。
The Summer Consumer Season has organized five significant events: 2023 Shandong Summer Consumer Season Opening Ceremony, Yantai Summer Delicacy Consumption, "Seafood Food Night Market" Opening Ceremony, Musical Carnival, and Star Concert. The 2023 Shandong Summer Consumer Season Opening Ceremony will be held at Bin Hai Square in the Zhi Fu district. The area is scheduled to be divided into five stages, including a live broadcast, a Night Tour of Yantai, a Conference Opening, a Launch Ceremony, and Visiting and Exhibition. The event will have 10 exhibition areas showcasing wine, seafood specialties, Yantai culture, internet celebrities' live broadcasts, and the automobile industry. After the ceremony, these exhibition areas will continue for three days, allowing citizens and tourists to enjoy interactive displays and taste local delicacies.整个夏季消费季共安排了2023山东夏日消费季启动仪式、烟台暑韵消费暨“海鲜美食不夜城”开市仪式、音乐嘉年华、群星演唱会、海鲜美食不夜城五大活动。将在芝罘区滨海广场举行的2023山东夏日消费季启动仪式共分五个环节。第一环节为现场直播。启动仪式前,《央视新闻》客户端开展新媒体直播活动,现场展现烟台独具特色的文化和消费场景;第二环节为夜游烟台;第三环节为大会开幕;第四环节,启动仪式。启动仪式将由央视主持人主持,现场将上演无人机飞行表演、裸眼3D动画《仙境·烟台》和歌伴舞表演;第五环节为参观巡展。活动现场共设有总台技术文创、葡萄酒、特色海鲜、烟台文化、网红直播、千人美食、老字号、现代生活、汽车产业、美食街等10大展销区。启动仪式后,10大展销区将持续至少3天,供市民和游客进行品鉴互动。"The Seafood Food Night Market" covers 4,000 square meters with around 200 container booths to be installed. It will feature five functional areas: cultural and entertainment, specialty products market, specialty food, popular seafood food, and seafood barbecue stalls. This night-time attraction in Yantai city is designed to be the most prominent area offering a variety of formats, and it integrates eating, shopping, playing, and entertainment. The plan includes a 1,500 square-meter stage for performances, a centralized dining area with 100 barbecue seafood stalls, and 40 storage compartment markets. Creative and brand exhibition areas, as well as popular food markets, are also planned. Additionally, the site will have a 3,000-square-meter children's playground area and an on-site popular live broadcasting base. The overall planning and design include a total of 260 merchants.“海鲜美食不夜城”占地约70亩,将采用集装箱搭建方式进行,预计安装200个集装箱摊位。计划设置文娱区、特色产品集市、特色美食区、网红海鲜美食区、海鲜烧烤大排档五大功能区,全面打造烟台市面积最大、业态最全、独具特色的集吃、购、游、娱为一体的夜间游玩消费聚集地。“海鲜美食不夜城”还规划了1500平方米的舞台演艺和集中就餐区,烧烤海鲜大排档100家,后备箱集市40家,创意集市40家、品牌展区40家、网红美食40家,同时规划3000平方米的儿童游乐专区和现场网红直播基地,总体规划设计商户260家。Currently, the construction of the main venue is close to completion, while the sub-venues in various districts and cities have already been fully established. The investment promotion efforts for the top 10 exhibition areas have been successfully finished, and 204 exhibitors have been meticulously selected, with the exhibition arrangements fully underway.目前,五大主题活动的现场准备、场地规划已完成,山东夏日消费季启动仪式的舞美设计、展区规划以及相关卡通形象、总台宣传片、裸眼3D视频《仙境·烟台》等已全部准备就绪。主会场施工已接近尾声,各区市分会场已全面启动,10大展区招商工作已经完成,择优选定204家参展企业,布展工作已全面展开。

Source:CHINA DAILY-Wonderland Yantai






