
教育如耕,如何为孩子守住中文之“根”?Deeply-rooted in chinese ,both heart and soul

市场传播部 海嘉国际双语学校BIBA 2020-08-31



还记得5月份,伯克利音乐学院来访海嘉的精彩时刻:在茶席活动的现场,海嘉师生、家长代表一同以茶文化雅集为纽带,“山月照弹琴”,在不绝于缕的琴音中, 品味茶香、临摹书法,跨越语言,传递文化魅力。



伍丹履 副校长















研究显示在沉浸式双语项目中,平均花6年左右的时间可以达到甚至超过母语者的水平(Carroll & Bailey,2015;Genesee et al., 2006; Hill, Weston & Hayers, 2014; Lindholm-Leary & Genesee, 2010; Parrish et al., 2006; Thompson, 2015)。在好的沉浸式双语项目中,二语学习者的语言成绩不仅远远超过传统的语言课堂下的效果,而且会与母语的学生的成绩旗鼓相当 (Lindhom-Leary & Borsato, 2004)。一般来说,双语模式有两种:一种叫加成型双语(Additive dual language)、另一种叫减法双语(subtractive dual language)模式 。在加成型双语模式下母语水平能够保持,不受影响,甚至更好。海嘉会采用加成型双语模式,中外教配合,在双语、双文、双文化这双语教学三大目标方面,通过我们的“根深中华”的课程帮助学生打下坚实的基础。中外教配合,在双语、双文、双文化这双语教学三大能力方面着力,促进中外方老师的融合,给学生创造均衡的双语环境,确保学生的认知水平和语言水平协同生长,不仅让学生的汉语与母语口语与读写达到娴熟流利的水平,并且在认知领域表现出深入的理解,更重要的是,给学生创造出两种语言都很重要的人文环境和生态环境。海嘉沉浸式的“根深中华”的课程为达到这一目标奠定了坚实的基础。



以“学科设计+教学方法+核心素养+愿景”为战略实现我们的教学愿景:在学科设计上,海嘉中文以“中国语文”、“中文数学”、“融合思品”、“中文艺术”、“中文课外活动”、“中文作为第二语言学科(供母语不是中文的外国学生)”六大学科领域为载体,教学方法上海嘉中文以“学生为中心”、“个性化学习”、“合作学习”、“融合学习”、“项目制学习”、“体验式学习”六大学习方式,来达到“人文底蕴、科学素养、创新实践、国际视野、沟通理解和合作领导”六大核心素养。依托学生核心素养的提升,从而实现海嘉学校最核心的“双语教育典范、多元文化相互理解、尊重、共融 、培養具国际心的双语使者”的海嘉国际双语学校愿景。











向外,在主题上加强语文与哲学、社会、历史、文化的联系,加大诗词曲赋等优秀传统文化的比例,增加国际议题内容,拓展学生的人文视野。海嘉将中国传统文化经典如 《论语》、《孟子》、《大学》、《笠翁对韵》融入语文课,各个年级专研一本经典,全校形成传统经典研习体系,加强学生的国学积淀,与古代先贤对话,不断汲取智慧和灵感,强健精神、洞察世事,培养对母语文化的认同感。为在全球化的背景下拥有一个有宽厚文化基础、有更高精神追求的自我认同的中国灵魂打下实践基础。






精细化  以概念驱动









数学课程将秉承海嘉小学中文数学严谨、扎实的教学风格, 在此基础上对课程进行进一步整合。整合包括两大方面:







其二,采用“项目制” 在核心课程中,融入超学科、跨学科的探究知识,将“趣味数学,生活数学,数学文化”的思想融入课堂,教会学生“发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题”等一系列研究方法,引导学生将生活中的问题抽象为数学问题,把传统教学中学生对知识的学习转化到数学问题的探究上来,把教材中的内容创造性地组织成有利于学生探究发现的材料,并通过自主预习、合作探究、主题汇报、项目汇报、数学节等多种形式展示学生解决问题的成果,积累运用数学解决问题的经验,发展学生的创造力,实现更高意义层次上的学习。学习的最终目标也不仅应付考试,而是全面理解不同学科的知识,掌握解决问题的能力。海嘉数学节的“会用数学的眼睛观察现实世界、会用数学的思维分析现实世界、会用数学的语言表达现实世界” 就是这种理念的体现。










BIBA  ES Chinese Curriculum

【 Editor's Note 】

Recently, we interviewed Ms. Delinda Wu, Assistant Principal of BIBA’s Elementary School and Director of the Curriculum Training Department. Ms. Wu leads the Chinese Curriculum and Instruction within the Elementary School and works closely with the leadership team. She holds a Masters Degree in Education from University of Bath, UK, another Masters Degree in Chinese from Nanjing Normal University and a Bachelor Degree in English. Ms. Wu is holding a Post Graduate Diploma in Education from The College of New Jersey, USA, a Chinese National Teaching Certificate and Principal Leadership Certificate from Beijing Normal University. Ms. Wu has worked at top international schools such as Nanjing Xiao Xi Hu Elementary School, Nanjing International School, Beijing City International School and International School of Beijing for 18 years. In the past years, she has been responsible for many roles such as Chinese teacher, K-12 China Link Coordinator and Director of Academics. She is experienced in curriculum development and integration including IB, Chinese National curriculum and American Common Core. She has offered professional training to many teachers and has worked as an IB examiner. Ms. Wu has published and presented many papers in academic journals and at International Conferences.


Delinda Wu 

Assistant Principal of BIBA’s Elementary School 

At BIBA, we are committed to cultivate students to equip with both national view and international mind through the Chinese curriculum. We seek to empower students to have both outstanding language communication ability and also a profound thinking ability. A BIBA student will be rich in both humanity with a high degree of scientific literacy and an international heart.

-Assistant Principal Wu

In foreign countries nowadays, learning the Chinese language and traditional Chinese culture is becoming increasingly popular. As an international bilingual school, how can BIBA help students to stay firmly rooted in Chinese education while at the same time, encourage international-mindedness? “Traditional culture is constantly emerging. Learning and reading in Chinese complement each other. The National Standard Chinese Curriculum and school-based curriculum go hand in hand. The ability to expand learning can be developed from culture to values. Step by step, it can help students to form an identity” said Ms. Wu.  

Below, we delve further into the Chinese Curriculum of BIBA.

"Root deep China", to be the heir of Chinese education

At BIBA, "deeply rooted in Chinese culture" has always been the practice across the campus. Through holistic planning and well-designed teaching activities, students can enhance their Chinese literacy and culture through interest, foundation, application and thinking. On the basis of China’s National Curriculum Standard for compulsory education, BIBA focuses on cultivating student’s ability in four areas; language development and application, thinking development and  improvement, aesthetic appreciation and creation, cultural inheritance and understanding, and forms the curriculum of both ideological content and Chinese accomplishment.

To strengthen the core quality of student’s Chinese language while at the same time inheriting the fine tradition of language accumulation such as "recitation", it emphasizes the ability of students in using language, reading, rigorous thinking, wisdom and critical ability, and deepen the appreciation of text style, structure and language. Outward, we should strengthen the relationship between language and philosophy, society, history, culture and Chinese studies. Furthermore, to increase the proportion of traditional cultures such as poetry and music, and also to increase the content of international issues, and expanding students' humanistic vision. For each of the teaching goal, we are not only require students to be able to remember and understand the content, but also require students to achieve the Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. In terms of assessment methods, the students will be tested in various ways such as speeches, drama, creative writing, debate, project presentations and other ways to assess and demonstrate what the students have learned, and not limited to the traditional examinations.

In the curriculum, a series of Chinese cultural activities such as school-based curriculum calligraphy classes, Chinese cultural activities, Chinese reading month, literature society, Spring Blossoms Speech contest and a series of colorful activities, are integrated in the international educational concepts, international courses and their teaching methods. BIBA becomes a rich cultural ground to equip students with excellent culture and life values.

In addition to the Chinese language, we also have a special Chinese as a second language classroom, for foreign students to carry out small class teaching, enhance the ability of Chinese communication and understanding of Chinese culture.

Through solid Chinese courses and activities, we hope to truly stimulate students' love of Chinese Traditional culture, cultivate Chinese national feelings, and have an open, confident and self-identified Chinese soul with the background of globalization.

Looking at the world through mathematical eyes

In order to establish a solid academic foundation for students, we divide mathematics into Chinese Mathematics and English mathematics. The BIBA Elementary School Chinese Mathematics course provides a solid and rigorous approach based, to further integrate into the curriculum.

The integration consists of two main areas:

Based on the teaching materials, we introduce the knowledge of the times outside the textbook, and highlight the mathematical knowledge that will benefit the students in the coming decades. For example, learning about "RMB" currency, the introduction of modern WeChat, Alipay and other currency trading methods, to explore the future payment methods.

We adopt a project based learning approach in the core curriculum, incorporating the idea of interesting mathematics, life mathematics, mathematics culture into the classroom, teaching students to identify problems, ask questions, analyze and solve problems, and use a series of research methods to guide students to turn abstract life problems into mathematical problems, and through "unit reporting", "Project Reporting", "Mathematics Festivals" and other forms to show students’ understanding of the reality of life, the accumulation of experience in the use of mathematics to solve problems, the development of students ' creativity, to achieve a higher level of learning.  The BIBA Mathematics Festival has become a popular activity for students by observing the real world with mathematical eyes, analyzing the real world with mathematical thinking, and expressing the real world in mathematical language.

Character shaping, blooming life Wonderful

"Rites" points out: "Knowledge of access, strong and not counter, said to be Dacheng", can be seen the importance of accessibility.

BIBA School uses the 5 Confucian Principles, Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom, Faith and has developed its own unique connotation, so that students can learn the Chinese traditional cultural connotation in their daily activities. Under the influence of Chinese traditional culture, students from different classes and grades learn from each other, cooperate with each other, and exert their strength in the collective.

The moral education should be nourished from the traditional moral discipline, transferred from the Chinese culture of the classic, living historical stories and colorful classroom content of the Chinese culture classics. From a series of classroom activities, such as drama performances, investigative experiments, project research and inquiring discussion, it inherits the spiritual strength of China’s excellent traditional culture. At the same time we will carry out intensive home/school cooperation practice activities such as the parent workshop and other practical activities to help students to build positive interpersonal relationships and gently guide students to form good habits, using the 4R qualities, respect, responsibility, rigor, relationships.

"Learning" and "art" fusion, inheriting the beauty of culture

The Chinese art class at BIBA also has its own uniqueness. The Chinese art course uses the Chinese ink painting and pays attention to the close connection between the art curriculum and the life experiences of the students, so that the students can improve their imagination, and creativity and aesthetic ability. The Chinese Calligraphy class will not only teach the students the skills of writing hard and soft calligraphy, but also incorporate the "Analects" of Confucius, poetry, odes, epitaphs, scholar essays and other Chinese studies. In terms of evaluation methods, the students’ works are presented in different forms, such as Art days, art exhibition, calligraphy works exhibitions and theme exhibitions through the integration of the Chinese and western. In the future, we will also open Chinese and western drama class, with classic repertoire, script creation and other forms, to comprehensively enhance students in literature, art, music and other aspects of the comprehensive appreciation of the ability.

The zest for education and the exploration of love is the unchanging heart for BIBA. As the verse in front of the Confucius Temple says, in this intensive cultivation of education, we are willing to do the sowing of knowledge, willing to be the guide of the child, in the spirit of a sincere education with the heart of love and dedication, we should pay attention to the children’s happiness and growth, protect the child's national identity, cultivate wisdom, arouse life and draw the blueprint for BIBA’s education together.


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