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涨姿势 | 书目推荐 Required Readings in SGRI

2015-07-01 戳戳酷拉君→_→ 酷拉君

大家好~ 想必关注我们的小伙伴都知道,酷拉主页君之一的典典君6月20日-29日在伊斯坦布尔参加一个关于"性/别与人权"的研修班:CREA's Sexuality, Gender and Rights Institute (SGRI)。培训由一家叫CREA的机构举办,它建立于印度,但致力于发展中国家国际合作的女性人权与生殖健康自主权。它每年举办SGRI,欢迎各国有志于性/别人权事业的小伙伴关注、申请参加。



AfricaCheck. Are 30,000 children really trafficked in South Africa every year? The claim exaggerates the problem. AfricaCheck, 18 October 2013.

PDF and also http://africacheck.org/reports/are-30000-kids-trafficked-into-south-africas-sex-trade-every-year-the-claim-exaggerates-the-problem/

无责任翻译:南非每年真有三万被拐卖的孩子? 这么说夸大了问题

Augustin, Laura. Somaly Mam, Nick Kristof and the Cult of Personality. In the Jacobin/a magazine of culture and polemic. 2014.



Balzer, Carsten and Hutta Simon Jan with Adrian, Tamara, Hyndal, Peter and Stryker, Susan. Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide. A Comparitive Review of the Human-rights Situation of Gender-variant/Trans People. TGEU. Transgender Europe. November 2012.

无责任翻译:全球跨性别尊重vs跨性别恐惧: 世界性别多元(跨性别)人群人权状况比较回顾

Beijing Flyer. 1995. Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing.


Chugtai, Ismat. Lihaaf (The Quilt). In Kishwar, Madhu and Vanita, Ruth (Eds.) In Search of Answers: Indian Womens Voices from Manushi. Manohar Publishers & Distributors. New Delhi 1996.

无责任翻译:寻求答案: Manushi杂志上的印度女性之声

Clare, Eli. 2002. Sex, celebration and justice. Closing plenary delivered at Queer Disability Conference, San Francisco State University, San Francisco. http://www.disabilityhistory.org/dwa/queer/paper_clare.html


Dasgupta, K, Rohit. Queer Sexuality: A Cultural Narrative of Indias Historical Archive. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ISSN 09752935), Vol.3 No.4, 2011.

无责任翻译:酷儿的"性": 印度历史档案的一种文化叙述

Dot, Adam. ISIS Kills Gays: A History of Violence. A Paper Bird. sex, rights and the world. 2015


Freedman, Lynn. 1995. Censorship and Manipulation of Family Planning Information: An Issue of Human Rights and Women's Health. In Article 19, The Right to Know: Human Rights and Access to Reproductive Health Information. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

无责任翻译:对家庭计划(如计划生育)信息的审查与操控: 一个人权与女性健康议题

Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie (2005). Feminist Disability Studies in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, vol. 30, no. 2.


Ghosh, Shohini. 1999. The Troubled Existence of Sex and Sexuality: Feminists Engage with Censorship. In Christiane Brosius and Melissa Butcher (Eds.), Image Journeys: Audio Visual Media and Cultural Change in India. Sage.

无责任翻译:性与“性”的尴尬存在: 女权主义者与审查制度

Ghosh, Shohini.`The Wonderful World of Queer Cinephilia', BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, Volume 1, Number 1, January 2010.


Gramsci, Antonio. Intellectuals and Hegemony. Prosen Notebook


Hollibaugh, Amber. 1989. Desire For The Future: Radical Hope in Passion and Pleasure. In C.S. Vance (ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. Hammersmith: Harper Collins.

无责任翻译:未来的欲望: 关于激情与快感的激进期望

Huang, Yingying, Henderson, E. Gail, Suiming, Pan and Myron, S. Cohen. HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction among brothel-based Female Sex Workers in China: Assessing the terms, content and knowledge of sex work. Published in Journal of Sex Transm Dis. 2004 Nov; 31(11): 695-700.

无责任翻译:中国固定场所女性性工作者的艾滋风险缩减: 评估性工作的术语,内容与知识

Huang, Yingying. The Rise of Sex and Sexuality Studies in Post-1978 China. Final version published in the book The Sexual History of the Global South: Sexual Politics in Africa, Asia, and Latin America pp 22-43, (edited by Saskia Wieringa and Horacio Sivori), London and New York: Zed book.


Illouz, Eva. 1997. Constructing the romantic utopia. In Consuming the romantic utopia: Love and cultural contradictions of capitalism. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 25-47.


Katz, Jonathan. 1990. The Invention of Heterosexuality. Socialist Review 20 (1): 7-34.


Kendall (1998) When a Woman Loves a Woman in Lesotho: Love, Sex, and the (Western) Construction of Homophobia in Murray, S.O. and Roscoe, W. (Eds) Boy-Wives and Female Husbands: Studies of African Homosexualities St Martins Press: New York; 223-241

无责任翻译:在(南非)赖索托,当女人爱上女人: 爱情,性,及(西方)恐同建构

Lambevski, Sasho. Suck my nation: masculinity, ethnicity, and the politics of (homo) sex. Sexualities 2(4): 397-399,403-419, 1999.

无责任翻译:滚你的祖国: 男性气质, 种族及(同)性的政治

Loomba, Ania. Colonialism - Postcolonialism. London, GBR: Routledge, 1998.


MacDougall, David. Films of Childhood, Film, Ethnography and the Senses: The Corporeal Image, Princeton University Press, 2006.

无责任翻译:童年影像,电影,民族志与感官: 肉身的图景

Masvawure, Tsitsi (2010) I just need to be flashy on campus: female students and transactional sex at a university in Zimbabwe in Culture, Health & Sexuality vol 12: no.8; 857-870

无责任翻译:我只要在学校里够耀眼: 津巴布韦一所大学中的女生和性交易

McDermott, Alice. 2000. Enough. The New Yorker, April 10, 82-85.


McRuer, Robert and Abby L. Wilkerson. 2003. Cripping the (Queer) Nation.GLQ 9 (1-2): 1-23.


Menon, R. and Bhasin, K. 1996. Abducted Women, the State and Questions of Honour: Three perspectives on the recovery operation in post-Partition India. In Kumari Jayawardena and Malathi de Alwis (eds.), Embodied Violence: Communalising Womens Sexuality in South Asia. New Delhi: Kali for Women.

无责任翻译:被绑架的女人,国家及荣誉问题: 后分裂时代印度寻回行动的三个维度

Miller, Alice M., and Mindy J. Roseman. "Sexual and reproductive rights at the United Nations: frustration or fulfillment?" Reproductive Health Matters 19.38 (2011): 102-118.

无责任翻译:性与生殖权利在联合国: 挫折还是成就?

Miller, Alice M. and Carole S. Vance. 2004. Sexuality, Human Rights, and Health. Health and Human Rights 7(2): 5-15.


Miller, Alice M. 2000.Sexual But Not Reproductive: Exploring the Junction and Disjunction of Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Health and Human Rights 4(2): 69-109.

无责任翻译:性非生育: 探索性权与生育权的交叉与分离

Miller, Alice M. 2004.Sexuality, Violence Against Women, and Human Rights: Women Make Demands and Ladies Get Protection. Health and Human Rights 7(2): 17-47.

无责任翻译:性,对女性的暴力,人权: 女人有要求,女士受保护

Misra, G.2009. Decriminalizing Homosexuality in India. In Reproductive Health Matters 17 (34): 20-28.


Misra, G., Mahal, A., and R. Shah.2000.Protecting the Rights of Sex Workers: The Indian Experience. Health and Human Rights 5 (1).

无责任翻译:保障性工作者权利: 印度的经验

Mohanty Chandra, Talpade 1984, Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourse Boundary

无责任翻译:在西方视线下: 女权主义学术与殖民论述边界

Morris, Esther. 2001. The Missing Vagina Dialogues and Beyond. Sojourner Womens Health Edition March, 2001


Muguongo, Wanja, interview with Alice M. Miller. When the Law that Harms is Not the Law in the Headlines: the Regulation of Sexuality in East Africa by Administrative Ordinances, Vagrancy and Public Order Laws.

无责任翻译:法律伤人时并非头条: 关于性的法规

Potts, Annie. 2000. The Essence of the Hard On. Men and Masculinities 3(1): 85-103


PUCL-K/Baxi. Human Rights Violations against the Transgender Community: A Study of Kothi and Hijra Sex Workers in Bangalore, India. Peoples Union for Civil Liberties, Karnataka, (PUCL-K), India, 2003. Pp, 5-7, 11-15.

无责任翻译:对跨性别社群的人权侵害: 班加罗尔Kothi与Hijra(两种当地的跨性别身份)性工作者研究

Queer Crip Readings Collection.


Ratele, Kopano. Male Sexualities and Masculanities. In Sylvia, Tamale (Ed.). African Sexualities. Pambazuka Press, 2011. 399-419.


Rubin, Gayle. 1984. Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality. In Carole S. Vance (Ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Pp. 267-319.

无责任翻译:思考性: 关于"性"政治之激进理论的笔记

Said Edward W., Orientalism, New York, Vintage Books, 1979, c1978. Introduction and Chapter 1

无责任翻译:东方主义/东方学 (名著咯)

Seshu, Meena and Pai, Aarthi. Prevention of Trafficking: The Rights of People in Sex Work. The Problem of Conflation with Trafficking. Submitted to the Supreme Court of India Panel on Prevention of Traffikcing. March 2013.

无责任翻译:预防拐卖: 性工作者人权

Shah, Svati. Queering Diplomacy. Shifts in US foreign Policy reflect the globalisation of LGBT Politics. InThe Caravan. A Journal of Politics & Culture. May 2014.


无责任翻译:酷儿化外交: 美国对外政策变化折射出的LGBT政治全球化

Shakespeare, Tom. 2000. Disabled sexuality: Towards rights and recognition. Keynote address, Disability, Sexuality and Culture conference, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, March. http://www.bentvoices.org/culturecrash/shakespeare.htm

无责任翻译:残障的"性": 权利与认可

Staiger, Janet. Violence, Horror and Sexually Explicit Images, Media Reception Studies, New York University Press, 2005.


Tamale, Sylvia (2014) Exploring the contours of African sexualities: Religion, law and power in African Human Rights Law Journal Vol.14 pp.150-177.

无责任翻译:探索非洲的"性"边界: 宗教,法律和权力

The Sangram/VAMP Team. The VAMP/SANGRAM Sex Workers Movement in Indias Southwest. In Batliwala, Srilatha (ed.), Changing their World: Concepts and Practices of Womens Movements, 2nd edition. AWID. 2011. http://www.awid.org/content/download/117347/1335451/file/CTW_VAMP_Movmnt_ENG.pdf


United Nations. 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Vance, Carole S. 1991. Anthropology Rediscovers Sexuality: A Theoretical Comment. Social Science and Medicine 33(8): 875-884.

无责任翻译:人类学如何重新发现"性": 一个理论回顾

Vance, Carole. Innocence and Experience: Melodramatic Narratives of Sex Trafficking and Their Consequences for Law and Policy. History of the Present: A Journal of Critical History 2 (2), 200-218, 2012.

无责任翻译:无辜与老练: 对性拐卖及其法律与政策后果的滥情叙述

Vance, Carole S. 1984.Pleasure and Danger: Toward a Politics of Sexuality. In Vance, C. (ed.), Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1-27.

无责任翻译:愉悦与危险: 关于性的政治

Vance, Carole. States of Contradiction: Twelve Ways to Do Nothing about Trafficking While Pretending To. Social Research 78 (3): 933-948,2011.

无责任翻译:自相矛盾: 12种假装解决拐卖人口问题实则于事无补的方式 (或:12种貌似针对拐卖人口但并卵的方式…)

Waites, Matthew. The Age of Consent and Sexual Citizenship in the United Kingdom: A History. In Julie Seymour and Paul Bagguley, Eds. _Relating Intimacies: Power and Resistance_. New York: St Martin's Press, 1999, 91-117.

无责任翻译:英国的"同意"年代和"性"的公民权: 一个简史

Weeks, Jeffrey. 1986. The Languages of Sex.In Sexuality. London: Tavistock Publications, 11-18.


Weeks, Jeffrey. 1986. The Invention of Sexuality. In Sexuality. London: Tavistock Publications, 19-44.





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