




在第三期视频中,深圳高等金融研究院制度与资本市场研究中心主任;香港中文大学公司治理研究中心主任张田余教授将为我们解读他们的论文:Politics and Specificity of Information: Evidence from Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts in a Relationship-based Economy,主持人为学院副教授谭安厚(Professor Hugh Thomas)。


This paper examines whether and how politics shapes the kind of information that enhances analysts’ forecast accuracy in a relational economy. Since political influence is exerted on firms primarily through relationships, information about firms’ performance is highly specific. Even for firms that are within the same industry, these relationships can differ significantly. We posit that politics increases the idiosyncrasy of analysts’ information that is accuracy-enhancing. Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topical modeling method, on a comprehensive sample of 87,332 reports of Chinese financial analysts from 2010 to 2015, we find that when political influence on firms increases, the idiosyncratic topics (i.e. topics that are specific to fewer firms) in the analysts’ reports are more positively associated with their relative forecast accuracy.

However, we do not find that politics influences the relation between industry-specific topics (i.e. topics that are specific to firms in the same industry) and forecast accuracy.

Finally, we validate our LDA measures using the earnings component model in Ball and Brown (1967) and the stock return synchronicity model in Morck et al. (2000).

这项研究关注在关系型经济中政策是否会影响并如何决定某种类型信息可以提高分析师对公司盈利预测的准确率。由于政策主要通过各种关系来影响公司,因此关于公司业绩的信息具有很强的公司自身的特质。即便是同一行业的公司,这些关系也可能大不相同。我们研究的假设是政策使分析师拥有公司特有信息越多,其对公司盈利预测的准确率就越高。我们运用隐狄利克雷分配模型(LDA, 一个主题分析模型)全面分析了2010年至2015年中国金融分析师共87,332篇报告的样本。我们发现政策对公司的影响越大,分析师报告中的公司特有主题(例如:针对少数几家公司的论题)与其相关的预测准确率的正相关性越显著。然而,我们发现政策不会影响行业类主题(例如:具体到同一行业的公司的论题)和预测准确率之间的关系。最后,我们运用Ball和Brown(1967)的盈利构成模型以及Morck(2000)等人的股票收益同步模型验证了隐狄利克雷分配模型的度量。

策划 | 谭安厚 教授

撰文 | 易菲  

翻译 | 高艺丹

审阅 | 林邦源

美编 | 蔡佳卉

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