

2016-07-27 人大重阳 人大重阳











The South China Sea award on July 12th has raised heated discussion across the world. Various countries have expressed their positions over the award and the South China Sea issue. According to the Chinese government and media, there are 66 countries publicly supporting China’s position over the South China Sea issue. However, doubts have risen around the number in the United States. According to some American think tanks there are 10 countries publicly supporting China while some American media, only 8. They even assert that China “trumpeted” the number.


To figure out the truth, our research team, international studies dept. of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY), has to verify on our own by conducting an independent study. We explored the information by extensively searching the internet, and then looked for media reports, official statements, diplomatic documents and talking points releases to track authoritative sources.


Our key finding is as follows:


70 Countries are found to publicly support China’s position over the South China Sea dispute. It is even possible that our team still miss some others.

(With dates when they declare, state, publish, are released by diplomatic documents, talking points or by media. Notice some of them made many times among which we only picked up one.)


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肯尼亚 The Republic of Kenya 06/15/2016


坦桑尼亚 The United Republic of Tanzania 05/31/2016


赞比亚 The Republic of Zambia 06/13/2016


喀麦隆 Republic of Cameroon 06/15/2016


埃塞俄比亚 The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 06/15/2016


莱索托 Kingdom of Lesotho 05/27/2016


马拉维 Republic of Malawi 06/22/2016

马里 The Republic of Mali 07/06/2016


尼日尔 The Republic of Niger 05/19/2016


乌干达 The Republic of Uganda 05/30/2016

厄立特里亚 The Commonwealth of Eritrea 05/30/2016

塞拉利昂 The Republic of Sierra Leone 06/09/2016


加蓬 The Gabonese Republic 05/12/2016


中非 The Central African Republic 06/28/2016

马达加斯加 Madagascar 07/08/2016


几内亚比绍 The Republic of Guinea-Bissau 06/24/2016


几内亚 The Republic of Guinea 07/19/2016


贝宁 The Republic of Benin 07/11/2016

刚果(金)Democratic Republic of the Congo 06/28/2016

津巴布韦 Republic of Zimbabwe 06/30/2016

安哥拉 The Republic of Angola 07/01/2016

利比里亚 The Republic of Liberia 07/05/2016

塞内加尔 The Republic of Senegal 07/08/2016

突尼斯(通过《多哈宣言》)The Republic of Tunisia Doha Declaration*05/12/2016

摩洛哥(通过《多哈宣言》)The Kingdom of Morocco Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

莫桑比克 The Republic of Mozambique 05/18/2016

刚果(布)The Republic of Congo 06/20/2016

布隆迪 The Republic of Burundi 05/18/2016

多哥 The Republic of Togo 05/17/2016


阿尔及利亚(通过《多哈宣言》)People‘s Democratic Republic of Algeria Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

苏丹 The Republic of Sudan 04/28/2016

吉布提(通过《多哈宣言》)The Republic of Djibouti Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

利比亚(通过《多哈宣言》)State of Libya Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

毛里塔尼亚(通过《多哈宣言》)The Islamic Republic of Mauritania Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

索马里(通过《多哈宣言》)The Somalia Democratic Republic Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

科摩罗(通过《多哈宣言》)Union of Comoros Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

冈比亚(通过《多哈宣言》)Islamic Republic of Gambia 04/21/2016 Doha Declaration 05/12/2016

南非 The Republic of South Africa 06/22/2016

埃及(通过《多哈宣言》)The Arab Republic of Egypt Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


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也门(通过《多哈宣言》)Yemen Republic Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


阿曼(通过《多哈宣言》)Sultanate of Oman Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


文莱 Nation of Brunei  04/23/2016


黎巴嫩(通过《多哈宣言》)Republic of Lebanon Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


伊拉克(通过《多哈宣言》)Republic of Iraq Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


斯里兰卡 The Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka 04/09/2016


阿富汗 Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 05/18/2016


孟加拉国 People’s Republic of Bangladesh 04/27/2016


老挝 Lao People’s  Democratic Republic 04/23/2016


柬埔寨 Kingdom of Cambodia 04/23/2016


约旦(通过《多哈宣言》)The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


巴林(通过《多哈宣言》)Kingdom of Bahrain Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


乌兹别克斯坦 Republic of Uzbekistan 06/24/2016


巴勒斯坦(通过《多哈宣言》)The State of Palestine Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


吉尔吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyz Republic 04/27/2016


塔吉克斯坦 Republic of Tajikistan 06/24/2016


科威特(通过《多哈宣言》)State of Kuwait Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


卡塔尔(通过《多哈宣言》)State of Qatar Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


巴基斯坦 Islamic Republic of Pakistan 04/28/2016


阿拉伯联合酋长国(通过《多哈宣言》)United Arab Emirates(UAE)Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


沙特阿拉伯(通过《多哈宣言》) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Doha Declaration 05/12/2016


哈萨克斯坦 Republic of Kazakhstan 04/28/2016

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俄罗斯 The Russian Federation 04/29/2016


塞尔维亚 Republic of Serbia 06/19/2016

黑山 Montenegro 07/12/2016

白俄罗斯 The Republic of Belarus 04/27/2016

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委内瑞拉 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 05/10/2016


格林纳达 Grenada 06/24/2016


多米尼克The Commonwealth of Dominica 06/24/2016

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巴布亚新几内亚 The Independent State of Papua New Guinea 07/08/2016


瓦努阿图 The Republic of Vanuatu 05/25/2016

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International Organizations(2):

阿拉伯国家联盟 League of Arab StatesDoha Declaration 05/12/2016


上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization 06/24/2016




* These countries expressed supporting to China’s position on the South China Sea issue in the Doha Declaration jointly adopted at the 7th Ministerial Meeting of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on May 12th, 2016, available in Chinese and Arabic on the official website of the Forum since June. A Wall Street Journal Report on July 17, however, claimed "it was still being translated".


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  中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)成立于 2013 年 1 月 19 日,是上海重阳投资管理股份有限公司董事长裘国根先生向母校捐款 2 亿元的主要资助项目。

  作为中国特色新型智库,人大重阳旨在把脉金融,钻研学术,关注现实,建言国家,服务大众。人大重阳聘请了来自 10 多个国家的 89 名前政要、银行家、知名学者为高级研究员,与 30 多个国家的智库开展实质合作。

  目前,人大重阳被中国官方认定为 G20智库峰会(T20)共同牵头智库、中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会秘书处、“一带一路”中国智库合作联盟常务理事、中国-伊朗官学共建“一带一路”中方牵头智库。2014年来,人大重阳连续两年被选入由美国宾州大学推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“全球顶级智库150强”(仅七家中国智库连续入围)。


