编者按 2016年8月7-14日,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长王文受中国公共外交协会与环球网之邀赴非洲调研,出席了先后在坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆和肯尼亚最大港口城市蒙巴萨举行的“中非公共外交论坛”和“中非媒体与智库论坛”并均做了主旨发言,此外,还调研了坦桑尼亚的中国农业示范中心、肯尼亚的蒙内铁路等重点援非工程。其中,在调研坦桑尼亚中资东奥服装厂的活动中,坦桑尼亚总理马贾利瓦出席,做了重要讲话,表达了对中国的感谢与中国发展经验尤其是经济特区的羡慕与效仿之情,以及对中国南海政策的支持。人大重阳在第一次时间得到演讲稿原文并做了翻译,现将原文刊出。
尊敬的Jenista Mhagama部长、Pail Makonda区长、李肇星部长、吕友清大使、Adelhelm Meru秘书、Joseph Simbakalia主任、William Tai厂长、各位中坦的媒体朋友、各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们:
很高兴来到本杰明·威廉·姆卡帕(Benjamin William Mkapa)经济特区,在此向吕友清大使和坦桑尼亚的老朋友、前外交部长李肇星先生的到场致以谢意。
▲ 在坦中资东奥服装厂的内景
Honorable Jenista Mhagama, Minister of the State responsible for Labor, Youth and Employment;
Honorable Pail Makonda, Regional Commissioner for Dar Es Salaam Region;
Honorable Li Zhao Xing – Retired Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Public Of China;
H.E. Lu Youqing, Ambassador of the People’s Public Of China to Tanzania;
Dr. Adelhelm Meru, Permanent Secretary for Industry – Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment;
Col. (retired) Joseph Simbakalia – Director General of the Export Processing Zones Authority in Tanzania;
Mr. William Tai, the General Manager of the of the Tooku Garment Company Limited and Our Host this morning;
Members of the media from China and Tanzania;
Distinguished Invited Guests;
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be here at Benjamin William Mkapa Special Economic Zone, and I would like to thank Your Excellency Ambassador Dr. Lu Youqing for the special arrangements which have been put in place for this visit which has brought along the Honorable Li Zhao Xing, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Public Of China and a long time friend of Tanzania.
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to be here, and to meet you all this morning. It is always my delight to meet with our Chinese brothers and sisters, but more so on this special occasion to visit a factory owned by Chinese Investors in Tanzania. The presence of this Chinese factory in Tanzania is yet more evidence of how the long time brotherly and cordial all-weather friendship between our two countries has come to translate into business, the confidence which clearly manifest in the ever rising investment flows from China into the country of Tanzania.
I would like to thank the Management and Workers of Tooku Garment Company for the warm reception accorded to us; and I am pleased to learn that you are working very closely with the Export Processing Zones Authority (“EPZA”) to achieve our mutual goals of expanding production to enhance our external trade capacity. Confidently this will as well employment to the Youth of Tanzania after imparting to them the requisite industrial skills. I am very delighted to see tangible successful outcomes of the model Public-Private Partnership in transfer of industrial skills which is being pioneered by Tooku Garments in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania. This is a commendable job and well done.
Excellence, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a remarkable achievement that over the next 30 months or so, 400 workers will be joining the ranks of industrial workers in the textile sector every three months after graduating from the training program which is being jointly sponsored by the Government of China and Private Sector from China. In the end, Tooku will employ a total number of 6,000 workers and that will mean a fourfold or 300% increase from the current number of 1,500 workers.
I am informed that a similar arrangement is being put in place in Morogoro and it is my hope that the success of this model will be carried to other regions in Tanzania such as Shinyanga where investors from Jiangsu Province in China have already build large factories. For your information, over the next two weeks, EPZA will be receiving a prospective Investors from Jiangsu Province and elsewhere in China.
On behalf of the Government and the People of Tanzania through your Excellency Ambassador and all our Distinguished friends of Tanzania from China present here, I wish to expand both hands of welcome to Chinese Business Enterprises seeking to invest in our country and unlock the great intrinsic potential of Tanzania endowed with enough opportunities to create wealth for the mutual benefit of our two brotherly countries.
Tooku Garment Company Limited chose to come to invest in Tanzania as one of the first movers to establish their business and build their local capacities step by step. I am very pleased to learn that Tooku in Tanzania is currently producing and exporting to the AGOA market of USA, top brand garments such as LEVIS, WRANGLER and PRIMARK. This is a highly commendable to be able to develop a workforce that can produce garments that meet the high standard of international quality and costs benchmarks. Out heartiest congratulations go to the Manager and Workers of Tooku Company with hope that they will continue to work in harmony and sustain the business to meet the stringent demands of markets.
Excellence, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
I am not about to miss this opportunity to pay deserving, glowing tribute to the Visionary Leaders of China and Tanzania who laid the bedrock foundation upon which we are now able to build new strong and mutually beneficial economic relationships. We owe all that to the legacy of Chairman Mao Zedong (Mao Tee Tung) with able assistance of Premier Zhou En-Lai and Our Father of the Nation Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere. There are many visible monuments of that era of great sacrifice and international solidarity by our two Nations; however two of those historical monuments of our all-weather friendship stand out as long time legacies, ever ready for renewable to take our relationships to new heights. In that regard, allow me to say a few words concerning the very important legacies of TAZARA and this location where we are standing on today, which is now named Benjamin William Mkapa Special Economic Zone. I will first make a few remarks concerning this location.
Excellence, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
For many years during the years when the People of Tanzania and their African brothers and sisters were emerged in the armed struggle to gain total political independence of the African Continent from colonialism, this area which is locally known as “Mabibo External” and we have now converted it into an industrial park, was then the communication hub of “Radio Tanzania External Service” dedicated to broadcasting programs that reached out to the field combatants of liberation forces, as well as the progressive political forces which worked to mobilize the oppressed people to stage civil resistance as well as support the struggle.
Infrastructure for the said historic liberation communication center was established with assistance of the Government and People of China. Therefore, it is most befitting that this area of Benjamin William Mkapa Special Economic Zone which featured prominently in the past as one of the most powerful and solid based for action during the struggle for political independence, should once again get prominence in the struggle against neo-colonialism with a view to achieve economic liberation through industrialization to produce for INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS. Nevertheless, TAZARA remains to be the most important and ironic monument of solidarity, sacrifice and lasting all-weather friendship between China and Tanzania; and that is now befittingly the most important reference subject of my next set of remarks about strengthening and bringing the relationship of our two Countries with new heights in the era of industrial development cooperation.
TAZARA-also known as the “UHURU Railway” – is easily the most valuable and powerful live legacy which is truly symbolic of self-sacrifice and solidarity of the government and People of China, in their support of the total liberation of Africa, both political and economic liberation. We can never say enough to pay tribute to our great Visionary Leaders who made it all happen against all odds and global skepticism of our common detractors. It was indeed an unparalleled success in infrastructure development in Africa during those days, and has remained to be in that leading position for more than four decades until the recent construction of Standard Gauge Railway construction that China has now come back to pioneer in the Eastern part of Africa.
Excellences, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
I wish to repeat that we can never say enough to pay tribute to our great Visionary Leaders who made it possible to build TAZARA or the UHURU Railway, However, there is much we can do to re-build and strengthen the line to become the catalytic project to unlock and unleash the inherent economic development potential of the TARAZA Corridor. This encompasses candidate areas for the establishment of Special Economic Zones to crowd-in the necessary investment in production value chains that will generate cargo traffic for the railway line. In that regard, I am directing the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investments acting through the Export Processing Zones Authority and Tanzania Investment Center, to lead the way with the development Mkulazi Agro-industrial Project in Morogoro region to become the pioneer and flagship special economic zone of the TARAZA Corridor.
The Ministry responsible for Industrial development should submit to the Government a full report with concrete proposals on the way forward of establishing the pioneer comprehensive special economic zone associated with TAZARA. I am also directing the Regional Commissioners for Pwani, Morogoro, Iringa, Njombe, Mbeya and Songwe Regions to work closely with EPZA to initiate the development of special economic zones linked to TAZARA within their respective regions of jurisdiction in the respective regional development plans and implementation strategies of industrialization in the context of the 2nd Five Year Development Plans.
Excellence, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
The list of development assistance projects standing as monuments and legacy of the all-weather friendship of China and Tanzania is quite impressive. Besides TAZARA, I would like to mention the Jakaya Kikwete Heart Institute at Muhimbili National Hospital, the Mtwara - Dar Es Salaam Natural Gas Pipeline, the Dodoma Water Supply Project, the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre, the Dakawa Agricultural Demonstration Centre and I could go on. However, it will suffice to say the development assistance that Tanzania has received from China over the past five decades has touched the lives of many Tanzanians and made a positive difference to economic sustenance and social services delivery that touches the lives of ordinary Tanzanians. I am very pleased we are now entering a new phase of development cooperation under FOCAC through industrial collaboration initiatives which will transfer new knowledge and skills to many ordinary Tanzanians and hence enable them to become highly productive industrial workers.
Before I conclude my remarks, I would like once again to avail myself of this opportunity to invite and to welcome investors from China to follow the “One Belt One Road” philosophy along the path that leads to Tanzania as the landing beach head on the Eastern seaboard of Africa, because geography has made our Country the natural trade and logistics hub that can give simultaneous access to the EAC and SADC regional markets, as well as COMESA. The total African regional population that can be accessed through Tanzania acting as a trade and logistics hub for an integrated market is 600 million. Tanzania is endowed with fertile arable land suitable for agriculture and livestock, abundance minerals that can be exploited as industrial raw materials including natural gas, soda ash, nickel, iron, titanium, copper, bauxite, coal, gypsum and limestone. Tanzania has a sizeable as well as trainable young population with social stability. Hence, it is an ideal platform to accommodate industrial enterprises that wish to relocate from China to Africa in search of access to markets, sources of industrial raw materials and manpower for labor intensive industries.
Like China during the 1980s and 90s, our special economic zones are also laboratories of public policy reforms. It is our sincere hope that our friends from China will understand that some of the internal reform challenges they may face are transitory, and we request them to bear with us and soberly emulate the tenacity and perseverance of first movers like Tooku Garments Company who have now well established themselves as a domestic company.
We are grateful and appreciated that our friends from China are willing to share with us their experiences and expertise in industrialization. Tanzania intends to make full use of the opportunities to access resources pledged by China to Africa under the framework of FOCAC, and in that regard the Government will collaborate with China to realize the priority beneficiary projects in terms of our 2nd Five Year Development including the development of Bagamoyo Special Economic Zone, the modernization of TAZARA, the construction and upgrading of Central Railway line to Standard Gauge, as well as Kinyerezi Ⅲ and Ⅳ Power Projects.
Excellences, Honorable and Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen
In concluding my remarks, I would like once again to thank Your Excellence Ambassador Lu for your role to make all this happen and to thank all our friends from China who are present here today. On behalf of the Government, let me avail of this opportunity to reaffirm the full commitment of Tanzania to cooperate with African countries and collaborate with China under the framework of FOCAC. The Government and People of Tanzania remain steadfast in their solidarity with the Government and People of China, and fully support the stance of Peoples’ Republic of China in the genuine desire to maintain peace with stability in the South China Sea.
Long Live the Friendship and Solidarity of the Peoples of China and Tanzania! I thank you all very much – Ninawshukuru Asanteni sana.
中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)成立于 2013 年 1 月 19 日,是上海重阳投资管理股份有限公司董事长裘国根先生向母校捐款 2 亿元的主要资助项目。
作为中国特色新型智库,人大重阳旨在把脉金融,钻研学术,关注现实,建言国家,服务大众。人大重阳聘请了来自 10 多个国家的 89 名前政要、银行家、知名学者为高级研究员,与 30 多个国家的智库开展实质合作。
目前,人大重阳被中国官方认定为 G20智库峰会(T20)共同牵头智库、中国金融学会绿色金融专业委员会秘书处、“一带一路”中国智库合作联盟常务理事、中国-伊朗官学共建“一带一路”中方牵头智库。2014年来,人大重阳连续两年被选入由美国宾州大学推出的、国际公认度最高的《全球智库报告》的“全球顶级智库150强”(仅七家中国智库连续入围)。