编者按:从本周起,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长王文将在《环球时报》英文版开设“Wang Wen on Changing World”专栏。第一篇专栏文章《中国与世界可相互学习》于2019年8月20日刊出,现将中英文内容转发如下:
Working in a university, professors often face a hard subject – learning from students.有时教授们可能会很客气地这么说,但绝大多数时候,教授习惯在学生面前摆出权威的样子。Despite being difficult, it is a task they must do. It is hard for academics not to act authoritatively in front of their students.这很容易理解,毕竟,教授们有更高的学位、发表了更多论文、阅读了更多书,但学生们的优点也很明显。This is easy to understand. After all, professors have higher education degrees and more published papers. On top of it, they have read more books. But students have obvious merits as well.我的经验是,如果老师们保持着与学生们相互讨教的姿态,更易得到美誉。My own experience is that teachers will gain reputation more easily if they act modestly and discuss with students. However, few professors are able to do so.这不是教授的通病。面对世界,逐渐发展起来的中国人也容易有这样的不足。This is not a common failing of only professors. It may apply to countries too.尽管2014年习近平主席曾说过,“中国要永远成为学习大国”,但成为全球第二大经济体的中国在舆论中更倾向于讲,中国乐意向世界分享发展经验。Chinese President Xi Jinping said in 2014 that China will always be a major power which always learns from others. But as the second-largest economy in the world, China tends to say that it is willing to share its development experience with the world.Indeed, China has confidence to say so.高铁、高速公路、电子支付、共享经济、5G技术等,使近年来中国社会变得便捷而高效,令国际社会不少人羡慕不已。High-speed railways, highways, electronic payment, sharing economy and 5G technology have made Chinese society convenient and efficient in recent years. Quite a few people in the international community admire China.But this does not mean that China can be proud forever.在欧洲许多机场,近年来已取消了人工核对登机牌的环节,换上了自动安检扫描设备,放行李箱、手提物件的安检盒子用上了前后传输带,不需要人口搬运,比中国所有机场的安检效率更快速、更便捷、更省人力。Many European airports have done away with manually checking boarding passes. These airports have instead used automatic security scanning equipment. There are belt conveyor systems for security checks. Compared with Chinese airports, such practices in European airports are faster, more convenient and need less manpower.在欧美大城市的机场休息室,红酒奶酪热食冷餐,琳琅满目,样品丰富,比中国诸多大城市的机场先进得多。In the airport lounges in many European and big US cities, there is a great variety of foods and drinks including red wine, cheese, hot food and cold buffet, which is much more advanced than that in big Chinese cities.在香港、新加坡、东京等诸多国际大都市,大楼与大楼之间通常有长廊或地下通道,行人穿梭不必日晒雨淋,比中国所有城市都更便民、更宜居。In many international metropolises such as Hong Kong, Singapore and Tokyo, there are usually corridors or underpasses between buildings. People do not need to expose themselves to the sun and rain to shuttle. They are also more convenient and livable than many Chinese cities.由此看,中国近年来在宏观的“互联互通”上取得了较大的国际优势,但在微观层面“互联互通”细节上,仍有许多向他国学习的提升空间。Consequently, although China has gained international advantage in macro interconnection, the country still has much to learn from other countries in the details of micro interconnection.再以中国近年取得了空气质量、水质、土壤改善巨大提升的生态环保为例,与欧美国家相比,中国要走的路仍很长。Another example is environment protection. In recent years, China has made great progress in improving the quality of air, water and soil. But compared with many European countries and the US, China still has a long way to go.Sanitation at many Chinese tourist attractions is often criticized.我曾登上非洲最高峰乞力马扎罗,登山客不少,但令人惊叹的是,连在海拔4700米的冲顶营地,坦桑尼亚人把山间厕所都打扫得非常干净,沿途近50公里的登山路,几乎看不到随地垃圾。I have been to Mount Kilimanjaro. What surprised me was that toilets at a camp at 4,700 meters above sea level were carefully cleaned and no trash could be seen along the 50-kilometer-long climbing route.可见,一些发展中国家景区管理,仍有许多值得中国学习之处。We can learn scenic spot management from some developing countries.再以中国人最值得骄傲的美食为例,满汉全席,各地小吃,令任何外国友人都叹不绝口。Take Chinese food as another example. Many foreigners have become fans of Chinese cuisine. 近年来,伦敦、纽约、巴黎、米兰等地出现了中国美食小吃店,如肉夹馍、煎饼果子等。More and more Chinese restaurants have taken root in cities such as London, New York, Paris and Milan selling snacks like roujiamo (meat sandwiches) and jianbing guozi (Chinese-style pancake).笔者欣喜品尝,有时会惊奇地发现,烹饪师傅中有了老外,操作手法标准化,蒸板、刀具、餐盒都比国内小餐馆要干净得多,吃得令人放心,值得学习。I have tried these restaurants and surprisingly found that some cooks are not Chinese. They do the cooking with standardized process, using utensils that are cleaner than those used in many small restaurants in China. This is also worth learning from.不只是发展细节,发达国家的一些重大战略也值得重视。We should attach importance to not only details of development but also developed countries’major strategy for development.When the world was hit by financial crisis in 2008, the US was believed to be on decline.然而,当初没想到,十多年过去,美国经济实力并未出现实质下降,科技创新、金融实力仍遥遥领先于世界,相反,不少唱衰美国的新兴国家出现了重大风险。After 11 years, the US still leads the world in science and technology innovation and in financial strength. But many emerging countries that were once badmouthing the US have run into severe risks.中国已是全球大国,如何在国际博弈中运筹帷幄,敢于纠错,不妨向美国取经。China should make amends and may as well learn from the US in how to get an ace up its sleeve and how to right the wrong in the international game.虚心使人进步,骄傲让人落后。中国人从小就知道这句话。Chinese people are familiar with the idiom: Modesty helps one make progress while conceit makes one lag.国力竞争,在某种程度上看,也可视为是学习能力之争。The competition about national strength to some extent can be viewed as one of learning capability.2019年初,习近平主席在中青年干部培训班开班中再次强调,要在学思践悟中不忘初心,不断修炼自我。Xi reiterated in 2019 that young and middle-aged officials must “stay true to mission” and constantly make progress. This is another important reminder to all Chinese people.It is not easy to discover the merits of others and follow them.处在转型发展期的中国须铭记,国力竞争如逆水行舟,不进则退,保持学习之心、学习之行,才能永远立于强国之林。China in the transition period must keep in mind that only keeping learning and making progress will help it become one of the world’s strongest countries.当然,世界上其他国家也不必忌讳向中国学习。70年,中国从一个穷国变成中高收入国家,值得全球借鉴的发展经验,并没有被完全发掘。Of course it should not be a taboo for other countries to learn from China, which has become a high-income country from a poor one in the past seven decades. Such change is worth learning from for the whole world.当今世界,各国问题都不少,中国与世界相互学习,肯定有助于探索国内变革之道,以及国内治理难题的解决之道。All countries have encountered different problems. It will be in China’s interest to figure a way out of domestic reform and governing difficulties by learning from one another. This is not necessarily easy but can yet be achieved.