

人大重阳 2021-07-08


在卢拉(2003-2010年)和迪尔玛·罗塞夫(2011-2016年)担任总统期间,巴西成为拉丁美洲和全球地缘政治舞台上的一个重要角色,特别是在金砖国家、南方共同市场、南美洲国家联盟、拉美和加勒比国家共同体中的作用。卢拉总统、罗塞夫总统和外交部长塞尔索·阿莫林等人,为发展全球政治的新多极化做出了许多努力,包括与中国非常密切地合作。自从针对迪尔玛·罗塞夫总统的政变以来,巴西事实上已经与金砖国家保持距离。与此同时,中国和巴西之间的双边贸易在2020年达到了1010亿美元的创纪录数字,对巴西来说有很大的顺差。面对新冠肺炎疫情,巴西签署了生产CoronaVac冠状病毒疫苗(中国)和阿斯利康(英国)两种疫苗的协议,但两种疫苗的投入均来自中国,使巴西与中国在抗疫斗争中高度关联。鉴于此,“拒绝新冷战(No Cold War)”与三大洲社会研究所共同举办“中国、美国和巴西寻求独立的外交政策”网络研讨会。会议议程如下:



时  间2021年5月15日(周六),北京时间21:00;美东时间9:00;巴西时间10:00;英国时间14:00
主办方“拒绝新冷战”(No Cold War)三大洲社会研究所
媒体支持观察者网、TVT、Brasil de Fato
语  言葡萄牙语、英语、中文同传
发言嘉宾迪尔玛·罗塞夫(Dilma Rouseff),巴西前总统塞尔索·阿莫林(Celso Amorim),巴西前外交部长王   文,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行院长施特得理(João Pedro Stédile),巴西无地农民运动(MST)领袖莫妮卡·布鲁克曼(Monica Bruckmann),里约热内卢联邦大学教授伊莱亚斯·贾布尔(Elias Jabbour),里约热内卢州立大学助理教授讨论内容1. 在新一届拜登政府和全球大流行的新冠肺炎疫情的背景下,中国-巴西-美国关系将如何发展?2. 巴西如何发展独立的外交政策?3. 有兴趣的组织和个人如何为“拒绝新冷战”运动做出贡献?注:人大重阳将进行中文频道直播,直播平台请留意“人大重阳”微信及官网通告。“拒绝新冷战”(No Cold War)Youtube频道进行英语频道直播。



International webinar: China, USA and Brazil’s quest for an independent foreign policy (15 May)

No Cold War and the Tricontinental Institute invite you to join our international webinar discussing ‘China, USA and Brazil’s quest for an independent foreign policy. The event is taking place on Saturday 15 May 2021 at 9AM US Eastern / 10AM Brasilia / 2PM Britain / 9PM China.


· Dilma Rousseff – former President of Brazil

· Celso Amorim – former Foreign Minister of Brazil

· Wang Wen – Executive Dean Chongyang Institute Renmin University of China

· João Pedro Stédile – MST Brazil

· Monica Bruckman – Professor at Rio de Janeiro Federal University

· Elias Jabbour – Professor Adjunto at Rio de Janeiro State University

The event will be in Portuguese with live simultaneous translation into English and Chinese. 

You can watch the event live in English on No Cold War’s Youtube channel.

During the presidencies of Lula (2003-2010) and Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), Brazil became an important actor on the Latin American and global geopolitical stage, especially for its role in BRICS, Mercosur, UNASUR and CELAC. President Lula and President Dilma, as well as Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, among others, have made many efforts to develop a new multipolarity in global politics, including working very closely with China.

Since the coup against President Dilma Rousseff, Brazil has de facto distanced itself from the BRICS. 

At the same time, bilateral trade between China and Brazil in 2020 reached a record figure of US $101 billion with a large surplus for Brazil. ...

Faced with the pandemic, Brazil signed agreements for the production of the vaccines Coronavac (Chinese) and AstraZeneca (British), but the inputs for both come only from China making Brazil highly interrelated with China in the fight against Covid.

This international webinar will discuss the following:

1.  What will be the next chapters in China-Brazil-US relations, in the context of the new Biden administration and the unfolding pandemic?

2.  How can Brazil develop an independent foreign policy?

3. How could interested organizations and individuals contribute to the “No Cold War” campaign?


// 人大重阳    









