

马丁·雅克 人大重阳 2022-06-07







Facing a Dangerous Cocktail, a New World Order Awaits


The global climate has changed greatly. We have entered an era of profound instability. The future has become highly unpredictable. The most important single reason for this is the decline of the US. Once the long-standing global hegemon begins to lose its authority, all countries in varying degrees behave differently. This phase is set to last many years: the twilight phase of the US-led global order is likely to be protracted. The nearest parallel to this situation was between 1918 and 1939 with the rapid decline of Britain as the global hegemon which culminated in the Great Depression, the division of the world into protectionist currency-based blocs, and ultimately the Second World War. Such periods are not just unpredictable, they pose a serious threat to world peace. Of course, America’s decline is not the only cause of instability. The pandemic probably had a greater impact than any other major event, economic or political, since 1945. And then, of course, there is climate change which will transform every country and the entire world over the next forty years and beyond. US decline, the pandemic and climate change make up a formidable cocktail.

The next period will be profoundly different from the forty years of China’s reform period. It will pose a far greater challenge. How to secure economic growth when the global economy is likely to be weak and the threat of a major new economic crisis at some point quite likely? How to maintain a global consensus on carbon reduction at a time when the world is riven with conflict, especially between the US and China. How to maintain peace with war once again afflicting Europe? And how to ensure that there are guard rails in the deteriorating relationship between the US and China which can prevent it threatening world peace. America may be in rapid decline, but no one should underestimate America’s determination to hold on to its position as the global hegemon. This is close to being the only bipartisan issue in America today. The US is on the search for ways of derailing China. Worse, I fear, is still to come; even China’s US Treasury Bills may at some point be considered fair game.

The world is confronted with a huge challenge. How to achieve consensus, conciliation, dialogue, and common ground at a time of widespread retreat from such values. How to find stability at a time of profound instability. How to foster dialogue at a time when a fortress mentality has become so prevalent. Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is not just a nice idea, it is the urgent, overarching imperative of our time. It will require patience, persistence, dialogue, compromise, the prioritisation of the long term over the short term. It will require new thinking and great imagination. That is the spirit and message of Belt and Road. The old way and the old order are in retreat. The instability of our time is a product of the growing crisis of the old order. A new kind of world awaits.

// 人大重阳    









