
[E399]The little red look

2016-04-19 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第16期,China版块。

Intimate apparel

A brief history of Chinese underwear

Apr 16th 2016 | BEIJING

REVEALING the curves of breasts was considered lewd[1] for most of Chinese imperial history[2]Bosoms[3] were often bound[4] (though not as savagely[5] as feet, a bone-crushing[6] practice intended to enhance the female form). Imperial underwear developed accordingly. Various types of compressing vests or tunics[7] were popular over the centuries. High-class women often favoured the dudou , or belly-band[8]a diamond-shaped piece of embroidered cloth[9] that stretched from neck to waist[10] and was tied at the back (some designers are now trying to resurrect[11] the dudou as a fashion item). Men wore thong-like[12] loincloths[13], similar to sumo-wrestlers' competition belts[14], but underpants for women were rare.




(of , , , .)  in an  and  way

淫秽的,色情的,猥亵的,下流的Ignore him - he's being lewd.别理他——他是个色鬼。a lewd 下流的建议




[5]野蛮地;残酷地;凶暴地(in a violent, cruel or very severe way)

[6]bone-crushing 有碎骨之力的,强有力的;麻烦的.很痛苦的

1.powerful or constricting enough to crush one's bones

a bone-crushing handshake.

2.extremely painful, troublesome, costly, etc.

a bone-crushing mortgage.




[10]从脖子 到 腰


to  back something into use or  that had  or 

重新使用;恢复;使重新流行Several  of the  have resurrected the  of  .该党几位党员重新提出了修改宪法的主张。She has been   to resurrect her  .她一直奔忙,试图重振她的好莱坞演艺生涯。


a  of  or the   of a  with a very   at the back which does not  the 


a   of   used to  something or as  of a 皮带;条带;(皮)鞭


a  of  that  down from around the , sometimes  by men in  





Bosoms briefly enjoyed a renaissance[1] after the collapse of the last imperial dynasty in 1911. Fancy foreign bras also began to spread around that time.But such items were dismissed as bourgeois[2] when the Communists took over in 1949. Under Mao's rule, both sexes sported loose outfits[3]If women wore any underpinnings at all they were typically modelled on functional Soviet undergarments[4].[此处略去原文一长句]



[1]renaissance 复兴


 to or  of the  (= a   between the  and the )  in    and , or in having a   in  and possessions

中产阶级的;追求物质享受的;世俗的It's a  bourgeois, isn't it,  a  ? 参加高尔夫球俱乐部有点庸俗,不是吗?

[3]loose outfits 宽松着装/衣服

sport (v)

to  or be  with something

穿戴;装点Back in the 1960s he sported bell-bottom ,   and  down past his .20世纪60年代,他那时穿喇叭裤、厚底鞋,蓄着披肩长发。The  of the  sported a  .汽车前部都插着一面德国国旗。

[4]underpinning: underwear, especially women's underwear.

   undergarment: a piece of underwear 内衣


After China began opening to the outside world in the late 1970s, social mores[1] loosened only slowly. It was not until 1986 that bikinis were worn for the first time in public—and only then because an international bodybuilding contest[2] in China required female contestants to wear them (the bikini had made its debut[3] in Paris in 1946). Some Chinese commentators said the garment[4] offended “oriental sensibilities”. But Guangming Daily , a national newspaper, declared the bikini to be compatible with[5] Communist values[6]. As one judge at the competition put it: “The women of China, after thousands of years of imbibing feudalist thinking[7], are opening their minds.”






[4]garment: a piece of clothing 衣服



[7]imbibe feudalist thinking 接受/吸收封建思想


Even in the 1990s, fashions remained modest. Big, flesh-coloured knickers[1] were then in vogue[2], often stretching down to the knee. Bras made for the domestic market still tend to be less skimpy[3] than those for export.But breast size has since become an obsession: racks[4] are now filled with technicolour[5], diamanté and heavily padded cleavage-boosters. These days China makes and buys more fancy underwear than any other country, supporting socialism from top to bottom[6].






Skimpy   a lot of  

(衣服)暴露的a skimpy 短小暴露的裙子

[4]rack 货架

[5]technicolour: having a lot of bright colours 色彩鲜艳的,艳丽多彩的




原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







