
[E410]Diversify or die

2016-05-05 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第18期,Middle East and Africa版块。

Sport and race in South Africa

The government punishes sports bodies whose teams are too white

Apr 30th 2016

IN A move that has shaken one of the sportiest[1] countries in the world, South Africa's government has told four of the country's most muscular[2] sports associations that they may no longer host international events[举办国际活动/赛事] because their teams are too white. Athletics[田径运动], cricket[板球], netball[无挡板篮球(女子)] and rugby[英式橄榄球] have all been thus chastised[3]. Rugby feels sorest[sore最高级], as its union was set to bid to hold the World Cup[4] at home in 2023. Only football, in the government's view, has passed multiracial muster[5].



[1]sporty:describes someone who enjoys sport and is good at it 爱好且擅长体育运动的 

Guy wasn't really the sporty type.


[2]muscular:powerful 力量大的,影響力大的

It was a muscular, hard-hitting documentary.


[3]chastise:to criticize someone severely严厉批评,谴责,斥责

Charity organizations have chastised the Government for not doing enough to prevent the latest famine in Africa.



[5]multiracial:involving people of several different races 多种族的

a multiracial school


pass musterto reach an acceptable standard 达到标准,符合要求

New teams won't be admitted to the league if their stadiums don't pass muster.



Whereas blacks make up four-fifths of the populace[大众;平民;人口], they are still a small minority in many top teams. A growing number of South Africans of mixed race[1]—still known as Coloureds[2]—are excelling in[在…方面胜过/擅长] rugby and (along with some players of Indian descent[印度血统]) in cricket, but black Africans remain thinly represented at the top.This is largely because they have poor facilities and training programmes, so those sports have yet to catch on[流行起来;受欢迎] among the black majority. In cricket, ten private schools are said to have produced a third of South Africa's international players since 1991.



[1]mixed race 混血;混血种人;混合种族

[2]the Coloured

· in South Africa, a person of mixed race (南非的)混血种人

· a person who has black or brown skin. This word is now considered offensive by most people. 有色人种(现在大多数人认为该词具有冒犯性)


Football is the most popular sport among black South Africans, whereas whites, especially Afrikaners (whites of mainly Dutch descent[南非白人,布尔人(指南非的荷兰移民后裔)]), still dominate at the top of rugby. For many blacks, the game still smacks of apartheid[1]. John Carlin, whose book inspired the film “Invictus[2]”, which portrayed Nelson Mandela inspiring an almost lily-white[3] national rugby team to World Cup victory in 1995, the year after apartheid ended, says that black players have been “socially marginalised[4]” and that “subtle racism[5]” still prevails[流行;盛行;占上风] at the top.



[1]smacks of:If something smacks of an unpleasant quality, it seems to have that quality 带有…意味,带有…迹象

The whole affair smacks of mismanagement and incompetence.


apartheid:(in the past in South Africa) a political system in which people of different races were separated (旧时南非的)种族隔离制度

the long-awaited dismantling (= end) of apartheid


[2]Invictus is a 2009 American-South African biographical sports drama film directed by Clint Eastwood and starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.


[3]lily-white:pure white 纯白色的

[4]socially marginalised 社会边缘化

[5]subtle:not loud, bright, noticeable or obvious in any way 隐约的;暗淡的;不易察觉的,不明显的;微妙的


In 2014 the government agreed with the main sports associations that 60% of national team players should not be white. Cricket has made big strides[1]. There was much celebration earlier this year when Temba Bavuma became the first black South African to score a Test century[2] (against England, as it happens). On occasion[有时;偶尔] more than half of national cricket teams have been non-white.



[1]stride:an important positive development 进展,进步

The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the seventies.


make big strides 取得很大进展/进步

[2]make a century/score a century (板球) 得百分

Test match 国际橄榄球锦标赛;国际板球锦标赛

[注]A test match in rugby union is an international match, usually played between two senior national teams, that is recognised as such by one of the teams' national governing bodies.


But that is not good enough for Fikile Mbalula, the combative[1] minister of sport, who issued the recent edict[法令;命令]. By the by[2], it is thought that he may be bidding for a starring spot when the ruling African National Congress[非洲国民大会] has its own party elections next year.



[1]combative:eager to fight or argue 好战的;好斗的;好争论的

[2]by the by:附带地,顺便地;顺便说(或问)一下,顺便提一句;且说,另外(用以提出一个新的话题,或提起一件已经忘记的事)


His intervention has certainly stirred emotions[激起情绪] across the racial spectrum.A sports commentator of Indian background, Dhirshan Gobind, lambasted[1] Mr Mbalula: “How narrow-minded[心胸狭窄], short-sighted[目光短浅] and indeed racist can one be?”



[1]lambaste:to criticize someone or something severely 猛烈抨击;狠狠批评

His first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics.











原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







