

2016-06-19 LearnAndRecord

Father’s Day around the globe

United States

The concept of celebrating a day for fathers may have begun centuries ago, but it was only in 1909 when someone tried to put it on record[记录在案]. Washington resident Sonora Smart Dodd wanted to dedicate a day for her father who raised her and her 5 other siblings after her mother died when she was 16. Although she originally wanted to celebrate it on June 5, her own father’s birthday, the local community assigned it to the third Sunday of June.

The very first Father’s Day on record was on June 19, 1910, the same date we will be celebrating the occasion this year.

A necktie[领带] is the most popular gift for Father’s Day in America, and is ranked as the 5th holiday that rakes[1] in the most greeting cards sales, according to cards company Hallmark.


The atrocities[2] of World War II prompted China to commemorate a day for its fallen troops and fathers who fought in the war. They chose August 8, as the date translates to baba in Chinese, similar to the term of endearment[3] for the word father.

Now, China has shifted the celebration to the third Sunday of June as well, to conform to[遵照;顺应;遵守] international standards. The day is marked by having barbecues[吃烤肉] and taking fathers out for dinner, just as most people in the rest of the world do.


Russia does not have an official date for Father’s Day, but the Defender of the Fatherland Day[祖国保卫者日] every 23rd of February[4] is its closest equivalent. The date serves as a commemoration of the time when men were recruited[招聘,雇佣] in the army to fight in the Russian Civil War in 1919.

A public holiday, most schools and government offices are closed on this day. Local parades are usually organized to honor war veterans[战役老兵], while girls may also give the men in their lives different gifts and tributes[5].


Father’s Day, which Brazilians call Dia dos Pais, is celebrated on the second day of August in this South American country. This is in honor of St Joachim, the Virgin Mary[圣母玛利亚]’s father, according to Roman Catholic[天主教徒] traditions. While the date deviates from[偏离;背离;不同于] international norms[国际规范;国际惯例;国际标准], there isn’t much variation when it comes to festivities.

Brazilians take their fathers out to a restaurant of their choice and enjoy the day with family. Their celebrations, however, tend to be much bigger since 3 generations – grandfather, father, and grandson – normally make up each family.


The celebration of Father’s Day in Thailand is tied to the reigning monarch[在位君主]’s birthday. In the current case,King Bhumibol Adulyadej[泰国国王蒲美蓬] was born on December 5, stamping the date for future commemorations of dads in the country. Thais look at the king as the number one role model for fathers, and festivities are marked with shouts of “Long live the King!

A candle-lighting ceremony is held throughout the country to wish the king long life. The portrait[肖像] of the king and the national flag are hung across the streets.

The same rule applies to the celebration of Mother’s Day, when the queen’s birthday is adopted.


Australians honor their fathers on the first Sunday of September, which also happens to be the first Sunday of spring. Aside from[除…以外] a deviation in date, Aussies[澳大利亚人] celebrate Father’s Day much like other countries do – with dinner celebrations with fathers or family reunions.

Since the celebration falls on a Sunday, it also gives fathers the chance to just relax and unwind[6] from a long week, making the celebration more stress-free.


The day wouldn’t be complete if alcohol wasn’t involved – this is what Germans think of when they think about Father’s Day. Called Vatertag, the German term for Father’s Day, or simply Mannertag to include all men in Men’s Day, celebrations are set 40 days after Easter[复活节]. This is the day when Jesus Christ[耶稣基督] is believed to have ascended into heaven[升入天堂], which usually falls on May.

They also have a tradition where men pull wagons[货车] called the bollerwagen, supposedly to assert[7] their manhood. The event is so notorious[臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的] for its beer-drinking[啤酒畅饮] events that many have sought to put a ban on liquor-drinking during Vatertag. Efforts have been futile[无用的;无效的], however, and alcohol continues to overflow on the date for men.


Called El Día del Padre, Spain’s celebration of Father’s Day is influenced by Catholic tradition[天主教传统]. The date is set on March 19, the feast day of Saint Joseph[圣约瑟夫的节日], Mary’s husband. Saint Josephis seen as the prime example of a good husband and dedicated father.

Their Father’s Day coincides with the celebration of Las Fallas[8] in the Spanish city of Valencia[巴伦西亚]. Here, residents burn huge monuments made primarily of wood that symbolize events in the previous year. Although mostly of pagan[异教] origin, residents eventually linked Las Fallas to Saint Joseph’s day, since he was a carpenter.



[1]rake:to search in a container by moving the contents around quickly 搜寻;搜翻;搜索

He raked about in the drawer looking for his passport.


rake sth into earn or get a large amount of money 轻易赚(很多钱);赚大钱

He rakes in over £100 000 a year.


She's really raking it in (= making a lot of money).


[2]atrocity [ə'trɒsɪtɪ]

when someone does something extremely violent and shocking 凶恶;残暴

They're on trial for committing atrocities against the civilian population.


[3]endearment [ɪn'dɪəm(ə)nt; en-]

a word or phrase that you use to show that you love someone 表示爱意的词或短语

terms of endearment such as 'darling' or 'sweetheart'



[5]tribute ['trɪbjuːt]

something that you say, write or give which shows your respect and admiration for someone, especially on a formal occasion (尤指在正式场合表达敬意的)颂词,礼物

[6]unwind [ʌn'waɪnd]

1) to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried 放松;轻松

A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.


2) If you unwind something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it unwinds, it becomes unfastened 解开,打开,松开(卷绕之物)

In a nearby medical tent, a US Army doctor gently unwinds Metruk's bandage.


[7]assert [ə'sɜːt]

1) to do something to show that you have power 主张;维护;坚持

2) to behave in a way which expresses your confidence, importance or power and earns you respect from others 坚持自己的主张;表现坚定

3) to say that something is certainly true 断言;肯定地说

[8]Las Fallas 法雅节在每年3月15日至3月19日举行,历时近一周,有烟花爆竹秀、游行、向圣母献花等活动,最后以午夜焚偶引发高潮。所以这个节日又因以焚烧人偶的方式迎接春天而被称为火节。











