每日N词 | scorch-烤;烧焦 | 20160914
The grass is scorched by so much hot sunshine in summer.
▷scorch [skɔːtʃ]
【释义】To scorch is to burn something fiercely, to the point where its surface — your face, prairie grass, a steak on the grill — chars or otherwise changes color.
to ( to) with , or to
The was too and he scorched the .熨斗太烫了,他把衬衫烫焦了。
The were scorched by the of the .周围建筑被爆炸产生的高温熏得变色了。
( of and ) to or be very
The scorched past and into the .跑车疾驶而过,消失在远方。
每日N词 | espy-(突然/意外)看见 | 20160913