
[E501]Look, no claims! | 经济学人

2016-09-29 LearnAndRecord

本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist 2016年第39期,Business版块。

Autonomous car insurance

Self-driving cars are set radically to change motor insurance

Sep 24th 2016

ON THE list of industries set to be disrupted by autonomous cars, the motor-insurance business[汽车保险业务] can claim a high place. The regime of compulsory insurance[1] in rich countries, with the insurer[承保人/保险商] of the at-fault driver paying for damage, is reasonable in a world where 90% of accidents are caused by human error. But autonomy is supposed to mean that accidents drop by up to four-fifths, and those that occur may not be a human’s fault. The motor-insurance market[车险市场] may shrink by 60% by 2040, according to KPMG[毕马威], an accounting firm.


Lawyers and insurers concur that liability[责任险] will move from private car-owners[私家车车主] towards manufacturers for crashes when a car is in autonomous mode. But under the current legal system in Britain and America an owner might still be blamed for an accident in self-driving mode if, say, he neglected to install the latest software update, says Richard Farnhill of Allen & Overy, a law firm. A manufacturer might equally well try to shift the blame to a components supplier[零部件供应商].


The best way to avoid endless blame-shifting[推卸责任] and litigation[2] may be what lawyers call a “strict” liability regime[严格责任制] that automatically places responsibility on the owner. The insurer would keep an important role, of ensuring speedy victim compensation and assigning blame to the manufacturer or other at-fault parties. But that approach would still mean lower risk, and hence lower premiums[3], for insurers.


That regime also assumes that private car ownership remains widespread. But autonomous cars in the future may well be owned and operated in fleets, perhaps by a souped-up[4] Uber or by car manufacturers. Personal motor insurers would be out of luck. Only those who specialise in[专门从事(研究)/经营] commercial fleet insurance would do well. Some manufacturers would simply “self-insure” and assume liability[承担责任]. Volvo, Google and Mercedes have said they will do so with their self-driving cars.


Hélène Chauveau, head of emerging risks at AXA, a French insurer, reckons that the persistence of existing risks, like manufacturing defects[生产缺陷;制造瑕疵], and the emergence of new threats like hacking, will leave a role for insurers. Yet generally, notes Anand Rao of PwC[普华永道], an accounting firm, they have been slow to react to faster-than-expected technological progress. There are no actuarial tables[精算师的理论数值;精算表], it seems, to help insure against that.



[1]the regime of compulsory insurance 强制限制度


[2]litigation:the process of taking a case to a court of law so that a judgment can be made 诉讼,起诉

The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.


[3]premium:an amount of money paid to get insurance 保险费

Car insurance premiums have increased this year.


The premiums for healthcare plans are high.


[4]soup sth up:to make something more powerful or more attractive by making changes to it, especially when it is old 加强(尤指旧物)的性能;对…进行改良

New circuit boards can be used to soup up existing machines.




原文摘自The economist,仅外语学习之用。

其中生词解释来源于Cambridge Dictionaries







