每日N词 | scour-认真搜索,细查;擦;刷 | 20160929
Men scoured the whole country looking for the lost child.
▷scour ['skaʊə]
【释义】If you're going to scour those dishes, you'll need a good scouring pad. To scour also means to examine something very, very closely. Having lost his contact lens at the party, Robert asked everyone to scour the room to help him find it.
to a or thing very in to to something
The are scouring the for the .警方在乡村四处搜查,寻找失踪的孩子。
I scoured the for a and , but I couldn't one .我跑遍商店想买一件蓝白相间的衬衫,但却怎么也买不到。
to from something by it hard with something
You'll have to scour out those before you use them.这些旧锅用之前得好好刷一刷。