

2017-04-24 LearnAndRecord


Healthy Behavior Can Spread Like Illness

By Christopher Intagliata

If your friends are happy—turns out you're more likely to be happy too. If your friends are overweight, that too ups[v.] the odds you'll pack on pounds[1]. Those effects have been shown in studies. And now researchers have identified another seemingly contagious[2] quality: exercise.

[1]pack on the pounds: (idiomatic) To gain weight, especially as a result of vigorous or excessive eating. 增加体重;变肥;长胖

[2]contagious [kən'teɪdʒəs]

1)A contagious feeling spreads quickly among people. (情感)具有感染力的,蔓延的

Fear is contagious.


2)A contagious disease can be caught by touching someone who has the disease or a piece of infected clothing. (疾病)接触性传染的

The infection is highly contagious, so don't let anyone else use your towel.


3)A contagious person has a contagious disease. (人)患传染病的,带传染源的

Keep him out of school until he's not contagious anymore.


The investigators analyzed the running activity of more than a million individuals worldwide who used an exercise tracking device for five years. And they used weather patterns as a way to randomly examine different parts of that global network.

"If it happens to be a really nice day out, sunny and not too hot, not too cool, that will induce[诱使;引起;导致] people to run more.” Sinan Aral, a computational social scientist at MIT. “If it's a rainy day and cold, that will induce people to stay in more on average." 

And since cities have different weather patterns, he says, this natural experiment allowed them to ask: Does a rainy day in New York affect running in San Diego? "If the weather in New York causes changes in the running behavior in San Diego, it can really only be happening thru[同through] peer influences[同龄人影响] of the friends who live between New York and San Diego."

And that is exactly what he and his colleague saw: that the behavior of one city's runners could indeed affect the behavior of runners in another socially connected city. The study is in the journal Nature Communications. [Sinan Aral & Christos Nicolaides, Exercise contagion in a global social network]

A few caveats[3]: women tended to be influenced more by the female runners in their networks. And less active runners tended to influence more active runners to run more, but not so much the other way around. Still, this could be valuable intel[4] for health professionals.

[3]caveat ['keɪvi.æt]

a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement (进一步行动前的)警告,告诫;限制条款

He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article.


[4]intel:secret information about the governments of other countries, especially enemy countries (a short form of the word "intelligence")

What was the point of getting a man onto the base if it wasn't to gather intel?

"We have to start thinking about consumers and citizens as networked consumers and networked citizens. Where they are influenced by and influence their social network in very strong and dynamic ways, that will change the way a particular intervention succeeds or fails."

In other words - if your prescription[5] is more exercise? The doctors might want to write a prescription for your friends and family, too.

[5]prescription [prɪ'skrɪpʃ(ə)n]

1)a piece of paper on which a doctor writes the details of the medicine or drugs that someone needs 处方,药方;处方上开的药

a doctor's prescription


2)the act of telling someone else what they must have or do 建议;秘诀

So what is his prescription for success?







