每日N词 | frail-脆弱的;虚弱的 | 20170513
To be an astronaut, you must be in robust health. It is not an occupation for a frail person.
▷frail [freɪl](adj.)
【释义】Something that is delicate and fragile can be described as frail. Grandma's favorite vase is probably too frail to use for football practice; some of us have learned that the hard way.
or , or , , or
a frail 孱弱的老妪
I last him just last and how and frail he .我最后一次看见他就在上个星期,觉得他看上去非常衰老、虚弱。
the country's frail 该国脆弱的经济
每日N词 | fortify-加强,增强 | 20170512