每日N词 | vehement-强烈的;猛烈的 | 20170517
Your protest was too mild. If it had been more vehement, the dealer might have paid attention to it.
▷vehement ['viːəmənt](adj.)
【释义】You can use the adjective vehement to describe an extremely strong, powerful, or intense emotion or force. The teenager argued for a much later curfew in a vehement speech to her parents; her parents responded with an equally vehement “No way!”
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Despite vehement from his , he and an .他不顾家人的强烈反对,退学当了演员。
Both men were vehement in of the against them.两人都极力否认对自己的指控。
每日N词 | impregnable-坚不可摧的,不可战胜的 | 20170516