

2017-08-03 LearnAndRecord

Your Best Tips for Beating Procrastination


New York Times


I am writing this sentence days after I wanted to finish this, and only a few hours before deadline. Not exactly the last minute, but close enough.


Two weeks ago we talked about beating procrastination* and getting stuff done. Clearly I still have a lot to learn. But I asked you all for your tips, and hundreds of you emailed or tweeted your best advice for starting tasks and getting across the finish line.


*procrastination:the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring 拖延症;耽搁;拖沓

Many of your tips were fantastic. They were so good, in fact, that I wanted to share a few of my favorites:


· 苏珊·恩格金(Susan Engelking):

Each morning I write the words "I Will Feel Great About Today If I..." on a notepad. I list one or more things that will make me feel great if I do them that day — even if I accomplish nothing else. This is NOT a "to do" list. It is purely about creating the "reward" you describe — feeling great.


· 蕾哈娜·里瓦斯(Rhiana Rivas):

A good tip that a friend of mine once gave me is the "Seven Minute Rule," that is, if you can get it done in seven minutes (or less), do it — send the email to your boss, schedule the meeting, pack your lunch for tomorrow, clear off the clutter* from your desk, take the recycling bin down to the basement, etc.


*clutter:(a lot of objects in) a state of being untidy 杂乱,凌乱;杂乱的东西

Sorry about the clutter in the kitchen.


· 萨希尔·古普塔(Sahil Gupta):

In my first year of residency, I used to struggle to do even basic tasks, and was paralyzed with guilt when I would miss deadline after deadline. But since, I have been using the Pomodoro Technique and I plan out my days in 25 min intervals and 5 min break and complete small tasks throughout the day which have had a huge cumulative* effect. It has been literally a life changer.


*cumulative:increasing by one addition after another 累积的;渐增的

The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be disastrous.


· 巴迪·迪纳(Buddy Diener):

What I did to help me stop procrastinating was get a tattoo on my arm that says "If not now, when?" So every morning when I wake up I can read that! May not be realistic for everyone, it really helped though. End procrastination now!


· 康妮·弗莱彻(Connie Fletcher):

My trick is to imagine my future self (this could be myself in a day, or a week, whatever) and to do things for this future self — "Connie of the Future." I picture how grateful Connie of the Future will be if I've laid out work clothes for next week, or done food prep for that night in the morning, or answered an email that Connie of the Present doesn't feel like doing. Whenever I meet Connie of the Future, she thanks me, Connie of the Past.


· 梅格·格林(Meg Green):

On my desk, for all my years, I had a saying that worked for me. Most times: "If you have to swallow a toad*, it's best not to look at it too long."


*toad:a small, brown animal, similar to a frog, that has big eyes and long back legs for swimming and jumping 蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆

· And, finally, Kate Engelke sent in my favorite of the bunch:

最后是我最喜欢的一条窍门,来自凯特·恩格尔克(Kate Engelke)

Envision yourself as the sloth* you really are, and be proud you recognize who you were born to be! The key is to live within your own sloth community and hang out in the trees with your clan! Let their progress be your guide! Reward? Knowing that no one expects much of a sloth.


*sloth:a mammal that moves slowly and lives in trees 树懒

Got any other procrastination-beating tips?







