每日N词 | abrupt-鲁莽的;突然的 | 20170827
Today's art lesson came to an abrupt end when the gongs sounded for a fire drill.
▷abrupt [ə'brʌpt](adj.)
【释义】An abrupt decision is one you make suddenly. An abrupt halt is one the Road Runner comes to when reaching an abrupt drop-off—you'd hear brakes squealing.
sudden and unexpected, and often unpleasant
an abrupt change/movement突变/突发的动作
The road ended in an abrupt (= sudden and very steep) slope down to the sea.
using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly
an abrupt manner/reply唐突的举止/生硬的回答
He is sometimes very abrupt with clients.他有时对待客户非常粗鲁。▷fire drill
【释义】the set of actions that should be performed in order to safely leave a building, such as an office, factory, or school, when it is on fire, or an occasion when this is practised 火灾逃生法;消防演习
每日N词 | abdicate-退(位),让(位) | 20170826