每日N词 | eminent-卓越的;著名的 | 20171009
Steinmetz’s discoveries in the field of electricity made him one of the eminent scientists of the twentieth century.
▷eminent ['emɪnənt](adj.)
【释义】Anyone highly regarded or prominent is eminent. Eminent people are very successful at their jobs. If you’ve heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson, it’s probably because he’s an eminent astrophysicist.(Every field has eminent — impressive, famous, or accomplished — people. Two of the most eminent coaches in the history of professional basketball are Red Auerbach and Phil Jackson because they've won the most championships. Beethoven was an eminent musician. Frank Lloyd Wright was an eminent architect. Eminent people loom over a field because they're influential and you can't avoid hearing about them. It's not easy to be eminent because you have to be extremely successful.)
famous, respected, or important
an eminent historian声名显赫的历史学家
每日N词 | broiling-炽热的 | 20170930