
国际舞蹈日 | International Dance Day

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

Founded in 1982, International Dance Day seeks to promote the art of dance around the world. The founding body, the International Dance Committee of the International Theatre Institute selects a special personality each year to create an International Dance Day Message to be shared around the world. Dance is practised by both amateurs and professionals and is enjoyed in theatres everywhere. This special day is all about the history of dance and the recognition of its place in society.

Dance is both an art form and a method of communication in cultures around the world, and is practised by millions of people. Celebrate this International Dance Day by learning about the history of dance, or perhaps even learning a new dance yourself or with a group of friends! It's a great excuse to sign up for those dance classes you've always fancied.


“中国现代舞之父”曹诚渊(Willy TSAO)献辞

International Dance Day Message 2018 – Asia Pacific

Willy Tsao, Hong Kong Founder/Artistic Director of City Contemporary Dance Company and BeijingDance

Dear friends of the international dance community,


The world seems to be in constant dissidence and troubles. We have witnessed, especially in recent years, incessant conflicts between countries, races and cultures. As a dance practitioner, I can’t help but wonder if art may somehow become an antidote to prevent or counteract some of the disorders that are threatening world peace and harmony.


I have been promoting the art of dance in China since late 1980s, trying to convince the general public that dance, especially contemporary dance, is important for a country’s development. I believe that the three essential aspects that characterize contemporary dance - individual expressions, innovative ideas and study of human conditions, serve as the fundamental building blocks of a value system upon which modern China will continue to grow and flourish.


In the pursuit of excellence in contemporary dance, we value individual expressions; therefore, we learn to respect different opinions and diversity. We value the search of innovative ideas; therefore, we accept changes and are willing to adapt to new ways of living. We value the need for understanding current happenings and issues as a way to study human existence; therefore, we become more tolerant and understanding while we are face-to-face with each other regardless of any differences.


China, similar to most of the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, enjoys a rich cultural heritage. However, the country had been sealed off from the rest of the world for decades and has only opened up through its reformation and open policy in 1978, exactly 40 years ago. Indeed, there is still a long way to go before the general public in China can comprehend and appreciate in greater depth the value of contemporary dance. On the other hand, I am seeing the emergence of a phenomenon which suggests that young people in China are interested in the contemporary dance art form and are using it as a medium of self -expression. Hence, with a growing connection with international communities and stronger mutual contemporary dance

exchanges, I am confident that China will accelerate to become a significant force for advocating individual viewpoints, championing innovative changes, and fostering tolerance and understanding among nations in this troubled world.

中国,正如其他亚太地区的国家一样,有着丰富的文化传统。不过,在过去许多年来,中国曾经把自己封闭起来,而只是在1978年,也就是刚好40年前,才开始了改革开放的国家政策。 对大部分中国的老百姓来说,可能还需要很长一段时间才能真正明白现代舞的深邃内涵特质,但与此同时,我又看见许多中国年青一代热情投入于现代舞的创作,并以之为表达自己的工具。因此,随着更多现代舞的国际交流和合作项目,我很有信心中国将在这个纷乱的世界里,成为一股关键性的稳定力量,并帮助我们去表达个性、追求创新和关注时代社会。

Thank you.







