
滴滴出行问题频发 再次敲响监管警钟!除了监管,我们还能做啥

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



「热点」空姐乘顺风车遇害 滴滴公司悬赏百万寻凶

The murder of a woman by a Didi driver triggers calls for increased vigilance and tighter car-hailing company rules

vigilance: careful attention that you give to what is happening, so that you will notice any danger or illegal activity  警惕,警戒

the need for increased police vigilance


On May 5, a young airline stewardess in Zhengzhou, Central China's Henan Province, ordered a hitch service from Chinese ride-hailing provider Didi Chuxing just like the company's other 450 million users in the country, but she never made it home.

Three days later, she was found dead in a semi-naked state with her chest stabbed more than 20 times. Police also found semen on her body, the Beijing News reported.

She was allegedly murdered by the Didi driver who picked her up[1] that day, and who later killed himself by jumping into a river, Henan police said. 

[1]pick up 一词的意思非常多,大家有兴趣可以在有道词典搜这个短语,学习柯林斯英汉双解大词典里提到的释义。

Didi has reportedly apologized to the victim's family and
suspended its inter-city hitch service across the country for a week since May 12 to overhaul[2] operations. Hitch is one of the 11 services Didi offers in China.


1) to repair or change the necessary parts in a machine, system etc that is not working correctly  彻底检修〔机器、系统等〕

A mechanic is coming to overhaul the engine.


2) to change a system or method in order to improve it  全面改革〔制度或方法〕

All the community’s decision-making institutions need to be overhauled.


The case has sparked a national outcry over passenger safety, the online car-hailing platform's responsibilities and data privacy. 

Didi Chuxing claims it provided 7.4 billion travel services to 450 million users in over 400 cities in 2017. 

Illegal data collection
On Chinese Twitter-like Weibo, the topic "Didi driver murders airline stewardess"
had drawn 24 million views and 41,000 comments by Tuesday. 

Many netizens criticized Didi for
poor oversight of drivers and improperly collecting personal data. 

Some hitch service drivers revealed online that the company asks them to comment on passengers who cannot see the remarks. Comments such as "really beautiful," "sweet voice" or "long white legs" were frequently seen on the service's evaluation page. 

"Didi is suspected of
infringing on passengers' personal information by illegally collecting and sharing it," Xie Yongjiang, deputy director of the Institute of Internet Governance and Law at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, told the Global Times. 

Xie said that remarks on passengers' appearance together with the regular commuting path could accumulate and make it easier to identify a person, which resulted in
the leak of personal information. 
Gu Dasong, an associate professor of transport laws at Southeast University, East China's Jiangsu Province, told the Global Times that Didi's hitch service actually provides a social platform for making friends and is
an environment-friendly travel option, but remarks on appearance may be used by criminals like the murderer in the Zhengzhou case. 

This is not the first time Didi Chuxing is in trouble over a murder case. In May 2016, a 24-year-old teacher from Shenzhen was killed by a Didi driver, Caijing reported. 

Fear has led some young female passengers to use a man's name and picture and hide their real age on Didi's platform. 

Internet companies including Didi should ensure data safety  and personal information should not be disclosed without
user consent, Xie said, suggesting Didi make its comments function optional and change it to a grade-based one from being  descriptive.

Gu said that making friends and green commuting should be encouraged, but Didi should
rope in[3] civil society groups on environmental protection to reduce chances of misuse of the hitch service, and organize offline activities to guide Didi users. 

[3]rope in:
to persuade someone to do something for you 劝说(某人)帮忙;说服(某人)加入

At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.


Policy needed
The suspect in Zhengzhou case acted illegally by using the Didi account of his father, who had passed the safety checks required by
the ride-hailing company's inter-city hitch business, a Didi statement said.

The company wil
l intensify vigilance over its drivers and resolve the information discrepancies between drivers and their vehicles. 

"The rules made by car-hailing firms are for the company's development and commercial purposes, so it's important that governments in different cities
come up with guidelines on the responsibilities of these companies and detail requirements for drivers," Gu said. 

The State Council
issued guidelines for taxi development in 2016, which said that drivers and vehicles belonging to online booking services should meet basic requirements, and internet taxi booking platforms should improve management of vehicles and drivers. 

But very few cities drafted local guidelines on the management of online car-hailing platforms, Gu said. 

"With government guidelines it will be easier to identify platforms involved in illegal operations and protect passengers' rights," Gu said. 

Didi said it cooperated with the police department to fire drivers who used to be criminals, drug addicts and mentally disabled in 2016, but media reports said the suspect in the case had been accused of
traffic offences[交通违法行为]

According to Gu, excluding all former criminals is not right. Government guidelines should
regulate drivers' background, and those who don't fall foul of[4] the law for a certain period after finishing their prison terms should be allowed to drive for Didi.

[4]fall foul of:  to break a rule or law, especially without intending to(尤指无意识地)违反(规则或法律)

Manufacturers may fall foul of the new government guidelines.


来源:Global Times






