

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



首先我们看看《都挺好》的英文怎么说?All Is Well.


All Is Well is a 2019 Chinese drama television series that premiered on Zhejiang Television and Jiangsu Television in China on March 1, 2019.

all is well

all is well就是“一切都好,一切顺利”的意思,英文解释为“everything is in a good or acceptable state”举个🌰:

I hope all is well with my followers.


而提到All is well就让我想到《三傻大闹宝莱坞(3 idiots)》里的经典台词:Aal izz well就是来自于英语的“All is well”。

关于“All is well”再扯一句,有同学可能会问了,为啥不是“All are well”而是is?刚好看到知名的问答平台Quora有这么一个问题:Which is correct, "all is well" or “all are well”?

答案是:都可以,取决于具体语境。(They are both correct, but in different contexts.)

If all refers to everything, then it's is.

If all refers to every person in a group of people, then it's are.



看看「经济学人(The Economist)」是怎么介绍《都挺好》的:

· A hit TV series in China skewers cranky old parents


skewer /ˈskjʊə/ 此处作动词,表示“讽刺,讥讽”,英文解释为“to criticize someone very strongly, often in a way that other people find humorous”;

作为名词表示“串肉杆;烤肉叉子”,英文解释为“a long, thin metal pin used for holding together pieces of food, especially meat, during cooking”;这个含义也可以作动词,表示“(用烤肉扦或类似东西)把…串起来”(to make a hole through a piece of food, an object etc with a skewer or with some other pointed object)。

It is no mean feat to be one of the top-ten trending hashtags on Weibo, China's equivalent of Twitter, for 20 consecutive days and counting. “All is Well”, a show on provincial television which premiered on March 1st, has done just that.

The show tells the story of a fictional Chinese family torn by internal conflict. The female protagonist, Su Mingyu, is barely on speaking terms with her widowed father and one of her two brothers.

The father is a nagging crank who expects his two adult sons to bankroll his lavish tastes. This leads to constant bickering between the brothers, neither of whom wants to be called unfilial.

be no mean feat

表示“绝非易事,了不起的成就”,英文解释为“to be a great achievement”举个🌰:

Getting the job finished in under a week was no mean feat.



trend意思是“趋势,走向,时尚”,hashtag指的是“井号#”,此处trending hashtags指的就是微博上的“热门话题”,或者说a trending topic;类似的,Youtube首页上的Trending对应的中文就处理为“时下流行”。


表示“等同物;等价物;对应物”,英文解释为“something that has the same value, purpose, job etc as something else”。


1) Weibo, China's Twitter-like service (SCMP)

2) Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter (NPR NEWS)

3) Twitter-like Weibo (Reuters)

4) Weibo, a Twitter-like platform (NYT)

类似的表达还有:◆ sb/sth's answer to

sb/sth's answer to sb/sth

表示“与…相当(或同样好)的人(或物);…的对应物”,英文解释为“If something or someone is the answer to another thing or person, it is or they are considered to be similar or as good.举个🌰:

The Space Needle is Seattle's answer to the Eiffel Tower.


-and counting

加在数字后面,表示“(数量)继续/不断/持续变化(增加/减少)”,英文解释为“used to show that the number previously mentioned is continuously changing, i.e. increasing or decreasing”,如:This online dictionary has 100,000 articles — and counting.


premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 这个词在电视剧/电影报道出现频率极高,可以作动词也可以作名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”(the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment),这里要注意的是这个词去掉末尾的 e 就变成了 premier“首相,总理”;另外,premier作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:

He's one of the nation's premier scientists.



◆ debut可以作动词也可以当名词,表示“首演,首次公演,首次亮相”(the occasion when someone performs or presents something to the public for the first time.)


protagonist /prəʊˈtæɡənɪst/ 表示“(戏剧、电影或故事的)主要人物,主角,主人公”,英文解释为“the most important character in a play, film, or story”;


◆ main character 主要人物;主要角色;

◆ star表示“主角,主演”(the person who has the main part, or one of them, in a film, play, show etc);

◆ hero和heroine分别表示“男主角/男主人公”(the man or boy who is the main character in a book, film, play etc)和“女主角/女主人公”(the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, film, play etc)。

on speaking terms

表示“熟识(某人),泛泛之交,关系好”,英文解释为“to know someone well enough to talk to them”。


表示“对…融资,为…提供资金;资助”,英文解释为“to provide the money that someone needs for a business, a plan etc”,如:a joint project bankrolled by the Alibaba Group 阿里巴巴集团资助的合作项目。


表示“(尤指为琐事)争吵,发生口角”,英文解释为“to argue, especially about something very unimportant”举个🌰:

I wish you two would stop bickering.



表示“子女的;孝顺的”,英文解释为“filial relating to the relationship of a son or daughter to their parents”;unfilial即为反义词:不孝的。


接下来看看「环球时报(Global Times)」的介绍:

China's latest mega-hit drama, All is Well, has sparked huge debates on controversial social issues, as many believe the soap opera exactly captures modern people's pains.

The drama follows the life story of the female protagonist Su Mingyu, played by China's veteran actress Yao Chen. Despite Su's intelligence and guts in career advancement, her life is still beset with family conflict after the death of her mother in an accident.

Su's fight with two immature elder brothers over the support of their nagging crank father reveals the rugged truth of a typical Chinese family.

Many netizens say the 46-episode drama deserves the title of "mirroring modern society." 


hit就不说了;mega-表示“非常大的;给人深刻印象的;十分令人愉快的”,英文解释为“very big and impressive or enjoyable”举个🌰:

Their first record was a mega hit.


soap opera

就是我们所谓的“肥皂剧”,英文解释为“A soap opera is a popular television drama series about the daily lives and problems of a group of people who live in a particular place.”

Wikipedia对“soap opera”的定义:

A soap opera is an ongoing drama serial on television or radio, featuring the lives of many characters and their emotional relationships.



The first serial considered to be a "soap opera" was Painted Dreams, which debuted on October 20, 1930 on Chicago radio station WGN. Early radio series such as Painted Dreams were broadcast in weekday daytime slots, usually five days a week. Most of the listeners would be housewives. Thus, the shows were aimed at and consumed by a predominantly female audience. (Wikipedia)


常用复数,表示“勇气,胆量,意志”,英文解释为“courage in dealing with danger or uncertainty”举个🌰:

It takes a lot of guts to admit to so many people that you've made a mistake.



表示“困扰,苦恼”,英文解释为“If someone or something is beset by problems or fears, they have many problems or fears which affect them severely.”举个🌰:

The business has been beset with financial problems.



1)表示“无法摆脱的;烦人的;让人头痛的;纠缠不休的”,英文解释为“making you worry or feel pain slightly all the time”;

2)表示“一味抱怨的;指责的”,英文解释为“always complaining”;

3)如:a nagging voice 抱怨声,nagging doubts 难以消除的疑虑 nagging pain 令人不得安宁的疼痛。


1)表示“怪人”,英文解释为“someone who has unusual ideas and behaves strangely”;

2)表示“讨厌的人;坏脾气的人”,英文解释为“an unpleasant and easily annoyed person”。

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