
一个月内公开场合颤抖3次 默克尔怎么了?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

即将迎来65岁生日的德国总理默克尔(Merkel)近日来的身体状况引发外界担忧。7月10日,在欢迎芬兰总理安蒂·林内(Antti Rinne)到访的仪式上,这位“铁娘子”再次被媒体拍到了身体不由自主颤抖的画面,据了解,这已经是近三周以来的第三次了。

7月11日,在欢迎丹麦首相梅特·弗雷泽里克森(Mette Frederiksen)时,默克尔选择了坐着观礼。

Angela Merkel sits for anthems after latest shaking episode

The Guardian

Angela Merkel sat through the German and Danish national anthems during a ceremony welcoming Denmark’s prime minister to Berlin. The German chancellor reportedly requested the change in protocol a day after she was seen shaking in public for the third time in as many weeks.


chancellor 表示“(某些国家的)总理,首相”,英文解释为“the leader of the government or the main government minister of some countries”;

prime minister 表示“总理;首相”,英文解释为“The leader of the government in some countries is called the prime minister.”

注意到上文中丹麦首相用的是Prime Minister,德国总理用的是Chancellor,下文中芬兰总理用的是Prime Minister.

还有另一个词:PremierThe leader of the government of a country is sometimes referred to as the country's premier 总理。


表示“国歌;会歌”,英文解释为“An anthem is a song that is used to represent a particular nation, society, or group and that is sung on special occasions.”


1)表示“礼节,礼仪”,英文解释为“a system of rules about the correct way to behave on an official occasion”,如:a breach of diplomatic protocol 违反外交礼节;

2)表示“国际议定书,协议”,英文解释为“an international agreement between two or more countries”。

Merkel appeared calm as she and the new Danish leader, Mette Frederiksen, took seats on white upholstered chairs on the red carpet during military honours outside the chancellery in Berlin. The chancellor remained still throughout the hymns, moving only to smile and nod at her visitor.


表示“(家具)有软垫的”,英文解释为“Upholstered chairs and seats have a soft covering that makes them comfortable to sit on.”举个🌰:

All of their furniture was upholstered in flowery materials. 他们所有的家具都被装上了华丽的覆面。


表示“大臣官署;大法官办公处;总理官邸”,英文解释为“the building in which a chancellor has his or her office”。


hymn /hɪm ;hɪm / 替换了上文的anthem,表示“颂歌”,英文解释为“If you describe a film, book, or speech as a hymn to something, you mean that it praises or celebrates that thing.”

A report in the Bild newspaper suggested Merkel had asked for a change to the protocol in which the leaders would normally stand through the ceremony. A day earlier, Merkel was seen trembling while standing at the same location as she welcomed the Finnish prime minister, Antti Rinne.


表示“颤抖”,英文解释为“If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold.”举个🌰:

His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over.


Afterwards, the chancellor, who intends to step down by 2021, said she was “doing fine” and indicated she believed the cause of the shaking bouts was at least partly psychological.


1)表示“发作”,英文解释为“a short period of time during which you suffer from an illness”,如:a bout of depression/flu/sickness 抑郁/流感/恶心等的发作(时期)

2)表示“一阵,一回,一场,一番(尤指做对自己有害的事情)”,英文解释为“a short period of time during which you do something a lot, especially something that is bad for you”,如:a drinking bout 一番痛饮。

The latest episode, which appeared to stop when Merkel moved, was thought to be less serious than previous bouts. The 64-year-old was seen moving uncontrollably during military honours for the visiting Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in blazing heat on 18 June.


表示“炽热的”,英文解释为“The blazing sun or blazing hot weather is very hot.”举个🌰:

Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.


“I am going through a phase of processing the recent military honours with President Zelenskiy,” Merkel said on Wednesday. “This appears not to be quite finished yet, but I am making progress and will have to live with it for a while.”

After the initial bout, she blamed dehydration, later claiming she recovered after a drink of water. But a week later she had a similar episode in more comfortable weather while appearing with the German president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, at the Bellevue Palace in Berlin.


表示“脱水,极度干渴”,英文解释为“a drop below normal levels of water in the body”举个🌰:

Diarrhoea and vomiting lead to dehydration unless fluids are taken to replace the loss. 如果不及时补充失去的液体,腹泻和呕吐会导致脱水。


diarrhoea:an illness in which the body's solid waste is more liquid than usual and comes out of the body more often 腹泻,如:diarrhoea and sickness 腹泻恶心,an attack of diarrhoea 腹泻发作。

vomit:动词 to empty the contents of the stomach through the mouth 呕吐,举个🌰:

He came home drunk and vomited all over the kitchen floor.


One German media report, citing government sources, suggested Merkel’s second shaking bout was triggered by the memory of the first. She was also seen shaking during military honours in humid conditions in Mexico City in 2017.

Merkel’s decision to sit through the ceremony will further fuel speculation about whether the long-serving leader’s famously gruelling schedule – including frequent all-night marathon meetings – – has begun to take its toll on her health. Explanations floated in the German press range from dehydration to anxiety, overwork and stress.


表示“艰难的; 令人疲劳的”,英文解释为“A gruelling activity is extremely difficult and tiring to do.”举个🌰:

He had complained of exhaustion after his gruelling schedule over the past week.


take its/a toll

表示“造成损失(或伤亡、破坏)”,英文解释为“If something takes its/a toll, it causes suffering, deaths, or damage.”举个🌰:

The problems of the past few months have taken their toll on her health and there are shadows under her eyes.



熟词癖义,表示“提出(想法或计划)”,英文解释为“to suggest an idea or plan in order to see if people like it”举个🌰:

We first floated the idea back in 2017.


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