
「故事·听力」My Bf Has Strange Relationships With My Son

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

My Bf Has Strange Relationships With My Son

Hello, everyone. My name is Samantha. It's hard for me to admit it, but I hate my child. Don't be in a hurry to judge me, you'll have time for that. For now, please, just listen to my story, which led me to almost killing my son.

I don't treat children badly, I just happened to become a mother too soon. I got pregnant at 17. Of course, my boyfriend immediately got scared of the responsibility, and ran away, leaving me alone with my problems. Having a relationship with him was a huge mistake to begin with, and I didn't want to pay for it with years of my life, when I would have been caring for a child instead of going to college and enjoying my youth. So at that moment, I wanted to get rid of the baby. Yeah, I know it's tough, but this is my body, and I have the right to choose. But my parents didn't even want to hear about it and forced me to carry and have a baby that I didn't want, and that just reminded me of my careless behavior. Of course, my relationship with them changed forever. But despite all of our disagreements, we were able to find a compromise. Since they forced me to keep the child against my will, they had to take care of him. This decision wasn't easy. But it was fair.

This all happened 10 years ago, now let's get back to the present. I'm 27 years old, I graduated from college, and I got married. My life got better and I was hoping for a happy future, but one phone call ruined it. It was my mom. She called me to warn me that they were bringing me my son, Zach. Mom and dad were going to retire in another country, and could not take him with them. I almost went crazy with this news. It's not that it was a child I didn't love, but hadn't even seen him in the past 10 years. The thing is, my husband didn't know I had a baby. I didn't want him to know such a horrible fact about me, so he didn't even know my parents. I turned this page in my life, but my parents left me with no choice again. Oh, this was a very difficult conversation with my husband. This information stunned him. He didn't expect me to have kept something like this from him, and he said he needed a break to think about it. We were adults, and I know that pauses aren't ever good, and that they inevitably lead to breakups. And I was right. A few weeks later, he came back and said he wanted to break up. It was hard for me to accept, but it was impossible to change anything.

As you might understand, I was in a bad mood when my parents brought me my son. And how could I even be happy that they brought me a 10-year-old child that I did not want, and hung him on me like a load on a donkey. So here we were alone. Zach and I. From the very first moment, he started attacking me with a bunch of questions about why I didn't live with him, why I didn't visit him, and stuff like that. I decided to just tell him the truth. I didn't expect him to be able to understand the feelings of an adult, but we immediately clarified everything between us. Unfortunately he began to be a nuisance from the beginning. I had a lot of responsibilities that I didn't want. I had to cook for him every day, drive him to school, wash his clothes, and keep the house clean. Zach was always trying to have a conversation with me, and be nice to me. But he just didn't realize that the only problem with our relationship was that he actually existed. At the same time, I had my own worries at work, and I had just started to run out of strength. Plus, this kid took a lot of money, and pretty soon my life became an endless cycle that I couldn't break. Work, money, child. Work, money, child. It was driving me crazy. What had my life become? 

Thank God it was summer, and I had the opportunity to send Zack to a children's camp for a few weeks. It was my well-deserved vacation. I looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified. I had bags under my eyes, a tired face, and unkempt hair. I was putting too much effort into a child I hated. At that moment, I vowed to not let the mistake of my youth ruin my life. So that same day I registered on Tinder, and I found a date for the evening. I devoted the whole day to cosmetic procedures and choosing clothes for my date. It was nice to finally take some time for myself, and feel like a queen again. So I started to go on dates, and I got out of my depression. Even when Zack came back from camp, I wasn't going to stop doing it. It wasn't my fault he had to live with me. If you remember, it was my parents who made me keep the baby.

I had a great few months, but then I found another person who started to try to make changes in my life...







