

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

紧 跟 时 事,与 时 俱 进。今天,我们来看看纽约时报(The New York Times)的文章,了解一下皮肤护理和基因的关系。



Using DNA Tests to Personalize Skin Care

The New York Times

What’s being billed as the future of skin care starts suspiciously like a visit to the dentist: with a mouthwash gargle. That’s to eliminate debris that may interfere with a good saliva sample, from which DNA will be extracted and serums tailored to one’s genetic blueprint.

The test is from a company called GeneU (pronounced “gene you”) and performed at its nine-month-old shop on New Bond Street, which looks like a cross between a science fiction movie set and a silver-gray-and-red-dipped Apple store — perhaps fittingly, because the DNA test is done by a flash-drive-size microchip. It’s administered by one of a handful of improbably dewy-skinned beauties who also happen to have Ph.D.s.

Unlike other DNA tests, which are sent to labs and take at least two weeks to complete, GeneU’s in-store test is done in 30 minutes. Currently, it looks only at variations in two genes: one that contains instructions for how fast your body degrades collagen and the other for antioxidant protection.

Results are fed, along with answers to a short lifestyle questionnaire, into an algorithm, which produces the two of the company’s 18 serums that are the best match. (The formulations are based on ingredients and concentrations drawn from peer-reviewed research.)

The cost: £600, or roughly $940, for the test plus a two week’s supply. For reasons of privacy, test results are destroyed; only the recommended serums are saved.

The theory behind GeneU is that out-of-the-box (or really, jar or pot) skin care may be loaded with potentially beneficial ingredients, but they are not necessarily what your skin specifically needs. If you are, say, someone whose MMP1 gene is programmed to degrade collagen slowly, GeneU’s theory is that it’s a waste of time (and money) to spend years slathering creams that claim to boost its production; doing so won’t turn the clock back at warp speed (if at all), and may even clog your pores or cause other damage. It seems that in skin care, as with medicine, more is not necessarily better.

“For us it’s about giving people the right concentrations that their skin can metabolize,” said Christofer Toumazou, the company’s founder and a professor at Imperial College London.

Dr. Toumazou is not a dermatologist; he’s an electrical engineer by training, one who has developed an artificial pancreas for Type I diabetes, an artificial ear implant that allows deaf children to hear and a wireless heart monitor. He became interested in DNA more than a decade ago when his son was found to have a genetic disease.

The company’s creative director is — wait for it — Nick Rhodes, Duran Duran’s keyboard player, who’s no stranger to beauty products. He wore the same pink Yves Saint Laurent lipstick as his bride on his wedding day in 1984.

Double-blind clinical trials over 18 months suggest that GeneU reduces fine lines and wrinkles by up to 30 percent in 12 weeks, Dr. Toumazou said. The results have not yet been published. Still, Dr. S. Tyler Hollmig, an assistant professor of dermatologic surgery at Stanford University, is skeptical (though he described what GeneU is doing as “really cool and admirable”).

“It’s the environment that drives aging,” Dr. Hollmig said. “If you have one identical twin growing up in Belize and the other in Belgium, their skin is going to look completely different.” He also pointed out that despite the fuss about antioxidants (raise your hand if you’ve increased your blueberry intake in the last decade), there is, somewhat unbelievably, no strong peer-reviewed research showing that they actually do much to stave off signs of age.

Dr. Toumazou plans to better address the environment issue with the next iteration of his DNA test, which will focus on epigenetics (that is, whether and how your genes switch on and off because of your lifestyle). He also plans to add even more options for customization by including tests for other genes related to skin health, like those that control skin’s elasticity and hyperpigmentation.

GeneU isn’t the only company offering skin care tailored to genetics. SkinShift in Austin, Tex., outsources its $99 DNA test, then suggests, based on what it determines is the highest priority for your skin, some combination drawn from an available pool of four serums and five nutritional supplements. Like Dr. Toumazou, SkinShift’s founder, Dr. Ruthie Harper, is not a dermatologist; she’s an internist.

Dr. Hollmig is equally skeptical about SkinShift and, though he was more impressed with GeneU, admitted that the only major difference between the two may be the cost. GeneU’s technology is shinier, and it offers more options for customization, but skin-aging studies with many ingredients (like antioxidants) have mostly not been well-controlled for specific formulation and dose, adequate sample size or randomized design, so it’s not known for sure if they work. The idea, then, of a carefully tailored amount is almost irrelevant.

GeneU grew out of a chance meeting about three years ago, when Dr. Toumazou was seated next to Mr. Rhodes on a private jet from London to a sheikh friend’s birthday party in Venice. (Dr. Toumazou had no idea who Mr. Rhodes was until his wife whispered it.) Mr. Rhodes encouraged Dr. Toumazou to start his own company, instead of just licensing technology.

“I’ve used everything from the cheapest thing you can find in the drugstore to the most expensive top-of-the-line serums,” Mr. Rhodes said. “This to me was like a magnet. You’re taking out all the guesswork.” He said he has seen an improvement in fine lines since using GeneU’s products. (The company has been pleasantly surprised by interest from men; Mr. Rhodes thinks the techie aspect of it appeals to them.)

Mr. Rhodes designed the shop, including its Mondrian-esque photographs on the wall (actually enlarged images of Dr. Toumazou’s microchips) and recruited Antony Price, the designer of Duran Duran’s fluorescent suits in its “Rio” video, to create staff uniforms of silver silk pants and matching tops with standing collars.

Mr. Rhodes also nixed Dr. Toumazou’s original name, Genonics. It “wasn’t as hook-y,” he said, ever the songwriter.

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Using DNA Tests to Personalize Skin Care


The New York Times

What's being billed as the future of skin care starts suspiciously like a visit to the dentist: with a mouthwash gargle. That's to eliminate debris that may interfere with a good saliva sample, from which DNA will be extracted and serums tailored to one's genetic blueprint.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“把…宣传为;做广告;通过广告宣传”,英文解释为“If you bill a person or event as a particular thing, you advertise them in a way that makes people think they have particular qualities or abilities.”举个🌰:

The young author was billed as "the new Beckett."


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述奢侈品集团思索清空库存方法的文章中提到:Every frock sold by the likes of Gucci or Givenchy is billed as a must-have that season. 古驰或纪梵希之类的品牌把它们的每条裙子都标榜为当季必买。


除了表示“猜疑地;怀疑地”,还可以指“疑似地;看似地”,英文解释为“in a way that makes you think something may be true”举个🌰:

She brushed away what looked suspiciously like (= looked as if it probably was) a tear.



表示“(尤指为清洁口腔或止痛)漱口,漱喉,含漱”,英文解释为“to move a liquid around in your throat without swallowing, especially to clean it or stop it feeling painful”。


表示“残渣;垃圾;废弃物”,英文解释为“pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that are left somewhere”举个🌰:

Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.


interfere with sth

表示“妨碍,干扰”,英文解释为“to prevent something from working effectively or from developing successfully”举个🌰:

Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.


The test is from a company called GeneU (pronounced “gene you”) and performed at its nine-month-old shop on New Bond Street, which looks like a cross between a science fiction movie set and a silver-gray-and-red-dipped Apple store — perhaps fittingly, because the DNA test is done by a flash-drive-size microchip. It's administered by one of a handful of improbably dewy-skinned beauties who also happen to have Ph.D.s.

进行这项测试的是一个名叫GeneU(发音是gene you)的公司,该公司九个月前刚在新邦德街(New Bond Street)开了一家店。店铺看起来像是科幻电影片场和银灰色加红色点缀的苹果店铺的结合体。这样的外观也许很合适,因为DNA测试是通过一个闪存盘大小的微芯片进行的。操作者是几个美女,她们的皮肤水嫩得不可思议,而且还都是博士。


表示“混合物;杂种;混血儿”,英文解释为“a mixture of two different things that have been combined to produce something new”举个🌰:The play was a cross between a farce and a tragedy.


📍a cross between A and B的表达,上个月经济学人一篇讲述美国防疫主题商店的文中,就提到:The urban-survivalist shop, near Macy's department store, looks like a cross between an Apple Store and a pharmacy. 字面意思就是,看起来就像是苹果商店和药店的结合体。


表示“露湿的;(皮肤)润泽的”,英文解释为“Something that is dewy is wet with dew. If your skin looks dewy, it looks soft and glows healthily.”

Unlike other DNA tests, which are sent to labs and take at least two weeks to complete, GeneU's in-store test is done in 30 minutes. Currently, it looks only at variations in two genes: one that contains instructions for how fast your body degrades collagen and the other for antioxidant protection.


Results are fed, along with answers to a short lifestyle questionnaire, into an algorithm, which produces the two of the company's 18 serums that are the best match. (The formulations are based on ingredients and concentrations drawn from peer-reviewed research.)



表示“(药品或化妆品的)配方;配方产品”,英文解释为“The formulation of something such as a medicine or a beauty product is the way in which different ingredients are combined to make it. You can also say that the finished product is a formulation.”


表示“(尤指烹调用的)原料;成分”,英文解释为“Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.”举个🌰:

Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.



表示“同行评审,同行评议”,英文解释为“the evaluation by fellow specialists of research that someone has done in order to assess its suitability for publication or further development”。

The cost: £600, or roughly $940, for the test plus a two week's supply. For reasons of privacy, test results are destroyed; only the recommended serums are saved.


The theory behind GeneU is that out-of-the-box (or really, jar or pot) skin care may be loaded with potentially beneficial ingredients, but they are not necessarily what your skin specifically needs. If you are, say, someone whose MMP1 gene is programmed to degrade collagen slowly, GeneU's theory is that it's a waste of time (and money) to spend years slathering creams that claim to boost its production; doing so won't turn the clock back at warp speed (if at all), and may even clog your pores or cause other damage. It seems that in skin care, as with medicine, more is not necessarily better.



表示“拆盒即可使用的;开箱即用的”,英文解释为“if something can be used out of the box, it can be used immediately, without a lot of effort being needed to prepare it”。

slather /ˈslæðə/

表示“大量涂抹,厚厚涂抹”,英文解释为“to spread something thickly on something else”举个🌰:

She slathered lotion on/all over her body.



ice cream大家都知道,cream还有“膏;霜”(A cream is a substance that you rub into your skin, for example, to keep it soft or to heal or protect it.)的含义,如:hand/moisturizing cream 护手/润肤霜,antiseptic cream 抗菌药膏。


表示“(使)阻塞,(使)堵塞;塞上”,英文解释为“to (cause something to) become blocked or filled so that movement or activity is difficult”举个🌰:

The roads are clogged with holiday traffic.


“For us it's about giving people the right concentrations that their skin can metabolize,” said Christofer Toumazou, the company's founder and a professor at Imperial College London.

“在我们看来,最重要的是给人们提供他们的肌肤能够代谢的适合他们的浓缩物,”该公司创始人、伦敦帝国学院(Imperial College London)教授克里斯托弗·图马佐(Christofer Toumazou)说。


表示“(使)新陈代谢”,英文解释为“to use chemical processes in the body to turn food into energy, new growth, and waste products”举个🌰:

Fat is metabolized by your body and cleared through the liver as a normal process.


Dr. Toumazou is not a dermatologist; he's an electrical engineer by training, one who has developed an artificial pancreas for Type I diabetes, an artificial ear implant that allows deaf children to hear and a wireless heart monitor. He became interested in DNA more than a decade ago when his son was found to have a genetic disease.

图马佐不是皮肤科医生,而是一名科班出身的电机工程师,他为I型糖尿病研发了一种人造胰腺(artificial pancreas),为失聪儿童研发了一种人造耳朵植入物(artificial ear implant),还设计了一款无线心脏监测器。十多年前,他儿子被确诊为患有一种基因疾病,他开始对DNA产生兴趣。


dermatologist /ˌdɜːməˈtɒlədʒɪst/ 表示“皮肤病学家”,英文解释为“A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of skin and the treatment of skin conditions and diseases.”

The company's creative director is — wait for itNick Rhodes, Duran Duran's keyboard player, who's no stranger to beauty products. He wore the same pink Yves Saint Laurent lipstick as his bride on his wedding day in 1984.

该公司的创意总监(creative director)——听好了哦——是杜兰杜兰乐队(Duran Duran)的键盘手尼克·罗兹(Nick Rhodes)。他非常熟悉美容产品。1984年,在他的婚礼上,他和新娘一样,涂着伊夫·圣罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)粉色口红(lipstick)。

wait for it

表示“(表示将要说某些惊人、可笑或令人难以置信的事)听着,听好了”,英文解释为“used to show that you are about to say something surprising, funny, or difficult to believe”。

Double-blind clinical trials over 18 months suggest that GeneU reduces fine lines and wrinkles by up to 30 percent in 12 weeks, Dr. Toumazou said. The results have not yet been published. Still, Dr. S. Tyler Hollmig, an assistant professor of dermatologic surgery at Stanford University, is skeptical (though he described what GeneU is doing as “really cool and admirable”).

图马佐说,18个月的双盲临床测试表明,GeneU能在12周内将细纹(fine lines)和皱纹(wrinkles)减少达30%。测试结果尚未发表。不过,斯坦福大学(Stanford University)皮肤病外科助理教授S·泰勒·霍尔米希博士(S. Tyler Hollmig)对此有所怀疑(虽然他说,GeneU在做的事情“真的很酷,令人钦佩”)。

“It's the environment that drives aging,” Dr. Hollmig said. “If you have one identical twin growing up in Belize and the other in Belgium, their skin is going to look completely different.” He also pointed out that despite the fuss about antioxidants (raise your hand if you've increased your blueberry intake in the last decade), there is, somewhat unbelievably, no strong peer-reviewed research showing that they actually do much to stave off signs of age.

“导致皮肤老化的是环境,”霍尔米希说,“如果有两个一模一样的双胞胎,一个在伯利兹(Belize )长大,另一个在比利时(Belgium)长大,他们的皮肤会看起来完全不同。”他还指出,尽管抗氧化剂曾让人们极为兴奋(如果你在过去十年里增加蓝莓摄入的话,举起你的手看看效果如何),但是有点令人难以置信的是,没有有力的同行评议调查表明,它们真的非常有助于延缓皮肤衰老。


表示“紧张不安;大惊小怪;过分激动”,英文解释为“a show of anger, worry, or excitement that is unnecessary or greater than the situation deserves”举个🌰:

She made such a fuss when Richard spilled a drop of wine on her blouse!


stave sth/sb off

表示“(通常指暂时地)挡住,阻止,避开;延缓”,英文解释为“to stop something bad from happening, or to keep an unwanted situation or person away, usually temporarily”举个🌰:

We were hoping to stave off these difficult decisions until September.


Dr. Toumazou plans to better address the environment issue with the next iteration of his DNA test, which will focus on epigenetics (that is, whether and how your genes switch on and off because of your lifestyle). He also plans to add even more options for customization by including tests for other genes related to skin health, like those that control skin's elasticity and hyperpigmentation.



hyperpigmentation  /,haɪpə,pɪɡmen'teɪʃən/ 表示“色素过多,色素沉着过度”,英文解释为“the fact of some areas of skin being darker than others, often caused by skin damage or certain medical conditions”。

GeneU isn't the only company offering skin care tailored to genetics. SkinShift in Austin, Tex., outsources its $99 DNA test, then suggests, based on what it determines is the highest priority for your skin, some combination drawn from an available pool of four serums and five nutritional supplements. Like Dr. Toumazou, SkinShift's founder, Dr. Ruthie Harper, is not a dermatologist; she's an internist.

GeneU不是唯一一家根据基因定制皮肤护理的公司。德克萨斯州奥斯汀的SkinShift公司也经营这样的业务。它把自己的99美元DNA测试外包了出去,然后根据测试结果确定你皮肤最缺乏的元素,从已有的四种血清和五种营养补充剂(nutritional supplements)中选出对应的元素进行组合。和图马佐一样,SkinShift的创始人吕蒂·哈珀博士(Ruthie Harper)也不是皮肤科医生——她是内科医生。


表示“外包;(将…)交外办理”,英文解释为“If a company outsources, it pays to have part of its work done by another company.”举个🌰:

Some companies outsource to cheaper locations to cut costs.


Dr. Hollmig is equally skeptical about SkinShift and, though he was more impressed with GeneU, admitted that the only major difference between the two may be the cost. GeneU's technology is shinier, and it offers more options for customization, but skin-aging studies with many ingredients (like antioxidants) have mostly not been well-controlled for specific formulation and dose, adequate sample size or randomized design, so it's not known for sure if they work. The idea, then, of a carefully tailored amount is almost irrelevant.


GeneU grew out of a chance meeting about three years ago, when Dr. Toumazou was seated next to Mr. Rhodes on a private jet from London to a sheikh friend's birthday party in Venice. (Dr. Toumazou had no idea who Mr. Rhodes was until his wife whispered it.) Mr. Rhodes encouraged Dr. Toumazou to start his own company, instead of just licensing technology.


sheikh /ʃeɪk/

表示“(阿拉伯)酋长,部落首领”,英文解释为“an Arab ruler or head of a group of people”。


表示“小声说话;低语;耳语”,英文解释为“to speak very quietly, using the breath but not the voice, so that only the person close to you can hear you”举个🌰:

She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.



“I've used everything from the cheapest thing you can find in the drugstore to the most expensive top-of-the-line serums,” Mr. Rhodes said. “This to me was like a magnet. You're taking out all the guesswork.” He said he has seen an improvement in fine lines since using GeneU's products. (The company has been pleasantly surprised by interest from men; Mr. Rhodes thinks the techie aspect of it appeals to them.)


Mr. Rhodes designed the shop, including its Mondrian-esque photographs on the wall (actually enlarged images of Dr. Toumazou's microchips) and recruited Antony Price, the designer of Duran Duran's fluorescent suits in its “Rio” video, to create staff uniforms of silver silk pants and matching tops with standing collars.

店铺是罗兹设计的,包括墙上的蒙德里安(Mondrian)风格照片(它实际上是图马佐的微芯片的放大图像)。他还雇佣安东尼·普赖斯(Antony Price)设计员工制服。杜兰杜兰乐队在音乐录影带《里约》(Rio)中穿的荧光套装就是普赖斯设计的。员工制服是银色丝质裤子搭配同色立领上装。



📍-esque表示“...特色的,...风格的,...式的”,英文解释为“in the manner or style of a particular person, group, or place”,如:Kafkaesque (= in the style of the writer Franz Kafka ) 卡夫卡式的(指具有小说家卡夫卡的风格);


他的风格是什么样的呢?在Google Image搜搜Mondrian-esque,返回了这样的结果:




表示“荧光的,发荧光的;发亮的”,英文解释为“Fluorescent lights are very bright, tube-shaped electric lights, often used in offices.”如:fluorescent lighting 荧光照明。

Mr. Rhodes also nixed Dr. Toumazou's original name, Genonics. It “wasn't as hook-y,” he said, ever the songwriter.



表示“停止;禁止;拒绝”,英文解释为“to stop, prevent, or refuse to accept something”举个🌰:

The film studio nixed her plans to make a sequel.








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