

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26




借(cèng)此(gè)机(rè)会(diǎn),我们来看看今日心理学(Psychology Today)的文章,讲的是为啥我们热衷于吃瓜,喜欢看明星八卦新闻,我们该怎么做。很有意思的文章,画风清奇,值得一看。


Why Do We Yearn for Celebrity News?

Psychology Today

Why do people yearn for celebrity news? At least some of the hunger centers around schadenfreude -- having joy from the suffering of others. People often act as if joy is dependent on achieving material gain. Seeing people that seem to "have it all" suffer (going through divorce, substance abuse, mental illness, etc.), momentarily shatters that illusion. And then people can think, "Perhaps it's OK that I don't have my own television show, and own three yachts and four mansions."

(And then when things go well for celebrities, there is the voyeurism and fantasy part. People tend to be more interested in the more "attractive" celebrities, right? And yet another reason I think we are interested in celebrities is that we have the illusion that we know them. We get to know their characters as they deal heroically with their on-screen challenges. Our knowledge of a character's life stops when the movie ends. Since our curiosity to know more about the character is frustrated, we want to at least know about the actor.)

Let's chat a bit more about schadenfreude and related concepts. If you've been alive a couple of decades, you've certainly seen plenty of examples illustrating that money does not bring happiness. But what does bring happiness? One of the keys involves learning to fully attend to and enjoy the present moment -- not just learning this as information, but, through practice, developing the skill of living mindfully in this moment.

Other keys to happiness involve developing the skill of compassion and loving kindness. This may seem odd to readers: developing a skill of compassion? Don't you just have or not have compassion? There are some types of meditation derived from Buddhist traditions that are designed to cultivate compassion and loving kindness. Functional MRI scans and EEG tests of monks adept in this type of meditation show unprecedented activity in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain --- an area associated with happiness.

The four related traits cultivated by these types of meditation practices are termed: loving kindness, equanimity, compassion, and sympathetic joy. Pertinent to the beginning of this blog entry, sympathetic joy is the exact opposite of schadenfreude -- with sympathetic joy, we derive joy from the joy of others. Think of a close family member doing well and notice the joy you feel -- that is sympathetic joy. To develop more sympathetic joy, when something good happens to another person, say to yourself, "I'm happy for you. May your good fortune continue. May your good fortune grow." Prior to saying phrases such as these, you might remember when something great happened to a loved one.

When a person is suffering (celebrity or not), you can practice a compassion meditation. Close your eyes and imagine a scene that naturally brings forth compassion, such as hugging a loved one, holding a baby, or being in the presence of a spiritual figure. Then imagine saying to the person suffering, "May you be free from suffering," or "May your suffering ease."

I am not suggesting that schadenfreude is horrible or evil. All of us, at one time or another (and often somewhat unconsciously), felt schadenfreude. However, when we feel compelled to read and listen to the suffering of others, we have a choice: via schadenfreude be very transiently relieved, or cultivate the qualities of empathetic joy, compassion, equanimity, and loving kindness that will bring long term happiness.

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Why Do We Yearn for Celebrity News?

Psychology Today

Why do people yearn for celebrity news? At least some of the hunger centers around schadenfreude -- having joy from the suffering of others. People often act as if joy is dependent on achieving material gain. Seeing people that seem to "have it all" suffer (going through divorce, substance abuse, mental illness, etc.), momentarily shatters that illusion. And then people can think, "Perhaps it's OK that I don't have my own television show, and own three yachts and four mansions."


yearn for

表示“渴望;渴求”,英文解释为“to want sth very much, especially when it is very difficult to get”举个🌰:

He yearned for freedom.



schadenfreude /ˈʃɑːdnfrɔɪdə/ 来源德语,表示“幸灾乐祸”,英文解释为“a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people”。


表示“物质的,实际的(非精神需求的)”,英文解释为“connected with money, possessions, etc. rather than with the needs of the mind or spirit”如:material comforts 物质享受,changes in your material circumstances 物质环境的改变。


表示“短促地;片刻地;立即;马上”,英文解释为“for a very short time;very soon; in a moment”举个🌰:

He paused momentarily.



表示“ (使感情、希望或信念等)粉碎,破灭;被粉碎;被破坏”,英文解释为“to destroy sth completely, especially sb's feelings, hopes or beliefs; to be destroyed in this way”举个🌰:

Her self-confidence had been completely shattered.



表示“错误的观念;幻想”,英文解释为“a false idea or belief, especially about sb or about a situation”举个🌰:

I have no illusions about her feelings for me.



表示“大厦;宅邸”,英文解释为“A mansion is a very large house.”如:an eighteenth-century mansion 一座18世纪的大厦。

(And then when things go well for celebrities, there is the voyeurism and fantasy part. People tend to be more interested in the more "attractive" celebrities, right? And yet another reason I think we are interested in celebrities is that we have the illusion that we know them. We get to know their characters as they deal heroically with their on-screen challenges. Our knowledge of a character's life stops when the movie ends. Since our curiosity to know more about the character is frustrated, we want to at least know about the actor.)



voyeurism /ˈvwɑːjɜːɪzəm, ˈvɔːɪ-/ 表示“刺探他人隐私的行为”,英文解释为“If you describe someone's behaviour as voyeurism, you disapprove of them because you think they enjoy watching other people's suffering or problems.”


表示“阻止;防止;挫败”,英文解释为“to prevent sb from doing sth; to prevent sth from happening or succeeding”举个🌰:

The rescue attempt was frustrated by bad weather.


Let's chat a bit more about schadenfreude and related concepts. If you've been alive a couple of decades, you've certainly seen plenty of examples illustrating that money does not bring happiness. But what does bring happiness? One of the keys involves learning to fully attend to and enjoy the present moment -- not just learning this as information, but, through practice, developing the skill of living mindfully in this moment.


Other keys to happiness involve developing the skill of compassion and loving kindness. This may seem odd to readers: developing a skill of compassion? Don't you just have or not have compassion? There are some types of meditation derived from Buddhist traditions that are designed to cultivate compassion and loving kindness. Functional MRI scans and EEG tests of monks adept in this type of meditation show unprecedented activity in the left prefrontal cortex of the brain --- an area associated with happiness.



表示“同情;怜悯”,英文解释为“a strong feeling of sympathy for people who are suffering and a desire to help them”。


表示“冥想;沉思;深思”,英文解释为“the practice of thinking deeply in silence, especially for religious reasons or in order to make your mind calm”


作名词,表示“佛教徒”,英文解释为“A Buddhist is a person whose religion is Buddhism.”作形容词,表示“佛教的”,英文解释为“Buddhist means relating or referring to Buddhism.”如:Buddhist monks 和尚。


表示“磁共振成像;核磁共振成像”,英文解释为“magnetic resonance imaging (a method of using a strong magnetic field to produce an image of the inside of a person's body)”


electroencephalogram的缩写,表示“脑电图”,英文解释为“the abbreviation for ‘electroencephalogram’ (a medical test that measures and records electrical activity in the brain)”。


adept /əˈdɛpt/ 表示“娴熟的”,英文解释为“Someone who is adept at something can do it skilfully.”举个🌰:

He's usually very adept at keeping his private life out of the media.


🎬电影《太空堡垒卡拉狄加:利刃》(Battlestar Galactica Razor)中的台词提到:And since it's so adept at mimicking human feeling, 既然它能如此逼真地模仿人类情感


表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:

This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.


🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。

The four related traits cultivated by these types of meditation practices are termed: loving kindness, equanimity, compassion, and sympathetic joy. Pertinent to the beginning of this blog entry, sympathetic joy is the exact opposite of schadenfreude -- with sympathetic joy, we derive joy from the joy of others. Think of a close family member doing well and notice the joy you feel -- that is sympathetic joy. To develop more sympathetic joy, when something good happens to another person, say to yourself, "I'm happy for you. May your good fortune continue. May your good fortune grow." Prior to saying phrases such as these, you might remember when something great happened to a loved one.



表示“特征,特性,品质”,英文解释为“a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behaviour”举个🌰:

His sense of humour is one of his better traits.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“把…称为;把…叫做”,英文解释为“to use a particular name or word to describe sb/sth”举个🌰:

At his age, he can hardly be termed a young man.



此处的loving kindness, equanimity, compassion, and sympathetic joy指的是佛教中的“四梵住”(brahmavihārās),又译四梵行,即是修行与实践四种心境。

· Loving-kindness (Pāli: mettā, Sanskrit: maitrī) is active good will towards all;

· Compassion (Pāli and Sanskrit: karuṇā) results from metta, it is identifying the suffering of others as one's own;

· Empathetic joy (Pāli and Sanskrit: muditā): is the feeling of joy because others are happy, even if one did not contribute to it, it is a form of sympathetic joy;

· Equanimity (Pāli: upekkhā, Sanskrit: upekṣā): is even-mindedness and serenity, treating everyone impartially.

· 慈,意谓对一切众生保持亲切,犹如自己亲人。
· 悲,又称拔苦,希望能帮助众生解脱痛苦。
· 喜,又称禅悦,是一种平静而且快乐的心态。
· 舍,则是放弃以自我为中心的想法。断我见、我所、我执。


表示“有关的;恰当的;相宜的”,英文解释为“appropriate to a particular situation”举个🌰:

Please keep your comments pertinent to the topic under discussion.


When a person is suffering (celebrity or not), you can practice a compassion meditation. Close your eyes and imagine a scene that naturally brings forth compassion, such as hugging a loved one, holding a baby, or being in the presence of a spiritual figure. Then imagine saying to the person suffering, "May you be free from suffering," or "May your suffering ease."


I am not suggesting that schadenfreude is horrible or evil. All of us, at one time or another (and often somewhat unconsciously), felt schadenfreude. However, when we feel compelled to read and listen to the suffering of others, we have a choice: via schadenfreude be very transiently relieved, or cultivate the qualities of empathetic joy, compassion, equanimity, and loving kindness that will bring long term happiness.



表示“强迫;迫使;使必须”,英文解释为“to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary”举个🌰:

The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.



形容词transient,表示“短暂的;转瞬即逝的;倏忽”,英文解释为“Transient is used to describe a situation that lasts only a short time or is constantly changing.”如:the transient nature of high fashion 最新时尚转瞬即逝的特点。








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