

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Giant Ship Blocking Suez Canal Could Take ‘Days, Even Weeks’ to Free

The New York Times

CAIRO — As tugboats strained against the weight of the mammoth ship and dredgers worked to clear sand and mud, a salvage company working on the operation warned on Thursday that releasing the container vessel blocking traffic in the Suez Canal in Egypt could take days or even weeks.

Dozens of ships laden with oil and goods destined for ports around the world are stranded in the canal, and with each passing hour, the economic cost of the disruption grows more consequential.

The stuck ship, the Ever Given, has been wedged in the canal since running aground amid the heavy winds of a sandstorm on Tuesday. Its bow is lodged in the canal’s eastern bank and its stern in the western bank.

Eight large tugboats were attempting to push and drag the ship from its unintended berth, the Suez Canal Authority said in a statement on Thursday, but at about 1,300 feet long — roughly equivalent to the height of the Empire State Building — and weighing around 200,000 metric tons, dislodging the Ever Given is proving challenging.

An attempt to extract the ship at around 8 a.m. on Thursday did not succeed, forcing salvagers to try again later in the day, the ship’s technical manager, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, said in a statement on Thursday. The company said that a specialized suction dredger had arrived to help dig the ship out.

The Japanese company that owns the ship, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, acknowledged in a statement on Thursday that the situation was “extremely difficult” and apologized for the disruption caused by the episode. “We will continue to do our utmost” to move the ship, it said.

Peter Berdowski, chief executive of Royal Boskalis Westminster, which has been appointed by Ever Given’s owner to help move the vessel, told the Dutch current affairs program Nieuwsuur on Wednesday that the operation to free the ship could take “days, even weeks.”

Mr. Berdowski, whose company has been involved in expanding the Suez Canal, said that Ever Given was stuck on both shallow sides of the V-shaped waterway. Fully loaded with 20,000 containers, the ship “is a very heavy beached whale,” he said.

The authorities had first tried to float the vessel using tugboats, a model that worked to free the CSCL Indian Ocean, a similarly sized container ship that became stuck in the Elbe River in 2016, near the port of Hamburg, Germany. Salvaging that ship took 12 tugboats and three attempts, and part of the sandbank where the ship ran aground had to be dredged.

Mr. Berdowski said that the Ever Given, operated by a company called Evergreen, was too heavy for tugboats alone, adding that salvagers might need to extract fuel, pump out water from the ballast tanks and remove some of the containers to make the ship lighter and therefore easier to move. And the dredging may require extra equipment, he said.

Everything depends on how deep the massive container ship is stuck. “The more deeply the ship is stuck, the harder it is to lose weight, the more time it will take to free it,” Mr. Berdowski said.

The ship’s manager has said in a statement that a preliminary investigation found that the vessel grounded because of strong winds, not because of mechanical or engine failure. The company said that all 25 crew members, who the ship’s owner said were all Indian citizens, were safe and that there were no reports of injuries, pollution or cargo damage.

The global shipping and supply industry — already battered by the surge in orders caused by the coronavirus pandemic and recent disruptions at factories in Japan and Texas — waited to see whether the disruption from the traffic jam would amount to a couple of days’ minor inconvenience, or something worse.

The canal, from which Egypt derives much of its revenues and geopolitical significance, handles about 10 percent of all global trade. By connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, the canal offers a shortcut worth about 10 days of sailing time to ships carrying oil and cargo from Asia to Europe and beyond. More than 50 ships pass through it on an average day.

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Giant Ship Blocking Suez Canal Could Take ‘Days, Even Weeks’ to Free


The New York Times

As tugboats strained against the weight of the mammoth ship and dredgers worked to clear sand and mud, a salvage company working on the operation warned on Thursday that releasing the container vessel blocking traffic in the Suez Canal in Egypt could take days or even weeks.



表示“用力推(或拉);拉紧”,英文解释为“to push hard against sth; to pull hard on sth”举个🌰:

She strained against the ropes that held her.



表示“巨大的,庞大的”,英文解释为“extremely large”,如:a mammoth corporation 庞大的公司,mammoth works 是不是可以理解为巨作?举个🌰:

Reforming the prison system would be a mammoth task.



表示“挖泥船”,英文解释为“A dredger is a boat with a special machine attached to it, that is used to increase the size of harbours, rivers, and canals.”

Dozens of ships laden with oil and goods destined for ports around the world are stranded in the canal, and with each passing hour, the economic cost of the disruption grows more consequential.


destined for

表示“开往;运往;前往”,英文解释为“on the way to or intended for a place”如:goods destined for Poland 运往波兰的货物。


📍bound for表示“前往,开往”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:

The train was bound for Hangzhou.



🍸本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.


表示“(因缺乏交通工具、金钱等)滞留的,被困住的”,英文解释为“unable to leave somewhere because of a problem such as not having any transport or money举个🌰:

He left me stranded in town with no car and no money for a bus.



1)consequential常见含义同consequent一样,表示“间接的;随之发生的;结果的,作为直接结果的”,如:redundancy and the consequential loss of earnings 裁员以及随之而来的收入损失。

2)用来替换我们经常用的词important, significant等表示“重要的,意义重大的”,如:意义重大的决定 a consequential decision.

The stuck ship, the Ever Given, has been wedged in the canal since running aground amid the heavy winds of a sandstorm on Tuesday. Its bow is lodged in the canal’s eastern bank and its stern in the western bank.

自周二在沙尘暴的大风中搁浅后,“长赐号”(Ever Given)一直被卡在运河中无法移动。它的船头(bow)楔入了运河的东岸,船尾(stern)则楔入西岸。


表示“将…挤入(或塞进、插入)”,英文解释为“to put or squeeze sth tightly into a narrow space, so that it cannot move easily”举个🌰:

The boat was now wedged between the rocks.



表示“(被)固定,卡住”,英文解释为“to become fixed or stuck somewhere; to make sth become fixed or stuck somewhere”举个🌰:

One of the bullets lodged in his chest.


Eight large tugboats were attempting to push and drag the ship from its unintended berth, the Suez Canal Authority said in a statement on Thursday, but at about 1,300 feet long — roughly equivalent to the height of the Empire State Building — and weighing around 200,000 metric tons, dislodging the Ever Given is proving challenging.



表示“(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的”,英文解释为“equal in value, amount, meaning, importance, etc.”举个🌰:

Eight kilometres is roughly equivalent to five miles.



表示“(把某物)强行去除,取出,移动”,英文解释为“to force or knock sth out of its position”举个🌰:

The wind dislodged one or two tiles from the roof.


An attempt to extract the ship at around 8 a.m. on Thursday did not succeed, forcing salvagers to try again later in the day, the ship’s technical manager, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, said in a statement on Thursday. The company said that a specialized suction dredger had arrived to help dig the ship out.

该船的机务管理公司伯恩哈德·舒尔特船舶管理公司(Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement)在周四的一份声明中说,周四早间8点左右,将这艘船脱浅的尝试没有成功,迫使救援人员(salvager)不得不在当天晚些时候再次尝试。该公司表示,一艘专业的吸泥船(suction dredger)已经抵达,用挖掘的方式助这艘船脱困。

The Japanese company that owns the ship, Shoei Kisen Kaisha, acknowledged in a statement on Thursday that the situation was “extremely difficult” and apologized for the disruption caused by the episode. “We will continue to do our utmost” to move the ship, it said.

这艘船的拥有者日本正荣汽船株式会社(Shoei Kisen Kaisha)在周四的一份声明中承认,局势“极其艰难”,并为事件造成的干扰表达歉意。公司称“我们将继续竭尽全力”将船移走。


在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),此处指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:

This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.



📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。最后一集finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

Peter Berdowski, chief executive of Royal Boskalis Westminster, which has been appointed by Ever Given’s owner to help move the vessel, told the Dutch current affairs program Nieuwsuur on Wednesday that the operation to free the ship could take “days, even weeks.”

皇家博斯卡里斯威斯敏斯特(Royal Boskalis Westminster)是“长赐号”船东指定的帮助移动该船的公司,其首席执行官彼得·贝尔多夫斯基(Peter Berdowski)周三告诉荷兰时事节目《新闻时刻》(Nieuwsuur),该船的脱浅作业可能需要“几天甚至几周”。

Mr. Berdowski, whose company has been involved in expanding the Suez Canal, said that Ever Given was stuck on both shallow sides of the V-shaped waterway. Fully loaded with 20,000 containers, the ship “is a very heavy beached whale,” he said.


The authorities had first tried to float the vessel using tugboats, a model that worked to free the CSCL Indian Ocean, a similarly sized container ship that became stuck in the Elbe River in 2016, near the port of Hamburg, Germany. Salvaging that ship took 12 tugboats and three attempts, and part of the sandbank where the ship ran aground had to be dredged.

当局首先尝试使用拖船进行拖拽,该型号的拖船曾帮助相似大小的“中海印度洋”号(CSCL Indian Ocean),该船于2016年被困在德国汉堡港附近的易北河中。12艘拖船尝试了三次,不得不对船搁浅部位的部分沙洲进行挖掘。


表示“打捞,营救(失事船舶等);抢救(失事船舶、火灾等中的财物)”,英文解释为“to save a badly damaged ship, etc. from being lost completely; to save parts or property from a damaged ship or from a fire, etc.”举个🌰:

The wreck was salvaged by a team from the RAF.



表示“(指船)搁浅”,英文解释为“if a ship runs/goes aground, it touches the ground in shallow water and cannot move”举个🌰:

The ship ran aground where there should have been a depth of 35 ft.



dredge /drɛdʒ/ 表示“清淤; 挖掘”,英文解释为“When people dredge a harbour, river, or other area of water, they remove mud and unwanted material from the bottom with a special machine in order to make it deeper or to look for something.”举个🌰:

Police have spent weeks dredging the lake but have not found his body.


Mr. Berdowski said that the Ever Given, operated by a company called Evergreen, was too heavy for tugboats alone, adding that salvagers might need to extract fuel, pump out water from the ballast tanks and remove some of the containers to make the ship lighter and therefore easier to move. And the dredging may require extra equipment, he said.

贝尔多夫斯基说,“长赐号”——由名为长荣海运(Evergreen)的公司运营——对于拖船来说过重,他还说,救援人员可能需要取出燃料,抽走压载舱(ballast tanks)中的水并卸下一部分集装箱,以减轻船的重量,令其更容易移动。他说,挖泥可能需要额外的设备。


1)表示“抽送;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送”,英文解释为“To pump a liquid or gas in a particular direction means to force it to flow in that direction using a pump.”举个🌰:

The money raised will be used to dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.


2)表示“洗胃”,英文解释为“If someone has their stomach pumped, doctors remove the contents of their stomach, for example, because they have swallowed poison or drugs.”举个🌰:

One woman was rushed to the emergency room to have her stomach pumped.


Everything depends on how deep the massive container ship is stuck. “The more deeply the ship is stuck, the harder it is to lose weight, the more time it will take to free it,” Mr. Berdowski said.


The ship’s manager has said in a statement that a preliminary investigation found that the vessel grounded because of strong winds, not because of mechanical or engine failure. The company said that all 25 crew members, who the ship’s owner said were all Indian citizens, were safe and that there were no reports of injuries, pollution or cargo damage.



preliminary表示“预备性的;初步的;开始的”,英文解释为“happening before a more important action or event”如:preliminary results/findings/enquiries 初步结果/发现/调查。


熟词僻义,作动词,表示“(使)搁浅,触海底”,英文解释为“when a boat grounds or sth grounds it, it touches the bottom of the sea and is unable to move”举个🌰:

The fishing boat had been grounded on rocks off the coast of Cornwall.


The global shipping and supply industry — already battered by the surge in orders caused by the coronavirus pandemic and recent disruptions at factories in Japan and Texas — waited to see whether the disruption from the traffic jam would amount to a couple of days’ minor inconvenience, or something worse.



batter /ˈbætə/ 表示“连续猛击;殴打;(风、雨或风暴等的)袭击”,英文解释为“to hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage”举个🌰:

The area has been battered by winds.


The canal, from which Egypt derives much of its revenues and geopolitical significance, handles about 10 percent of all global trade. By connecting the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, the canal offers a shortcut worth about 10 days of sailing time to ships carrying oil and cargo from Asia to Europe and beyond. More than 50 ships pass through it on an average day.

该运河是埃及的重要收入来源,其地缘政治意义也来自于此,全球贸易的10%需要通过这里。连接红海(the Red Sea)与地中海(the Mediterranean)的运河,为从亚洲到欧洲乃至其它地区的石油和货物运输船只提供了一条约10天航程的捷径。平均每天有50多艘船通过该运河。


1)derive sth from sth表示“从…中得到,从…中获得”(to get something from something else)举个🌰:

The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.


She derives great pleasure/satisfaction from playing the violin.


2)derive from表示“来自于,源自”,英文解释为“to come from something”举个🌰:

The English word "olive" is derived from the Latin word "oliva".

英语的 olive 一词源自拉丁语中的 oliva。

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary might derive benefit from it. 吉利安姆子爵觉得玛丽小姐去参加一下有好处。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述2020年诺贝尔经济学奖的文章中提到:Mr Milgrom (whose doctoral thesis was supervised by Mr Wilson) derived a number of important lessons from his analyses. 米尔格罗姆(威尔逊是他的博士论文导师)通过分析得出了许多重要经验。


表示“(做事情的)快捷办法,捷径”,英文解释为“a quicker way of doing something”举个🌰:

There aren't really any short cuts to learning English.










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