

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



H&M responds to a firestorm in China over Xinjiang cotton.

The New York Times

More than a week after the Swedish retailer H&M came under fire in China for a months-old statement expressing concern over reports of Uyghur forced labor in the region of Xinjiang, a major source of cotton, the company published a statement saying it hoped to regain the trust of customers in China.

In recent days, H&M and other Western clothing brands expressing concern over reports coming out of Xinjiang, including Nike and Burberry, have faced an outcry on Chinese social media. The brands’ local celebrity partners have terminated their contracts, Chinese landlords have shuttered stores and their products have been removed from major e-commerce platforms.

Caught between calls for patriotism among Chinese consumers and campaigns for conscientious sourcing of cotton in the West, some other companies, including Inditex, the owner of the fast-fashion giant Zara, quietly removed statements on forced labor from their websites.

On Wednesday, H&M, the world’s second-largest fashion retailer by sales, published a response to the controversy as part of its first quarter 2021 earnings report.

Not that it said much. There were no explicit references to cotton, Xinjiang or forced labor. However, the statement said that H&M wanted to be “a responsible buyer, in China and elsewhere” and was “actively working on next steps with regards to material sourcing.”

“We are dedicated to regaining the trust and confidence of our customers, colleagues, and business partners in China,” it said.

During the earnings conference call, the chief executive, Helena Helmersson, noted the company’s “long-term commitment to the country” and how Chinese suppliers, “at the forefront of innovation and technology,” would continue to “play an important role in further developing the entire industry.”

“We are working together with our colleagues in China to do everything we can to manage the current challenges and find a way forward, ” she said.

Executives on the call did not comment on the impact of the controversy on sales, except to state that around 20 stores in China were currently closed.

H&M’s earnings report, which covered a period before the recent outcry in China, reflected diminished profits for a retailer still dealing with pandemic lockdowns. Net sales in the three-month period through February fell 21 percent compared the same quarter a year ago, with over 1,800 stores temporarily closed.

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H&M responds to a firestorm in China over Xinjiang cotton.

The New York Times

More than a week after the Swedish retailer H&M came under fire in China for a months-old statement expressing concern over reports of Uyghur forced labor in the region of Xinjiang, a major source of cotton, the company published a statement saying it hoped to regain the trust of customers in China.



表示“(抗议、批评的)热潮;风暴”,英文解释为“If you say that there is a firestorm of protest or criticism, you are emphasizing that there is a great deal of very fierce protest or criticism.”举个🌰:

The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.


come under fire

表示“受到批评/批判,遭到攻击/抨击”,英文解释为“If you come under fire from someone or are under fire, they criticize you strongly.”举个🌰:

His plan first came under fire from critics who said he hadn't included enough spending cuts. 


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述TikTok的文章中提到:But ByteDance will want to keep as much of its global presence as possible, especially with Mr Zhang under fire in China for selling out to the Yankees. 但字节跳动会想要尽量保住自己的全球影响力,尤其是在张一鸣因为把TikTok卖给美国佬而备受国人抨击的情况下。

In recent days, H&M and other Western clothing brands expressing concern over reports coming out of Xinjiang, including Nike and Burberry, have faced an outcry on Chinese social media. The brands' local celebrity partners have terminated their contracts, Chinese landlords have shuttered stores and their products have been removed from major e-commerce platforms.



表示“强烈的抗议”,英文解释为“An outcry is a reaction of strong disapproval and anger shown by the public or media about a recent event.”举个🌰:

The killing caused an international outcry.



1)表示“终止”,英文解释为“When you terminate something or when it terminates, it ends completely.”举个🌰:

Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.


2)也可以指“终止妊娠,人工流产”(to end a pregnancy intentionally, usually by a medical operation)举个🌰:

After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy.



表示“业主;地主;房东”,英文解释为“a person or company from whom you rent a room, a house, an office, etc.”

Caught between calls for patriotism among Chinese consumers and campaigns for conscientious sourcing of cotton in the West, some other companies, including Inditex, the owner of the fast-fashion giant Zara, quietly removed statements on forced labor from their websites.



表示“爱国心;爱国主义;爱国精神”,英文解释为“Patriotism is love for your country and loyalty toward it.”举个🌰:

He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure.


📍2020年政府工作报告中提到:极大激发全国各族人民的爱国热情,This occasion has inspired a strong sense of patriotism among all Chinese people,


表示“认真的;勤勉认真的;一丝不苟的”,英文解释为“Someone who is conscientious is very careful to do their work properly.”举个🌰:

We are generally very conscientious about our work.



熟词僻义,作动词,表示“(从…)获得”,英文解释为“to get sth from a particular place”举个🌰:

We source all the meat sold in our stores from British farms.


On Wednesday, H&M, the world's second-largest fashion retailer by sales, published a response to the controversy as part of its first quarter 2021 earnings report.



表示“季度”,英文解释为“A quarter is a fixed period of three months. Companies often divide their financial year into four quarters.”举个🌰:

The group said results for the first quarter are due on March 31.



1)表示“薪金;薪水;工资;收入”,英文解释为“Your earnings are the sums of money that you earn by working.”举个🌰:

Average weekly earnings rose by 1.5% in July. 


2)表示“利润;收益;赢利”,英文解释为“the profit that a company makes”。

Not that it said much. There were no explicit references to cotton, Xinjiang or forced labor. However, the statement said that H&M wanted to be “a responsible buyer, in China and elsewhere” and was “actively working on next steps with regards to material sourcing.”



1)表示“清楚明白的;明确的;不含糊的”,英文解释为“clear and exact”举个🌰:

I gave her very explicit directions how to get here.


2)表示“(描绘性或暴力)赤裸裸的,露骨的”,英文解释为“showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way”,如:a sexually explicit movie 有露骨性爱场面的电影。

with regards to

表示“关于;至于”,英文解释为“You can use with regard to or in regard to to indicate the subject that is being talked or written about.”举个🌰:

The department is reviewing its policy with regard to immunization.


📍细心的你可能会发现,英文解释中的regard为单数,而文中regards为复数,实际上正确的用法应该是单数。不过,从使用频率来看,越来越多的人开始用regards(蓝线为with regards to,上涨趋势;红线为with regard to)。

“We are dedicated to regaining the trust and confidence of our customers, colleagues, and business partners in China,” it said.


be dedicated to

1)表示“投入的;献身的:专心致志的;一心一意的”,英文解释为“You use dedicated to describe someone who enjoys a particular activity very much and spends a lot of time doing it.”举个🌰:

She is dedicated to her job.


2)表示“专用的”,英文解释为“You use dedicated to describe something that is made, built, or designed for one particular purpose or thing.”举个🌰:

Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes


During the earnings conference call, the chief executive, Helena Helmersson, noted the company's “long-term commitment to the country” and how Chinese suppliers, “at the forefront of innovation and technology,” would continue to “play an important role in further developing the entire industry.”

在财报电话会议上,首席执行官海伦娜·海默森(Helena Helmersson)指出了公司“对中国的长期承诺”,以及“处于创新和技术前沿”的中国供应商将如何继在整个行业的进一步发展中发挥重要作用”。


1)表示“(运动、活动的)前沿”,英文解释为“If you are at the forefront of a campaign or other activity, you have a leading and influential position in it.”举个🌰:

They have been at the forefront of the campaign for change.


2)表示“(思考、关注的)重心”,英文解释为“If something is at the forefront of people's minds or attention, they think about it a lot because it is particularly important to them. ”举个🌰:

The pension issue was not at the forefront of his mind in the spring of 2021.


📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇“反思经济学基本理论”的系列文章中提到:The city has been at the forefront of the “fight for $15” campaign that led to Mr Biden’s pledge, 这座城市在“为15美元而战”运动(拜登的承诺由此而来)中一直走在最前沿,

“We are working together with our colleagues in China to do everything we can to manage the current challenges and find a way forward, ” she said.


Executives on the call did not comment on the impact of the controversy on sales, except to state that around 20 stores in China were currently closed.


H&M's earnings report, which covered a period before the recent outcry in China, reflected diminished profits for a retailer still dealing with pandemic lockdowns. Net sales in the three-month period through February fell 21 percent compared the same quarter a year ago, with over 1,800 stores temporarily closed.



表示“减少的;被缩小的”,英文解释为“reduced or lessened; made smaller”如:a diminished role for the local company 当地公司被削弱了的作用。

📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析美元的文章中提到:The diminished prospect of fiscal stimulus is one reason why this “reflation trade” is less alluring. 财政刺激的前景减弱是这种“再通胀交易”吸引力降低的原因之一。








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