这么说,我更喜欢Take iron coffee.
那么,美式咖啡到底怎么说?据维基百科,美式咖啡(意大利语:Caffè Americano、英语:Americano)是一种咖啡做法。一般由意式浓缩咖啡加入热水制作而成。或者是用意式咖啡机制作,在萃取完了浓缩咖啡后,继续让机器供水直到一杯完整的咖啡。
Caffè Americano (also known as Americano; literally American coffee) is a type of coffee drink prepared by diluting an espresso with hot water, giving it a similar strength to, but different flavor from, traditionally brewed coffee.
Questions About Coffee and Health: We Have Some Answers
The New York Times
In an article on Monday, I reviewed the evidence behind coffee consumption and health in an effort to put to rest the idea that coffee is a “vice” or something we all need to cut back on.
We received many comments and questions from readers. In fact, we received so many that we thought it might be useful to respond to some of the most frequently discussed ones.
Are the same beneficial relationships seen with decaffeinated coffee?
Most studies did not include data on decaffeinated coffee, either because too few people drank it or because data were not available. The few studies that did, though, had differing results. With respect to cardiovascular disease, decaffeinated coffee did not seem to have the same protective effects as regular coffee. With respect to the one stroke meta-analysis, it seemed to be just as protective as regular coffee. In two breast cancer analyses, decaffeinated had the same nonrelationship as regular coffee. Decaffeinated coffee was also protective against lung cancer, not as protective against Parkinson’s disease, and protective against diabetes and overall mortality, but perhaps to a lesser extent than regular coffee.
But for most studies, there just aren’t data available. The conclusion to take away: There’s less evidence overall for a potential benefit, but still, there’s no evidence of harmful associations.
Are the same benefits seen with tea?
The literature on tea is about the same size as that for coffee, and reviewing it thoroughly would take more time than is appropriate for this column. However, a number of studies I reviewed did include tea in analyses, and those I can present here. People who drank more tea had a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease and of cognitive decline. Black tea had a potential protective effect against diabetes, but it was not statistically significant. Green tea had no relationship to the development of diabetes.
Is the benefit from caffeine or from some other element in coffee?
It’s not known. I also don’t think it’s necessarily the same protective effect in each disease. I think that for many of the neurological issues, it could be caffeine acting as a stimulant in the brain. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that decaffeinated coffee doesn’t seem to be as protective, yet tea is. In some of the other diseases, though, the same benefits aren’t seen from other caffeine-containing beverages. No one is arguing that diet soda consumption is associated with less of a chance of getting cancer. Additionally, some protective effects are seen with decaffeinated coffee as well. It’s likely, therefore, that something else could be at work. We don’t know what, though.
What about high blood pressure or cholesterol?
A 2005 meta-analysis found that in randomized controlled trials caffeine was associated with an increase in blood pressure. When that caffeine was from coffee, however, the blood pressure effect was small. A 2011 study found that caffeine intake could raise blood pressure for at least three hours. Again, though, there wasn’t a significant relationship between long-term coffee consumption and higher blood pressure. A 2012 meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials and five cohort studies could find no significant effect of coffee consumption on blood pressure or hypertension.
And, as has been reported in The New York Times, two studies have shown that drinking unfiltered coffee, like Turkish coffee, can lead to increases in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. But coffee that’s been through a paper filter seems to have had the cholesterol-raising agent, known as cafestol, removed.
High blood pressure and high cholesterol would be of concern because they can lead to heart disease or death. Drinking coffee is associated with better outcomes in those areas, and that’s what really matters.
Some readers were upset that I neglected to mention some of the deleterious effects of caffeine. What about jitteriness and mood changes?
I want to reiterate that the point of the piece was not to tell people to drink coffee. As I said in my recent article on food recommendations, I don’t think there is much value in preaching or judging what others eat or drink. Moreover, this evidence is epidemiologic, that is, based on observations of patterns. I don’t want to fall prey to the mistake of recommending we change our eating behavior without evidence from randomized controlled trials.
The point of the article was to show that there’s no evidence that coffee is bad for the average person. Data do not support the idea that we are drinking “too much.” Coffee does not appear to be associated with poor health outcomes — the opposite is true. In light of this, we should stop telling everyone to avoid it, or judging others for drinking it. We should also stop feeling guilty or feel we need to consume less.
That is, unless it’s not making you feel well. As I also said before, individual trial and error is likely necessary when it comes to nutrition. Some people need to avoid caffeine for medical reasons, and they should. If coffee makes you feel bad, or makes it hard for you to sleep, or renders you a less likable person — then by all means feel free to cut back or stop.
But if you like it, then by all means enjoy it.
- ◆ -
Questions About Coffee and Health: We Have Some Answers
The New York Times
In an article on Monday, I reviewed the evidence behind coffee consumption and health in an effort to put to rest the idea that coffee is a “vice” or something we all need to cut back on.
put sth to rest
表示“停止,消除(恐惧); 平息(谣言)”,英文解释为“To settle or finish, especially a question or discussion.”举个🌰:
Let's try to put this question to rest once and for all.
1)表示“缺点;瑕疵;弱点;不良习惯”,英文解释为“A vice is a habit which is regarded as a weakness in someone's character, but not usually as a serious fault.”举个🌰:
Greed is a terrible vice.
2)表示“(尤指与色情业、卖淫行为相关的)犯罪活动,恶行”,英文解释为“Vice refers to criminal activities, especially those connected with pornography or prostitution.”
cut back on
表示“减少;削减;缩减”,英文解释为“If you cut back something such as expenditure or cut back on it, you reduce it.”举个🌰:
Customers have cut back spending because of the economic slowdown.
📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述疫情期间房价上涨的文章中提到:Professionals who have carried on working from home but cut back on their spending have accumulated cash to splash—and, with time spent at home rising, what better moment to buy a bigger pad? 那些改换成在家中继续工作但减少了开支的专业人士则积攒了可大笔支出的现金——而且既然在家的时间增多了,现在不买个更大的住所,更待何时?
We received many comments and questions from readers. In fact, we received so many that we thought it might be useful to respond to some of the most frequently discussed ones.
Are the same beneficial relationships seen with decaffeinated coffee?
表示“脱咖啡因的”,英文解释为“with most or all of the caffeine removed”。
Most studies did not include data on decaffeinated coffee, either because too few people drank it or because data were not available. The few studies that did, though, had differing results. With respect to cardiovascular disease, decaffeinated coffee did not seem to have the same protective effects as regular coffee. With respect to the one stroke meta-analysis, it seemed to be just as protective as regular coffee. In two breast cancer analyses, decaffeinated had the same nonrelationship as regular coffee. Decaffeinated coffee was also protective against lung cancer, not as protective against Parkinson's disease, and protective against diabetes and overall mortality, but perhaps to a lesser extent than regular coffee.
大多数研究都没有纳入无咖啡因咖啡的数据,这或许是因为喝这种咖啡的人太少,也可能是因为拿不到相关的数据。仅有少数研究纳入了此类咖啡的数据,但并没有得出一致的结果。无咖啡因咖啡似乎不像普通咖啡那样可以预防心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease)。一项关于中风(stroke)的荟萃分析则表明,无咖啡因咖啡与普通咖啡一样具有预防效果。两项针对乳腺癌(breast cancer)的分析显示,无咖啡因咖啡与普通咖啡均无甚作用。无咖啡因咖啡也能预防肺癌(lung cancer),但对帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease)没什么效果;在预防糖尿病并降低整体死亡率方面,无咖啡因咖啡有一定的作用,但或许比正常咖啡稍弱。
cardiovascular /ˌkɑːdɪəʊˈvæskjʊlə/ 表示“心血管的”,英文解释为“Cardiovascular means relating to the heart and blood vessels.”举个🌰:
Smoking places you at serious risk of cardiovascular and respiratory disease.
A meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific studies. Meta-analysis can be performed when there are multiple scientific studies addressing the same question, with each individual study reporting measurements that are expected to have some degree of error.(Wikipedia)
diabetes /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtɪs, -tiːz/ 表示“糖尿病;多尿症”,英文解释为“a medical condition caused by a lack of insulin , which makes the patient produce a lot of urine and feel very thirsty”。
morbidity & mortality
mortality /mɔːˈtælɪtɪ/ 表示“死亡数量;死亡率”,英文解释为“the number of deaths in a particular situation or period of time”。
morbidity /mɔːˈbɪdɪtɪ/ 表示“发病(率)”,英文解释为“the morbidity of a disease is how many people have it in a particular population”。
But for most studies, there just aren't data available. The conclusion to take away: There's less evidence overall for a potential benefit, but still, there's no evidence of harmful associations.
Are the same benefits seen with tea?
The literature on tea is about the same size as that for coffee, and reviewing it thoroughly would take more time than is appropriate for this column. However, a number of studies I reviewed did include tea in analyses, and those I can present here. People who drank more tea had a lower risk of Parkinson's disease and of cognitive decline. Black tea had a potential protective effect against diabetes, but it was not statistically significant. Green tea had no relationship to the development of diabetes.
有关茶的文献与关于咖啡的同样多,要将它们彻底查阅一番需要耗费很多时间,就本专栏而言似乎无需如此大费周章。不过,在我之前综述的研究中有一些确实也将茶纳入了分析,下面我就简单地介绍一下。喝茶较多的人患帕金森氏症以及认知功能减退的风险均较低。红茶(Black tea)或可预防糖尿病,但其不具备统计学显著性意义。绿茶与糖尿病的发生无相关性。
表示“认知的”,英文解释为“Cognitive means relating to the mental process involved in knowing, learning, and understanding things.”举个🌰:
As children grow older, their cognitive processes become sharper.
Is the benefit from caffeine or from some other element in coffee?
It's not known. I also don't think it's necessarily the same protective effect in each disease. I think that for many of the neurological issues, it could be caffeine acting as a stimulant in the brain. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that decaffeinated coffee doesn't seem to be as protective, yet tea is. In some of the other diseases, though, the same benefits aren't seen from other caffeine-containing beverages. No one is arguing that diet soda consumption is associated with less of a chance of getting cancer. Additionally, some protective effects are seen with decaffeinated coffee as well. It's likely, therefore, that something else could be at work. We don't know what, though.
目前还不清楚。我认为,对不同疾病起预防作用的成分未必相同。比如,对于神经系统上的许多问题,可能是咖啡因在发挥大脑兴奋剂的作用。我的这个假设是有事实依据的:咖啡和茶都可以预防这些问题,而无咖啡因咖啡却无此功效。但是,对于别的一些疾病,饮用其它含咖啡因的饮料(caffeine-containing beverages)却未显示出同样的效益。从没有人提出饮用无糖汽水(diet soda)与患癌症的几率减少相关。此外,无咖啡因咖啡也同样可以预防某些疾病。因此,很可能还有别的东西在起作用,只不过我们还没有明确那具体是什么。
neurological /ˌnjʊərəˈlɒdʒɪkəl/ 表示“神经系统的;神经(病)学的”,英文解释为“Neurological means related to the nervous system.”
🎬电影《奇异博士》(Doctor Strange)中的台词提到:I'm talking tonight at a neurological society dinner. 我要在今晚神经学学会晚宴上演讲。
表示“兴奋剂”,英文解释为“A stimulant is a drug that makes your body work faster, often increasing your heart rate and making you less likely to sleep.”举个🌰:
Coffee and tea are mild stimulants.
What about high blood pressure or cholesterol?
A 2005 meta-analysis found that in randomized controlled trials caffeine was associated with an increase in blood pressure. When that caffeine was from coffee, however, the blood pressure effect was small. A 2011 study found that caffeine intake could raise blood pressure for at least three hours. Again, though, there wasn't a significant relationship between long-term coffee consumption and higher blood pressure. A 2012 meta-analysis of 10 randomized controlled trials and five cohort studies could find no significant effect of coffee consumption on blood pressure or hypertension.
cohort study
cohort study表示队列研究,队列研究是将某一特定人群按是否暴露于某可疑因素或暴露程度分为不同的亚组,追踪观察两组或多组成员结局(如疾病)发生的情况,比较各组之间结局发生率的差异,从而判定这些因素与该结局之间有无因果关联及关联程度的一种观察性研究方法。(百度百科)
cohort本身表示“(有共同特点或举止类同的)一群人,一批人”,英文解释为“a group of people who share a common feature or aspect of behaviour”如:the 1994 birth cohort,1994年出生的同龄人口 = all those born in 1994。
表示“高血压”,英文解释为“Hypertension is a medical condition in which a person has very high blood pressure.”
And, as has been reported in The New York Times, two studies have shown that drinking unfiltered coffee, like Turkish coffee, can lead to increases in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. But coffee that's been through a paper filter seems to have had the cholesterol-raising agent, known as cafestol, removed.
但是,正如《纽约时报》杂志(The New York Times)曾经报道的,有两项研究表明,饮用未过滤咖啡(如土耳其咖啡)可导致血清胆固醇(serum cholesterol)和甘油三酯(triglycerides)增加。但是,用滤纸过滤咖啡似乎可以去除掉升胆固醇的物质——咖啡醇。
cholesterol /kəˈlɛstəˌrɒl/ 表示“胆固醇”,英文解释为“Cholesterol is a substance that exists in the fat, tissues, and blood of all animals. Too much cholesterol in a person's blood can cause heart disease.”
High blood pressure and high cholesterol would be of concern because they can lead to heart disease or death. Drinking coffee is associated with better outcomes in those areas, and that's what really matters.
Some readers were upset that I neglected to mention some of the deleterious effects of caffeine. What about jitteriness and mood changes?
表示“有害的;造成伤害的;损害的”,英文解释为“Something that has a deleterious effect on something has a harmful effect on it.”
形容词jittery /ˈdʒɪtərɪ/,表示“神经过敏的,紧张不安的”,英文解释为“If someone is jittery, they feel nervous or are behaving nervously.”举个🌰:
International investors have become jittery about the country's economy.
I want to reiterate that the point of the piece was not to tell people to drink coffee. As I said in my recent article on food recommendations, I don't think there is much value in preaching or judging what others eat or drink. Moreover, this evidence is epidemiologic, that is, based on observations of patterns. I don't want to fall prey to the mistake of recommending we change our eating behavior without evidence from randomized controlled trials.
表示“反复地说;重申”,英文解释为“to repeat sth that you have already said, especially to emphasize it”举个🌰:
Let me reiterate that we are fully committed to this policy.
1)表示“宣传,宣扬,宣讲(教义、生活方式、体制等)”,英文解释为“to tell people about a particular religion, way of life, system, etc. in order to persuade them to accept it”举个🌰:
He preached the virtues of capitalism to us.
2)表示“ 说教”,英文解释为“to give sb advice on moral standards, behaviour, etc, especially in a way that they find annoying or boring”举个🌰:
You're preaching at me again!
be/fall prey to
1)表示“被捕食;成为猎物”,英文解释为“to be killed and eaten by another animal or bird”;
2)表示“受害;受坏影响”,英文解释为“to be harmed or affected by sth bad”。
The point of the article was to show that there's no evidence that coffee is bad for the average person. Data do not support the idea that we are drinking “too much.” Coffee does not appear to be associated with poor health outcomes — the opposite is true. In light of this, we should stop telling everyone to avoid it, or judging others for drinking it. We should also stop feeling guilty or feel we need to consume less.
In(the)light of
表示“根据;考虑到,鉴于”,英文解释为“If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.”举个🌰:
In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.
🎬电影《完美音调2》(Pitch Perfect 2)中的台词提到:In light of this embarrassing 鉴于这个让人尴尬的...
📺美剧《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)中的台词提到:Well, in light of recent activities, it appears that I could do a goddamn thing about it. 有鉴于最近的种种 看来我还是有办法的。
That is, unless it's not making you feel well. As I also said before, individual trial and error is likely necessary when it comes to nutrition. Some people need to avoid caffeine for medical reasons, and they should. If coffee makes you feel bad, or makes it hard for you to sleep, or renders you a less likable person — then by all means feel free to cut back or stop.
trial and error
表示“反复试验,试错法”,英文解释为“a way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes that you make”举个🌰:
There's no instant way of finding a cure - it's just a process of trial and error.
1)此处意思是表示“使成为;使变得;使处于某种状态”,英文解释为to cause someone or something to be in a particular state,举个🌰:
His rudeness rendered me speechless.
2)此前,在经济学人翻译的出路在哪里?这篇文章中就出现过,render表示“翻译,把...译成...”,通常用法为render sth into English/Russian/Chinese etc,将sth译成英语/俄语/汉语等,举个🌰:
She is rendering the book into English from French.
3)表示“(以某种方式)表达;表现”,英文解释为“to express or present something in a particular way”,如:a sculpture rendered in bronze 一尊青铜雕像;
4)还可以指“给予,提供”,英文解释为to give something to someone or do something, because it is your duty or because someone expects you to,如:an obligation to render assistance to those in need 为有困难的人提供援助的义务,举个🌰:
We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.
5)还还还可以表示“粉刷;给(墙壁)抹灰(或水泥)”,英文解释为to put a first layer of plaster or cement on a wall.
But if you like it, then by all means enjoy it.
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