

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Von der Leyen)、欧洲理事会主席米歇尔(Charles Michel)在土耳其首都安卡拉(Ankara)同土总统埃尔多安(Erdoğan)举行会谈。



Ursula Von der Leyen snubbed in chair gaffe at EU-Erdoğan talks

The Guardian

An image of Ursula von der Leyen, the sole attending female leader, being the only person left without a chair during a meeting in Ankara involving the EU’s two presidents and Turkey’s leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has triggered an avalanche of criticism.

Von der Leyen, the commission’s first female president, was visibly irritated at the start of the talks with Erdoğan and Charles Michel, the former Belgian prime minister who is president of the European council.

“Ehm,” she muttered, with a small gesticulation directed at the occupied seats, as Michel and Erdoğan settled themselves at the head of the gilded room in the presidential complex.

The awkward scene was played out ahead of a three-hour meeting with Erdoğan where one of the issues raised by the EU leaders was women’s rights in light of Turkey’s withdrawal from a convention on gender-based violence.

Michel, who had appeared to make a bee-line for the top spot next to Erdoğan as the party entered, offered little evidence of regret.

Von der Leyen, the former German defence minister who has led the EU’s executive branch since December 2019, had to make do with a second-rank seat on a sofa opposite Turkey’s foreign minister.

Iratxe García Pérez, the Spanish MEP who leads the Socialist and Democrats group in the European parliament, tweeted: “First they withdraw from the Istanbul convention and now they leave the president of European commission without a seat in an official visit. Shameful.”

“What a diplomatic fiasco,” tweeted Violeta Bulc, a former EU commissioner.

Neither Von der Leyen nor Michel made any mention of the diplomatic gaffe in a post-meeting press conference. “We have come to Turkey to give our relationship a new momentum and in this respect we had an interesting first meeting with president Erdoğan,” Von der Leyen said.

She added Turkey had sent a “wrong signal” by leaving the convention on preventing violence against women signed in 2011.

“I am deeply worried by the fact that Turkey withdraws from the Istanbul convention,” she said. “This is about protecting women and protecting children from the threat of violence”.

Erdoğan did not take part in the statement. The main result of the meeting was that the EU agreed to extend the five-year, €6bn deal under which Brussels had provided funding in return for stopping the movement of migrants to Greece.

A spokesman for Michel did not respond to a request for comment.

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Ursula Von der Leyen snubbed in chair gaffe at EU-Erdoğan talks

The Guardian

An image of Ursula von der Leyen, the sole attending female leader, being the only person left without a chair during a meeting in Ankara involving the EU's two presidents and Turkey's leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has triggered an avalanche of criticism.

在安卡拉(Ankara)举行的欧洲理事会主席、欧盟委员会主席和土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan)的会议上,在场唯独女领导人乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)没有椅子,这一画面引发了一片批评声。


这一系列的词隔几天就会出现一次,trigger表示“发动;引起;触发”,英文解释为“to make sth happen suddenly”举个🌰:

Nuts can trigger off a violent allergic reaction.



📍stir表示“激发,激起(强烈的感情);引起(强烈的反应)”,英文解释为“to make someone have a strong feeling or reaction”,举个🌰:

The poem succeeds in stirring the imagination.


📍provoke也表示“激起,引起”,英文解释为“to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one”,如:provoke debate/discussion 激起辩论/讨论。

📍spur 鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激;鼓舞”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。


avalanche /ˈævəˌlɑːntʃ/表示“雪崩,山崩”,英文解释为“a large mass of snow, ice, and rocks that falls down the side of a mountain”举个🌰:

We received an avalanche of letters in reply to our advertisement.


Von der Leyen, the commission's first female president, was visibly irritated at the start of the talks with Erdoğan and Charles Michel, the former Belgian prime minister who is president of the European council.

欧盟委员会的首位女性主席冯德莱恩在与埃尔多安(Erdoğan)和欧洲理事会主席、比利时前首相查尔斯·米歇尔(Charles Michel)的会谈开始时明显感到恼火。


表示“激怒”,英文解释为“If something irritates you, it keeps annoying you.”举个🌰:

Their attitude irritates me.


“Ehm,” she muttered, with a small gesticulation directed at the occupied seats, as Michel and Erdoğan settled themselves at the head of the gilded room in the presidential complex.



表示“嘀咕;嘟囔”,英文解释为“to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth”举个🌰:

‘How dare she,’ he muttered under his breath.



gesticulation /dʒeˌstɪkjuˈleɪʃn/ 表示“手势;姿势;示意动作”,英文解释为“movements with your hands or arms intended to express something or to emphasize what you are saying”。


gilded /ˈɡɪldɪd/ 表示“镀金的;涂金色的;富贵的;上层阶级的”,英文解释为“covered with a thin layer of gold or gold paint;rich and belonging to the upper classe”。


表示“建筑群;综合大楼”,英文解释为“A complex is a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large building divided into several smaller areas.”如:a shopping/sports and leisure complex 购物/运动休闲中心,a low-cost apartment complex 一个低价公寓楼群。

The awkward scene was played out ahead of a three-hour meeting with Erdoğan where one of the issues raised by the EU leaders was women’s rights in light of Turkey's withdrawal from a convention on gender-based violence.


In(the)light of

表示“根据;考虑到,鉴于”,英文解释为“If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.”举个🌰:

In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.


🎬电影《完美音调2》(Pitch Perfect 2)中的台词提到:In light of this embarrassing 鉴于这个让人尴尬的...

📺美剧《硅谷》(Silicon Valley)中的台词提到:Well, in light of recent activities, it appears that I could do a goddamn thing about it. 有鉴于最近的种种 看来我还是有办法的。


表示“不再参加;退出(组织)”,英文解释为“the act of no longer taking part in sth or being a member of an organization”如:his withdrawal from the election 他从选举中的退出。


表示“(国家或首脑间的)公约,协定,协议”,英文解释为“an official agreement between countries or leaders”如:the Geneva convention 日内瓦公约。

Michel, who had appeared to make a bee-line for the top spot next to Erdoğan as the party entered, offered little evidence of regret.


make a beeline for sth

表示“径直地快速向...走去,直奔过去”,英文解释为“to move quickly and directly toward something”举个🌰:

When he saw me in the kitchen, he made a beeline for the door.


Von der Leyen, the former German defence minister who has led the EU's executive branch since December 2019, had to make do with a second-rank seat on a sofa opposite Turkey's foreign minister.


executive branch

表示“政府行政部门”,英文解释为“the part of the government that is controlled by the President”。

make do with sth

表示“凑合,将就”,英文解释为“to manage to live without things that you would like to have or with things of a worse quality than you would like”举个🌰:

We didn't have cupboards so we made do with boxes.


Iratxe García Pérez, the Spanish MEP who leads the Socialist and Democrats group in the European parliament, tweeted: “First they withdraw from the Istanbul convention and now they leave the president of European commission without a seat in an official visit. Shameful.”

在欧洲议会中领导社会党和民主党党团的西班牙议员伊拉特·加西亚·佩雷斯(Iratxe García Pérez)在推特上说,“先是退出伊斯坦布尔公约(the Istanbul convention),现在又让欧盟委员会主席在正式访问中没有座位。可耻。”


Member of the European Parliament的缩写,表示“欧洲议会议员”。

“What a diplomatic fiasco,” tweeted Violeta Bulc, a former EU commissioner.

“真是外交上的尴尬局面,”欧盟前委员维奥莱塔·布尔奇(Violeta Bulc)在推特上说。


fiasco /fɪˈæskəʊ/表示“惨败;可耻的失败;尴尬的结局”,英文解释为“something that does not succeed, often in a way that causes embarrassment”。

Neither Von der Leyen nor Michel made any mention of the diplomatic gaffe in a post-meeting press conference. “We have come to Turkey to give our relationship a new momentum and in this respect we had an interesting first meeting with president Erdoğan,” Von der Leyen said.



gaffe /ɡæf/ 表示“(在社交场合或大庭广众下的)出丑,失礼,失言;(粗心的)错误”,英文解释为“an embarrassing mistake made in a social situation or in public”举个🌰:

He made an embarrassing gaffe at the convention last weekend.


🎬电影《前女友们的幽灵》(Ghosts of Girlfriends Past)中的台词提到:I'd turn your gaffe into a funny. 我会把你的丑态当作笑料的。


📍faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː/ 源于法语,复数也是faux pas,表示“失言;失礼”(words or behaviour that are a social mistake or not polite)举个🌰:

I made some remark about his wife's family, and then realized I'd made a serious faux pas.


She added Turkey had sent a “wrong signal” by leaving the convention on preventing violence against women signed in 2011.


“I am deeply worried by the fact that Turkey withdraws from the Istanbul convention,” she said. “This is about protecting women and protecting children from the threat of violence”.


Erdoğan did not take part in the statement. The main result of the meeting was that the EU agreed to extend the five-year, €6bn deal under which Brussels had provided funding in return for stopping the movement of migrants to Greece.


A spokesman for Michel did not respond to a request for comment.









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